‘An extraordinarily witty story that accurately depicts the lives of the dead and compellingly describes the death of the living.’
The Ghost of Oscar Wilde
‘As with its London setting, this book contains all that life can afford and all that death will allow. I thoroughly recommend it to all readers, the living and the dead alike.’
The Ghost of Dr Johnson
‘There were many moments during the reading of Mr Jones’ thrilling tale that I would undoubtedly have held my breath with excitement had there been any breath in my lungs to hold.’
The Ghost of Mary Shelley
‘I wish I had written this story.’
The Ghost of Charles Dickens
‘An intriguingly constructed story with an inventive young hero and an intricate mystery that had me gripped right up to the final page.’
The Ghost of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
‘I very much enjoyed the melancholy and tragedy contained within these pages. The humour was less to my tastes.’
The Ghost of Emily Brontë
‘Most ghost stories are written for the living. Here, finally, a story has been penned that will, in equal measure, appeal to the dead.’
The Ghost of Henry James
‘A singular literary joy from a most fanciful writer with a vivid imagination.’
The Ghost of Jane Austen
The Ghost of Samuel Pepys
‘Constable & Toop is a book full of life and crammed with death. All in all, a splendidly macabre and amusing tale.’
The Ghost of Edgar Allan Poe