

Head bent, walking through snow

I see you Seboulisa

printed inside the back of my head

like marks of the newly wrapped akai

that kept my sleep fruitful in Dahomey

and I poured on the red earth in your honor

those ancient parts of me

most precious and least needed

my well-guarded past

the energy-eating secrets

I surrender to you as libation

mother, illuminate my offering

of old victories

over men over women over my selves

who has never before dared

to whistle into the night

take my fear of being alone

like my warrior sisters

who rode in defense of your queendom

disguised and apart

give me the woman strength

of tongue in this cold season.

Half earth and time splits us apart

like struck rock.

A piece lives elegant stories

too simply put

while a dream on the edge of summer

of brown rain in nim trees

snail shells from the dooryard

of King Toffah

bring me where my blood moves

Seboulisa mother goddess with one breast

eaten away by worms of sorrow and loss

see me now

your severed daughter

laughing our name into echo

all the world shall remember.