List of contributors

Jennifer Arrigo

  1. CUAHSI,
  2. Boston, MA, USA

Hiroshi Asanuma

  1. Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute,
  2. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,
  3. Koriyama, Japan

Amlan Banerjee

  1. Indian Statistical Institute,
  2. Kolkata, India

R. Sky Bristol

  1. U.S. Geological Survey,
  2. Denver, CO, USA

Kurt Bucher

  1. Mineralogy and Petrology,
  2. University of Freiburg,
  3. Freiburg, Germany

Erick R. Burns

  1. U.S. Geological Survey,
  2. Portland, OR, USA

Andrew Campbell

  1. Department of Earth & Environmental Science,
  2. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,
  3. Socorro, NM, USA

Johnson R. Cann

  1. School of Earth and the Environment,
  2. University of Leeds,
  3. Leeds, UK

Michael Cardiff

  1. Department of Geoscience,
  2. University of Wisconsin-Madison,
  3. Madison, WI, USA

Calum Chamberlain

  1. School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences,
  2. Victoria University of Wellington,
  3. Wellington, New Zealand

James A. D. Connolly

  1. Department of Earth Sciences,
  2. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
  3. Zurich, Switzerland

Simon C. Cox

  1. GNS Science,
  2. Dunedin, New Zealand

Laura Crossey

  1. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
  2. University of New Mexico,
  3. Albuquerque, NM, USA

Hugh Daigle

  1. Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering,
  2. University of Texas at Austin,
  3. Austin, TX, USA

Jacob DeAngelo

  1. U.S. Geological Survey,
  2. Menlo Park, CA, USA

Jean Desroches

  1. Services Pétroliers Schlumberger,
  2. Paris, France

Paul H. Denys

  1. School of Surveying,
  2. University of Otago,
  3. Dunedin, New Zealand

Russell L. Detwiler

  1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
  2. University of California,
  3. Irvine, CA, USA

Damien Duff

  1. CEMI - Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation,
  2. Sudbury, ON, Canada

Erik Eberhardt

  1. Geological Engineering, EOAS,
  2. The University of British Columbia,
  3. Vancouver, BC, Canada

Jean E. Elkhoury

  1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
  2. University of California,
  3. Irvine, CA, USA;
  4. Schlumberger-Doll Research,
  5. Cambridge, MA, USA

Ying Fan

  1. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
  2. Rutgers University,
  3. New Brunswick, NJ, USA

Michael Fienen

  1. U.S. Geological Survey,
  2. Middleton, WI, USA

Arianne Ford

  1. Centre for Exploration Targeting,
  2. The University of Western Australia,
  3. Crawley, WA, Australia

Carl W. Gable

  1. Los Alamos National Laboratory,
  2. Los Alamos, NM, USA

Valentin Gischig

  1. Swiss Competence Centre on Energy Research (SCCER-SoE),
  2. ETH Zurich,
  3. Zurich, Switzerland

Tom Gleeson

  1. Department of Civil Engineering,
  2. University of Victoria,
  3. Victoria, BC, Canada

David Gochis

  1. NCAR,
  2. Boulder, CO, USA

Kazuhiko Goto

  1. Graduate School of Science and Engineering,
  2. Kagoshima University,
  3. Kagoshima, Japan

Akira Hasegawa

  1. Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions,
  2. Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University,
  3. Sendai, Japan

Stephen Hickman

  1. U.S. Geological Survey,
  2. Menlo Park, CA, USA

Naoshi Hirata

  1. Earthquake Research Institute,
  2. University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Albert Hofstra

  1. U.S. Geological Survey,
  2. Denver, CO, USA

Richard Hooper

  1. CUAHSI,
  2. Boston, MA, USA

Shinichiro Horikawa

  1. Earthquake and Volcano Research Center,
  2. Graduate School of Environmental Studies,
  3. Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan

TreVor Howald

  1. Department of Earth & Environmental Science,
  2. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,
  3. Socorro, NM, USA

Christian Huber

  1. School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,
  2. Georgia Institute of Technology,
  3. Atlanta, GA, USA

Toshihiro Igarashi

  1. Earthquake Research Institute,
  2. University of Tokyo,
  3. Tokyo, Japan

Takashi Iidaka

  1. Earthquake Research Institute,
  2. University of Tokyo,
  3. Tokyo, Japan

Steven E. Ingebritsen

  1. U.S. Geological Survey,
  2. Menlo Park, CA, USA

Takuya Ishibashi

  1. Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute,
  2. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,
  3. Koriyama, Japan;
  4. Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, EMS Energy Institute,
  5. Pennsylvania State University,
  6. University Park, PA, USA

Takaya Iwasaki

  1. Earthquake Research Institute,
  2. University of Tokyo,
  3. Tokyo, Japan

Norman Jones

  1. Civil and Environmental Engineering,
  2. Brigham Young University,
  3. Provo, UT, USA

Peter K. Kaiser

  1. CEMI - Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation,
  2. Sudbury, ON, Canada

Karl Karlstrom

  1. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
  2. University of New Mexico,
  3. Albuquerque, NM, USA

