

Narrator? Oh, Narrator, you sweetie crumb cake you?

Maddie, you know I’m not supposed to talk to you.

Yes, but I’m lonely. The school is empty, and everyone else is still off having adventures for Yester Day.

So why did you come back early?

Well, Neverland was nothing like Wonderland. For one thing, there wasn’t a single talking rabbit! And I was waylaid by pirates, which should be fun, but they didn’t break into any choreographed musical numbers. And… well… ah-ah-achoo! I couldn’t stop sneezing. Is it possible to be allergic to pirates? Never mind. Of course it’s possible. Everything is possible and nothing is not possible except possibly the impossible. Anywhy, no one there drinks tea, the mermaids splashed me and made fun of my hair, but, worst of all, my friends weren’t there.

I’m sorry your Yester Day wasn’t satisfactory, Maddie, but I really do need to get back to telling the story.

Ooh, please do, I love stories. Any more juicy secrets like Cerise being part wolf?

Um… besides the Ashlynn and Hunter thing?

Ah-ha, so they are sweet on each other! Tea-rrific!

You didn’t know that already? Curses. Well, I’m not saying anything else.

Okay, I’ll just start guessing things, and then you freak out if I’m right.

I never freak out.

Is Baba Yaga in love with Headmaster Grimm?

That’s ridiculous.

Is Madam Maid Marian a dragon in disguise?


Okay, jump ahead then. Tell me what happens in, like, a hundred pages or something.

Never! Is that how you read books, jumping forward and reading the ending first?

Of course!

Well, there are some things you are better off not knowing beforehand.

Oooh! So something bad is going to happen?

I didn’t say that.

To whom? Raven?

No, I wasn’t talking about Raven. Just calm down.


Never mind about Raven and Apple. And that’s all I’m saying, because I will not be tricked into telling you your future, Maddie.

Me?! The big bad thing is going to happen to me?

I didn’t say… I was only… you didn’t hear it from me, I mean… argh!