There’s a famous quote about planning that states, “Failing to plan is planning to fail,” and when it comes to dietary adherence, this is 100 percent true. If you aren’t planning your nutrition ahead of time, there’s no way you can have any shot at consistently hitting your macros for any long period of time. Guessing, hoping it works out, and adjusting on the fly is stressful and time-consuming. Rather than take a reactive approach to your diet and adjust as you go, be proactive and plan your days ahead of time. This way, before the day even starts, you’ll see exactly what your macro intake will look like, and you can plan ahead to fill any gaps, or adjust as needed.
If you prefer a more rigid schedule and less planning stress, try planning out two or three perfect days that hit your macros dead-on, and then just follow those meal plans. When coming up with your plans, make sure at least 80 percent of your diet consists of unprocessed whole foods, and make sure your plans are realistic.