Countdown to Test Day
The Week Before the Test
- Finish up any required homework assignments, including online quizzes.
- Focus your additional practice on the question types and/or subject areas in which you usually
score highest. Now is the time to sharpen your best skills, not cram new information.
- Make sure you are registered for the test. Remember, Kaplan cannot register you. If you
missed the registration deadlines, you can request Waitlist Status on the test maker’s website,
- Confirm the location of your test site. Never been there before? Make a practice run to make
sure you know exactly how long it will take to get from your home to your test site. Build in
extra time in case you hit traffic on the morning of the test.
- Get a great night’s sleep the two days before the test.
The Day Before the Test
- Review the Kaplan Methods and Strategies, as well as the ReKap pages.
- Put new batteries in your calculator.
- Pack your backpack or bag for Test Day with the following items:
- Photo ID
- Registration slip or printout
- Directions to your test site location
- Five or more sharpened no. 2 pencils (no mechanical pencils)
- Pencil sharpener
- Eraser
- Calculator
- Extra batteries
- Non-prohibited timepiece
- Tissues
- Prepackaged snacks, like granola bars
- Bottled water, juice, or sports drink
- Sweatshirt, sweater, or jacket
The Night Before the Test
- No studying!
- Do something relaxing that will take your mind off the test, such as watching a movie or playing
video games with friends.
- Set your alarm to wake up early enough so that you won’t feel rushed.
- Go to bed early, but not too much earlier than you usually do. You want to fall asleep quickly,
not spend hours tossing and turning.
The Morning of the Test
- Dress comfortably and in layers. You need to be prepared for any temperature.
- Eat a filling breakfast, but don’t stray too far from your usual routine. If you normally aren’t a
breakfast eater, don’t eat a huge meal, but make sure you have something substantial.
- Read something over breakfast. You need to warm up your brain so you don’t go into the
test cold. Read a few pages of a newspaper, magazine, or novel.
- Get to your test site early. There is likely to be some confusion about where to go and how
to sign in, so allow yourself plenty of time, even if you are taking the test at your own school.
- Leave your cell phone at home or in your car’s glovebox. Many test sites do not allow them
in the building.
- While you’re waiting to sign in or be seated, read more of what you read over breakfast to
stay in reading mode.
During the Test
- Be calm and confident. You’re ready for this!
- Remember that while the SAT is a three-hour marathon (or four if you opt to do the essay), it
is also a series of shorter sections. Focus on the section you’re working on at that moment;
don’t think about previous or upcoming sections.
- Use the Kaplan Methods and Strategies as often as you can.
- Don’t linger too long on any one question. Mark it and come back to it later.
- Can’t figure out an answer? Try to eliminate some choices and guess strategically. Remember,
there is no penalty for an incorrect answer, so even if you can’t eliminate any choices, you should
take a guess.
- There will be plenty of questions you CAN answer, so spend your time on those first!
- Maintain good posture throughout the test. It will help you stay alert.
- If you find yourself losing concentration, getting frustrated, or stressing about the time, stop
for 30 seconds. Close your eyes, put your pencil down, take a few deep breaths, and relax
your shoulders. You’ll be much more productive after taking a few moments to relax.
- Use your breaks effectively. During the five-minute breaks, go to the restroom, eat your snacks,
and get your energy up for the next section.
After the Test
- Congratulate yourself! Also, reward yourself by doing something fun. You’ve earned it.
- If you got sick during the test or if something else happened that might have negatively
affected your score, you can cancel your scores by the Wednesday following your test date. Request a score cancellation form from your test proctor, or visit the test maker’s website for
more information. If you have questions about whether you should cancel your scores, call
- Your scores will be available online approximately three to four weeks after your test and will
be mailed to you in approximately six weeks.
- Email your instructor or tutor with your SAT scores. We want to hear how you did!