Chapter Five


Nicki grew less and less bothered by the specter of Pringly that had haunted her for so long. She became absorbed in her plans to form a practice to help people who needed her.

Vale smiled and encouraged her, tremendously proud of his talented girl. He could not get her to set a date for their marriage. His frustration with the situation didn’t lessen, especially since she never stinted her caresses. It was becoming harder and harder to find a place where he could show his passion and he longed to have the right to make it plain to the world she was his. As he was hers. She kissed him sweetly and then restated her desire to first make him proud of her. By all the elves, he couldn’t be more proud of her no matter what else she accomplished, and he suspected she’d accomplish a great deal more. Certainly anything she set her mind to.

He was with her every moment he could possibly be, but his elfish instincts were clanging a warning in his mind. Pringly had not given up in spite of Matt’s chastisement. On the contrary, he seemed more obsessed than ever. He’d make no mistake this time, he wanted Nicki and not a substitute.

Vale was with her every possible minute. If he got an elfin demand to rescue some poor soul, he asked his father to help out. Often Lars brought the victim of someone’s perverted abuse home for Vale’s help, since Vale’s healing abilities were growing more and more exceptional. Lars proudly claimed his youngest was the most powerful elf of his generation.

Why then did Vale feel so helpless? How could he quiet this clamor in his brain that Nicki was in imminent danger?

And what could he do about it when he had so few facts to help him? Just feelings that threatened to swamp his usually clear brain and perhaps add to the danger if they muddled him.

One thing was clear. His love would need him and soon. Damn his inability to see from which angle the next danger would come. From Pringly, of course, but how?

He should do one other thing that troubled him, but he knew it was right. He should leave his love alone until this was settled. When he caressed her he lost himself so completely in his love for her he feared he no longer was sensitive to the warning signals he counted on. He needed every one of his elfin senses to stay alert to thwart Pringly.

He’d stop caressing her every chance he got. It might half kill him but he knew he should. His sole aim must be to protect her.

He couldn’t tell her lest she think such restraint needless and try to seduce him as they both craved. He could only pray she understood what it cost him.

* * * * *

Unfortunately Nicki didn’t at all understand why her lover suddenly kept his distance to an alarming degree. She tentatively approached him, running her fingers over his impressive chest. Confident of his response to her touch, she waited for him to react as he always had. Take her in his strong arms, his beautiful head bending over hers as he kissed her and led her to pleasures she’d not known existed on this mundane Earth.

Now he stiffened and set her hands aside gently, kissing her forehead in an almost brotherly manner. Her nipples turned to hard pebbles and she saw his eyes focus on them, but it didn’t seem to affect his decision to set her aside. She was as baffled as a girl could be and gradually became just as angry. His body seemed to tell her he wanted her, but his kisses could have been those of a father. Probably not even that sincere, the perfidious elf.

Damn if she wouldn’t find a way to make him sorry he’d been toying with her like this. He must not have meant a word of the love he’d proclaimed. It had all been a ploy to seduce her to his bed.

She flounced out of the room, not wanting him to see her tears. She couldn’t know his sad and thoughtful eyes followed her even though he didn’t move.


Pringly felt as if every cell in his body was screaming at him in frustration and disgust. Why couldn’t he find a way to get his hands on Nicki? Nicki, the beautiful bitch he wanted beyond all reason. He wandered the hospital corridors. He refused to check his patients. He even refused to schedule surgery, certain he couldn’t stand the elaborate procedure and hours spent in preparation and actually operating. Naturally if he did he’d perform with his usual brilliance, but right now it didn’t interest him.

A young nurse he’d never seen before suddenly stood before him, gazing at him in adoration.

“Doctor, I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Iris Carruthers and I admire you so much. Your brilliant surgery inspired me all through my nurse’s training.”

Pringly looked at her with interest. An acolyte, and he hadn’t had one for some time. Not even out of her teens, unless he missed his guess, so she must be very bright to have her nursing certificate at such a young age.

