

Narrator! Do you know where Raven went? And Apple? They were here a minute ago, but I can’t hear you telling their story anymore, so they must be gone.

Yes, they left, Maddie.

Just a sec, Cedar, I’m talking to the Narrator. Um, what was that?

I said they left, but I’m sure they’ll be back.

They’ve been so… so… just so wonderlandiful! I wish I could give them a splendiferous thank-you gift. I know what Raven might like—a girls’ day: tea party, shopping, and going to listen to that new band that’s playing at Looking Glass Beach tonight. But I don’t know what Apple would like.


You know, don’t you? Oh, please, tell me, please please please please please…

I can’t, Maddie! I took a Narrator’s oath not to interfere!

That’s okay. I understand. I guess I’ll just stand here and sing all three hundred and sixty-four verses of the Wonderlandian song “If I Snoodled on a Poodle” while I try to think of the perfect gift for Apple. Oh, if I snoodled, snoodled, snoodled on a poodle with a noodle, would you groodle, groodle, groodle with an oodle of hot strudel—

You really are a clever thing, you know that. Look, if you go to their dorm room, you might get a good idea on your own. But you didn’t hear that from me, okay?

Narrator, I’m going to give you a legible kiss. Smooch!!!