Hiroshi Katao

  1. Disaster Prevention Research Institute,
  2. Kyoto University,
  3. Kagoshima, Japan

Aitaro Kato

  1. Earthquake Research Institute,
  2. University of Tokyo,
  3. Tokyo, Japan

Shari Kelley

  1. Geologic Mapping,
  2. New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources,
  3. Socorro, NM, USA

Masahiro Kosuga

  1. Graduate School of Science and Technology,
  2. Hirosaki University,
  3. Hirosaki, Japan

Atsuki Kubo

  1. Kochi Earthquake Observatory, Faculty of Science,
  2. Kochi University,
  3. Kochi, Japan

Robert Lowther

  1. Newcrest Mining Limited, Cadia Valley Operations,
  2. South Orange, NSW, Australia

Virgil Lueth

  1. New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources,
  2. Socorro, NM, USA

Elco Luijendijk

  1. Department of Structural Geology and Geodynamics,
  2. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,
  3. Göttingen, Germany

Michael Manga

  1. Department of Earth and Planetary Science,
  2. University of California,
  3. Berkeley, CA, USA

Takeshi Matsushima

  1. Institute of Seismology and Volcanology, Faculty of Sciences,
  2. Kyushu University,
  3. Shimabara, Japan

Toru Matsuzawa

  1. Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions,
  2. Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University,
  3. Sendai, Japan

Andrew M. McCaig

  1. School of Earth and the Environment,
  2. University of Leeds,
  3. Leeds, UK

Ricardo Medina

  1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
  2. University of California,
  3. Irvine, CA, USA

Catriona D. Menzies

  1. Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton,
  2. University of Southampton,
  3. Southampton, UK

Steven Micklethwaite

  1. Centre for Exploration Targeting,
  2. The University of Western Australia,
  3. Crawley, WA, Australia

Stephen A. Miller

  1. Center for Hydrogeology and Geothermics (CHYN),
  2. University of Neuchâtel,
  3. Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Tsutomu Miura

  1. Disaster Prevention Research Institute,
  2. Kyoto University,
  3. Kagoshima, Japan

Hiroki Miyamachi

  1. Graduate School of Science and Engineering,
  2. Kagoshima University,
  3. Kagoshima, Japan

Nils Moosdorf

  1. University of Hamburg,
  2. Hamburg, Germany;
  3. Leibniz Center for Marine Tropical Ecology,
  4. Bremen, Germany

Joseph P. Morris

  1. Schlumberger-Doll Research,
  2. Cambridge, MA, USA;
  3. Computational Geosciences,
  4. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
  5. Livermore, CA, USA

Lawrence Murdoch

  1. Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences,
  2. Clemson University,
  3. Clemson, SC, USA

Haruhisa Nakamichi

  1. Disaster Prevention Research Institute,
  2. Kyoto University,
  3. Kagoshima, Japan

Kazushige Obara

  1. Earthquake Research Institute,
  2. University of Tokyo,
  3. Tokyo, Japan

Tomomi Okada

  1. Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions,
  2. Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University,
  3. Sendai, Japan

Takashi Okuda

  1. Earthquake and Volcano Research Center, Graduate School of Environmental Studies,
  2. Nagoya University,
  3. Nagoya, Japan

J. Olson

  1. Civil and Environmental Engineering,
  2. Utah State University,
  3. Logan, UT, USA

Lara Owens

  1. Ormat Technologies, Inc.,
  2. Reno, NV, USA

Aaron Packman

  1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
  2. Northwestern University,
  3. Evanston, IL, USA

Scott Peckham

  1. INSTAAR, University of Colorado,
  2. Boulder, CO, USA

Jeff D. Pepin

  1. Department of Earth & Environmental Science,
  2. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,
  3. Socorro, NM, USA

Mark Person

  1. Department of Earth & Environmental Science,
  2. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,
  3. Socorro, NM, USA

Shanan E. Peters

  1. Department of Geoscience,
  2. University of Wisconsin-Madison,
  3. Madison, WI, USA

Fred Phillips

  1. Department of Earth & Environmental Science,
  2. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,
  3. Socorro, NM, USA

Yury Y. Podladchikov

  1. Earth Sciences Department,
  2. University of Lausanne,
  3. Lausanne, Switzerland

Giona Preisig

  1. Swiss Geological Survey,
  2. Bundesamt für Landestopografie Swisstopo,
  3. Wabern bei Bern, Switzerland

Romain Prioul

  1. Schlumberger-Doll Research,
  2. Cambridge, MA, USA

Mark Ranjram

  1. Civil Engineering Department,
  2. McGill University,
  3. Montreal, QC, Canada

Stephen Richard

  1. Arizona Geological Survey,
  2. Tucson, AZ, USA

Vincent Roche

  1. School of Earth Sciences,
  2. University College Dublin,
  3. Dublin, Ireland

Jonny Rutqvist

  1. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL),
  2. Berkeley, CA, USA