His eyes brightened. Blonde, blue-eyed, a little awkward about her femininity. He knew all the signs. Untouched. She was a virgin who’d spent all her time studying. She had no idea of how the world could treat innocents.

Perhaps it was his duty to educate this ripe little plum. Surely his expertise in sexual matters would be to her benefit. He felt his cock begin to swell at just the thought and started walking with her. Slowly, knowing she’d be flattered as long as he didn’t alarm her.

Looking at the young girl with her worshipful eyes stoked both his self-esteem and his libido. She was tempting, comely and obviously untouched. Was Nicki still untouched? The thought that someone might have violated her virginity made his cock and his anger swell. Had that miserable elf parted her legs and actually fucked her? He’d get rid of that hellbred enemy no matter what he had to do. Killing him would be a pleasure, but he’d much rather do it slowly so he could watch the bastard as he suffered.

His cock stiffened at the thought of the pleasure he’d derive from killing his rival, a hated complication in his well-ordered life. He turned to the young girl standing so enticingly close to him. She wasn’t Nicki, but she’d do.

He smiled at her and took her hand.

“Come with me, Iris. I’ll be happy to introduce you to a few of the things you should know. This hospital is a place where you need a little knowledge of things I doubt even your exemplary training has touched. You could use a little male guidance, I’m sure.”

He drew in a breath as the innocent young girl’s worshipful gaze never shifted. She’d missed the significance of the word “male”. Bless him, but she knew nothing. Nothing.

“Oh you are so kind, Dr. Pringly. I knew you would be. Imagine a revered doctor like you taking time to help a new nurse.”

“Oh I’ll teach you a lot, my dear. Come. Let us walk down the hall while I point some things out to you.”

His cock felt about to burst through his pants. Guiding Iris with his hand at her waist, he smiled at her and started walking her to a small anteroom he had in mind. No beds, nothing but chairs, but he didn’t need a bed. His rampant cock made it hard to stroll along but this innocent didn’t notice. She was looking at his face in that adoring way that swelled his cock even more.

He came to the room he wanted and opened the door. It was empty and Iris looked at him in surprise.

“Don’t worry, my dear. Privacy is just what we want.”

For the first time she looked at him with a tinge of apprehension, but he smiled at her and pushed her into the room. His smile must have betrayed some of his intent, as she looked at him, blanched and, suddenly frightened, tried to flee to the door. He sneered, clamped one hand over her mouth and jerked her to the floor. Thanks to the fact innocents were always gullible, she could slake some of his lust.

He held her face immobile and her mouth covered with one strong hand. Maybe he was a little rough, but he couldn’t have her screaming, could he? With his free hand he jerked off her underpants and opened the slit in his own trousers so his cock sprang free. He flung himself on top of her. He could easily pretend she was Nicki. Since she was probably a virgin she’d be tight and adequate. A proper release, at least for now.

A short time later, he rose and adjusted his clothing. Looking down at the weeping girl on the floor, he leaned over and patted her cheek.

“Don’t worry, my sweet. I’ll ask for you to assist me at my next operation. That will give you status among the other nurses. Everyone will envy you.”

He finished buttoning himself, slicked back his hair with a hand comb and walked out. The girl on the floor had no useful purpose for now. Perhaps if his quest for Nicki took too long he might look her up again. But no one would ever be Nicki. He had to have Nicki.

His anger beginning to ratchet again, he clenched his fists and began laying new plans to catch Nicki and make her his. In any manner he could. He didn’t give another thought to the girl he’d left cringing and weeping.

Plotting furiously, he started walking to Viking Hall and then stopped. He’d do no good patrolling the front of the fucking palatial residence. They’d be on the lookout for that. He needed to get inside. Finally a sly smirk spread over his face. The best way to get inside was through the servants. He’d hang around for a different reason now and he’d keep out of sight. There were only two approachable exits from the grounds of Viking Hall. One was by boat and the Thames River, but that was impossible to broach. The other was through the constantly guarded front entrance. The adjoining fenced lot where the cars were kept was equally protected. He’d spend some more time observing that entrance. Not with a view to getting in—with the purpose of spotting a young maid leaving work. Preferably one unattractive enough to be easily flattered.

