

In other destinies of choice

you could have come redheaded

with a star between your thighs

and morning like tender mushrooms

rising up around your toes

curled like a Shantung woman's toes

pausing to be loved

in the rice fields at noon

or as sharpened young eyeteeth

guarded in elegant blackness

erotic and hidden as yam shoots

in the parted mouth of dawn

balancing your craft as we went

upstream for water

Elegba's clay pot whistling upon your head.

But we were new for this time

and used wild-edged pieces of rock

struck off with a blunted hammer


under high sun

and the rocks cry out

while we tell the course

of each other's tongue

with stones

in the place where the priestess

hurtled out palm-nuts

from enchanted fingers

and the stones mix

the colors of rainbows


you came like a wheaten song.