Demian M. Saffer

  1. Department of Geosciences, Center for Geomechanics, Geofluids, and Geohazards,
  2. Pennsylvania State University,
  3. University Park, PA, USA

Atsushi Saiga

  1. Tono Research Institute of Earthquake Science,
  2. Mizunami, Japan

Shinichi Sakai

  1. Earthquake Research Institute,
  2. University of Tokyo,
  3. Tokyo, Japan

Elizabeth J. Screaton

  1. Department of Geological Sciences,
  2. University of Florida,
  3. Gainesville, FL, USA

A. P. S. Selvadurai

  1. Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics,
  2. McGill University,
  3. Montréal, QC, Canada

Heather A. Sheldon

  1. Australian Resources Research Centre,
  2. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO),
  3. Kensington, WA, Australia

Zheming Shi

  1. School of Water Resources and Environment,
  2. China University of Geosciences,
  3. Beijing, China;
  4. Department of Earth and Planetary Science,
  5. University of California,
  6. Berkeley, CA, USA

Frank A. Spane

  1. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
  2. Richland, WA, USA

Ingrid Stober

  1. Institute of Applied Geosciences,
  2. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),
  3. Karlsruhe, Germany

Yanqing Su

  1. School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,
  2. Georgia Institute of Technology,
  3. Atlanta, GA, USA

Rupert Sutherland

  1. GNS Science,
  2. Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Donald Sweetkind

  1. U.S. Geological Survey,
  2. Denver, CO, USA

Hiroaki Takahashi

  1. Institute of Seismology and Volcanology,
  2. Hokkaido University,
  3. Sapporo, Japan

Tetsuya Takeda

  1. National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention,
  2. Tsukuba, Japan

David Tarboton

  1. Civil and Environmental Engineering,
  2. Utah State University,
  3. Logan, UT, USA

Joshua Taron

  1. U.S. Geological Survey,
  2. Menlo Park, CA, USA

Damon A. H. Teagle

  1. Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton,
  2. University of Southampton,
  3. Southampton, UK

Toshiko Terakawa

  1. Earthquake and Volcano Research Center, Graduate School of Environmental Studies,
  2. Nagoya University,
  3. Nagoya, Japan

Stacy Timmons

  1. Aquifer Mapping Program,
  2. New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources,
  3. Socorro, NM, USA

Noriyoshi Tsuchiya

  1. Graduate School of Environmental Studies,
  2. Tohoku University,
  3. Sendai, Japan

Noriko Tsumura

  1. Faculty of Science,
  2. Chiba University,
  3. Chiba, Japan

Norihito Umino

  1. Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions,
  2. Tohoku University,
  3. Sendai, Japan

Benoît Valley

  1. Center for Hydrogeology and Geothermics (CHYN),
  2. University of Neuchâtel,
  3. Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Mirko van der Baan

  1. Department of Physics,
  2. University of Alberta,
  3. Edmonton, AB, Canada

Clifford I. Voss

  1. U.S. Geological Survey,
  2. Menlo Park, CA, USA

Chi-Yuen Wang

  1. Department of Earth and Planetary Science,
  2. University of California,
  3. Berkeley, CA, USA

Guang-Cai Wang

  1. School of Water Resources and Environment,
  2. China University of Geosciences,
  3. Beijing, China

Noriaki Watanabe

  1. Graduate School of Environmental Studies,
  2. Tohoku University,
  3. Sendai, Japan

Philipp Weis

  1. Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology,
  2. ETH Zürich,
  3. Zürich, Switzerland
  4. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences,
  5. Potsdam, Germany

Colin F. Williams

  1. U.S. Geological Survey,
  2. Menlo Park, CA, USA

James Witcher

  1. Witcher and Associates,
  2. Las Cruces, NM, USA

Walter Witt

  1. Centre for Exploration Targeting,
  2. The University of Western Australia,
  3. Crawley, WA, Australia

David Wolock

  1. U.S. Geological Survey,
  2. Lawrence, KS, USA

Takuji Yamada

  1. Institute of Seismology and Volcanology,
  2. Hokkaido University,
  3. Sapporo, Japan

Yoshiko Yamanaka

  1. Earthquake and Volcano Research Center, Graduate School of Environmental Studies,
  2. Nagoya University,
  3. Nagoya, Japan

Bruce W. D. Yardley

  1. School of Earth and the Environment,
  2. University of Leeds,
  3. Leeds, UK

Keisuke Yoshida

  1. Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions,
  2. Tohoku University,
  3. Sendai, Japan

Ilya Zaslavsky

  1. San Diego Supercomputer Center,
  2. San Diego, CA, USA