This new plan would take too much of his valuable time but would be sure to work. He had a few hospital duties but tomorrow they were over by three. He wasn’t ready to cut all ties but he could certainly take time off. He guessed the working staff at Viking Hall left about four or five.

His cock rose again as anticipation pulsed through him. He’d found his entry to Viking Hall in a way no one would suspect, and certainly no one could stop. Now he’d best plan how to use his brilliant idea to the most advantage. He had no doubt he, handsome and experienced, could get some young starry-eyed innocent to do exactly what he wished. A serving maid in awe of him and his profession, which would be far above anything she’d even dreamed about. He could easily get her to do whatever he wanted. He might even screw her first to get her completely in his power.

After all, in the dark her face wouldn’t matter. That would be less risky than trying to collar the too upset Iris just yet. Some women got so exercised at these things. A plan was beginning to take shape in the darkness of his corrupted mind.

He could always pretend the maid was Nicki. He grinned at the thought. An ugly bitch would be only a temporary solution anyway. He planned to be humping Nicki soon.


The next day, Pringly stood in the shadows of a tree watching the staff begin the shift change at Viking Hall. A small wood beside the grounds was ideal for his reconnaissance. Not as many servants as he’d expected. Those damn fucking aristocrats probably used mostly old-time servitors who lived in the vast mansion. They’d be too loyal to approach with his scheme anyway. As usual, his brilliant mind had steered him in the right direction. A new housemaid would not have any ingrained loyalties. Or if she did, he could persuade her with his masculine appreciation of her charms.

Then he spotted a girl who looked perfect. Not at all pretty, she wasn’t quite ugly, even though her large nose and small chin made her almost so. Her lack of self-confidence showed in the way she scurried along, her eyes on the pavement. The few others leaving joked and waved at each other as they peeled off, but this one kept on walking, her eyes on her shoes.


He walked far behind her until she was quite alone. She must not have enough money to hire a cab and no friend to pick her up or share a ride. Perfect, perfect. He followed her until he was sure no one else was in sight then sped up and tapped her on the shoulder.

She gasped, her hands to her mouth. Obviously frightened, she stared at him. With his most courtly manner he sketched a bow and held out a small book, one obviously well used.

“Pardon me, miss. I think you dropped this a little way back.”

She flushed and looked at him. Not for long as she lowered her eyes again but she grew redder and Pringly knew he’d impressed her. How could he not? He knew he was a handsome man and that few as imposing had tried to make her acquaintance. Yes, he’d picked well.

“May I walk with you a short space? I’d love to discuss this book with you. It looks as if you’ve read it over and over.”

For the first time she looked at the book. It was a much-used copy of Forever and Forever, a lurid tale of impossible courtship between a maid and the titled master of the house. It had been serialized in one of the popular newspapers the masses liked so much. A bunch of utter tripe, but he’d been sure she’d read it if she read anything at all. He’d picked it carefully at a used bookstore this morning.

She took it from him, looked at it as if she were counting treasure and then handed it back to him. Her eyes are damned fine, he thought. Too bad the rest of her doesn’t match.

Candid blue eyes met his narrowed ones. “I’m sorry, sir. I’d love to claim it, but it’s not mine.”

“Oh have you read it then? If you’d like to claim it you must have. Or do you just like all books?”

He put his hand on her elbow, just enough to guide her, and started walking.

“I do read a lot and I’ve read this several times. It’s a wonderful love story, but perhaps you know that.”

“I regret to say I haven’t had the pleasure. You make me doubly sorry I have little time to read. Will you tell me why you like it so much? We’re going the same way for at least a while, you know.”

