Peanut Butter Protein Cookies

The protein and fat in this recipe will keep you full with minimal carbohydrates. It’s perfect for your sweet tooth on those low-carb days.

Makes 10 cookies

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Place all ingredients into a medium bowl and stir.
  3. Shape dough into round cookies and spread out on a greased baking sheet, leaving 1" between cookies.
  4. Bake 10 minutes, cool, and serve.


Calories: 168 | Fat: 13g | Protein: 8g | Sodium: 95mg | Fiber: 2g | Carbohydrates: 8g | Sugar: 3g

Cycle Your Nut Sources

Nuts are one of the best natural sources of fat available and even contain a little bit of protein. If you get tired of regular peanut butter, try cycling your nut butters. Almond butter, cashew butter, and even sunflower seed butter are all delicious and healthy options you can use for variety.