Part Three
The Next Generation
It’s a challenge to find someone old enough to have achieved a level of notable success but young enough to represent the next wave of business leaders. But those are the folks who have been gracious enough to participate in this part of the book.
Business leadership is proven over time, and these subjects are well on their way to firming up their credentials and reputations. It is probably just a matter of time before they take the reins of leadership from the legends and gurus who preceded them.
I must confess that the naming of this section has more than a little to do with my long-standing respect for Jean-Luc Picard, the captain of the Starship Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation. He possesses numerous traits that make for a classic leader. He displays nobility and strength, as well as compassion and grace under pressure, and executes decisions with certainty and the utmost concern for the members of his crew. And if you ever meet me and bring up the fact that he’s a fictional character, I will change the subject on you.
The reality is that the people in this section tend to be younger than most of the other participants in this book. But they’ve managed to attract acclaim within their fields of expertise even though they may not have reached a widespread notice or household awareness that will likely come.
Prepare to read the section. Engage.