She barely hesitated as they started slowly down the street. They talked about books as they strolled along. Nor did she object when they finally came to her bus stop and he asked to see her the rest of the way home. Naturally he wouldn’t set foot on a stupid bus, not a man of his sophistication and prominence. A passing taxi again proved how fate smiled on him. She didn’t protest when he gallantly handed her into the cab.

“I’ve enjoyed our talk so much, my newfound friend. You’re an intelligent girl, as well as an attractive one. I’m surprised you’re still single. At least I hope I’m right. I don’t see a wedding ring on your graceful hand.”

Overwhelmed, she murmured she wasn’t and gave him the address to tell the cab driver. To Pringly it was obvious she was in a daze of romantic thoughts she’d never expected to apply to her. Just what he wanted. She leaned out the window and watched him as the cabbie drove away.

Pringly smiled, blew a kiss at her and waited until she was out of sight.

He’d be bedding her in a day or two. She’d do anything he wanted once he’d taught her how addictive sexual pleasure could be. This seduction would be almost boringly simple. But there was a little something about her that appealed to him. Fucking her wouldn’t be hard at all, in spite of the fact she was no beauty. She’d looked at him with such adoration in her eyes. Eyes that betrayed her desperate desire to see him again.

He’d managed everything with his usual brilliance. She’d realize soon they hadn’t exchanged names and be furious at herself for being so tongue-tied and not knowing his. She needn’t worry. He’d be waiting for her tomorrow when she left work.

Tonight he could pass the time stroking his own cock for as long as he liked. With thoughts of both Nicki and this new maid he could bring himself as much pleasure as he wanted, as many times as he wanted. Iris didn’t inspire him. She’d been too shattered for him to think her easily available for a while. Anyone as brilliant as he deserved all the satisfaction he could find. Of course actual fucking was much better, but this would be a pleasant pastime ’til he got his hands on Nicki.

Then he’d make her pay over and over for not being submissive to his wishes. She’d be more than sorry she’d left him for that fucking elf. Just the thought of her luscious body as he subdued her and pounded into her made his prick swell within his pants.

His face flushed, he hailed the next cab and sat back to revel in his prurient thoughts. He’d pull his cock to climax several times tonight while he waited for tomorrow and the next step in his campaign. Tonight would be satisfying but the next few days might bring him ecstasy.

He was getting closer to Nicki all the time.


Pringly was waiting the next day for his little pigeon. Still careful to remain out of sight of the other servants, he joined her as soon as she’d turned the corner and was alone.

“Hello there,” he said softly, his hand on her arm stopping her.

She jumped in surprise but there was no mistaking her delight.

“Oh I am glad to see you. I never told you how much I enjoyed our conversation yesterday.”

He smiled as if in profound relief. “And I worried I’d been too forward. I admit I waited for you deliberately today. I have a present for you. Please accept it.”

He tried to look pleading as he handed her a package.

She looked both frightened and excited and took it from him with shaking hands. Tearing it open, she found a new copy of Forever and Forever.

She raised her eyes, blue and really quite decently pretty, and blushed to the tips of her fingers.

“Oh how wonderful. I never had a new book. Sometimes I can afford to buy used ones though.”

My god, she was naive. She shouldn’t be so open in her conversation, but it surely made his planned seduction easier. Her weaknesses were so many and so evident it was hard to choose where to begin.

He placed her arm through his and lightly caressed her fingers.

“I feel like I’ve known you forever. Isn’t that strange?” He flashed a practiced smile at her. “Will you walk with me a little ways? I know a quiet spot in the woods where we can sit and get better acquainted. Knowing you better would please me so much.”

At least this was the truth. And he intended to know her much better than the foolish chit anticipated.

He almost laughed at the look of exaltation on her expressive face.

“I realized afterward I never told you my name yesterday. It’s Janey. Janey Bowen.”

“A pretty name for a pretty lady,” he murmured. He almost laughed out loud. He’d tell her his later, when he needed to impress her with how he’d honored her by noticing her. And by then she’d be completely in his power.

