Frozen Chocolate Bananas

The perfect summer treat, quick to prepare and easy to grab and enjoy.

Serves 2

  1. Peel bananas, cut in half, and place in freezer until firm.
  2. Melt dark chocolate in a bowl in the microwave 3–5 minutes or until soft, or over the stove until soft.
  3. Remove bananas from freezer and roll them in melted chocolate to cover, sprinkle with nuts or topping of choice, and return to the freezer until ready to enjoy.


Calories: 580 | Fat: 35g | Protein: 13g | Sodium: 13mg | Fiber: 9g | Carbohydrates: 68g | Sugar: 46g

Bananas for Exercise

When you are very active, especially during the summer months, it’s very important to stay hydrated, as you can sweat out electrolytes. Bananas are not only a great source of natural sugar, they are full of potassium to keep you hydrated and help prevent cramping.