Chapter 51
Upstairs in the trattoria, Violetta, Luciana, and Fiorella fell away from the window where they had been spying on what was happening on the terrace below.
“Now that,” whispered Luciana, “was the moment we’ve all been waiting for.”
“Are you sure?” said Violetta. “He had a funny expression on his face if you ask me.”
“Have you forgotten what a man in love looks like?” hissed Fiorella.
“In the name of Santa Ana di Chisa, it was the moment, Violetta,” Luciana said. “It was definitely the moment.”
“You need to get your eyes fixed,” Fiorella agreed. “Trust us, your plan was successful.”
Violetta looked at Fiorella, then at her sister. She did trust them.
“Well, it wasn’t unsuccessful,” she conceded.