He kept up an innocuous chatter until they reached the spot he’d scouted out. Thick trees surround a little grassy enclave. There was only one small opening where a person could get through, and although Janey looked a little frightened, she made no protest when he led the way and then sat on the grass.

“Come, my pretty girl. We have complete privacy here. Let me kiss you just once, as I’ve longed to do since I first saw you.”

He held out his hand and she took it. Her eyes were wide with emotion. Some surprise, some pleasure in these new sensations and just a flicker of fright. He smiled at the last and concentrated on charming her into what he wanted. His cock was hard and huge and suddenly he didn’t have time to coddle her any more. Pulling her roughly to the ground, he held her down with one hand around her neck while he stripped off her underpants and plunged into her virgin’s cunt. Damn if she wasn’t the best, the tightest fuck he’d had for some time. He’d shifted his hand to cover her mouth when she started to scream, and he pounded into her with no mercy. She was Nicki and she was his, and he meant to teach her not to defy him ever again.

Unfortunately it didn’t take him long to climax and he finally lay on top of her, catching his breath. Her sobbing was to be expected, but it annoyed him to hear it. Women were so weak. Still, he could now start step two in his plan.

Rolling off her, he buttoned his pants and then took out his handkerchief to mop his semen from her legs. Admiring the amount he’d spent, he did his best to dry her and then pull up her underwear. In spite of her shaking, she tried to roll away from him. Muttering to himself at the stupid necessity of placating her, he pulled her back in his arms and held her.

“Don’t fight me anymore, my love. Your beauty quite overcame me. You really shouldn’t tempt men so, dear one. Don’t you know you can drive a man beyond his limits just by being near you? You should be more careful.”

Janey stilled. He could almost hear the wheels of her mind. Was she really stupid enough to believe that fatuous nonsense he’d just spouted? He’d wager she was, but he’d soon see. He had different courses of action planned depending on her answer. Blackmail would have served too, but this way was easier.

She’d quite possibly be the willing accomplice he needed to bring down the proud Nicki.

“I’m a man of good reputation, my dear. My name is Pringly and I’m a doctor and surgeon. I’ve never lost my head like this before, but I think we were fated to meet. And you encouraged me to kiss you, you know. I think you’re too innocent to realize how you led me on.”

Her lovely eyes looked so astonished he knew he’d timed the whole seduction perfectly. Now she’d feel honored instead of violated. He might as well take care of that adoring look while he had her secluded.

Leaning over and kissing her again, he spoke softly in her ear.

“Your beauty destroys me, Janey. May I make love to you again?”

He could read her hesitation as if she were speaking aloud. Wondering if she’d misjudged the whole episode and it was love and not rape. Pure delight that such a prestigious man would want her not once, but twice. He waited patiently, knowing her answer would be favorable.

When she shyly nodded he undressed her a little more carefully. He wanted to see the rest of her body and found it more alluring than he’d expected. Generous breasts, a small waist and the long legs he liked on a woman.

With more patience than he’d expected, he settled into giving her a modicum of pleasure. He might as well enjoy himself, as he planned to keep her in sexual thrall until he’d achieved his goal of bringing down Nicki. What good luck he found Janey more fuckable than he’d thought. Getting real pleasure from her was something he hadn’t anticipated. The saying about all cats being alike in the dark was true. He didn’t give a shit about her homely face when he was pounding into her. She’d learn anything he wanted to teach her and ask for more.

She was even more responsive than he’d hoped, and he knew she was his to mold and train in all the ways he wanted. Lord, but she was just what he needed.

That night found him lying in bed, satiated after three sessions with Janey. Damn if he wasn’t the luckiest man. Of course he deserved it, but sometimes he impressed himself.

Janey was like soft butter. He could mold her to his every wish and enjoy it. She even made him wonder about keeping her with him for a while. She was a damn good screw.

Perhaps he should give up on fucking Nicki and punish her another way. To bring her down by some painful means and make sure she’d never find happiness with that damn elf. After all, her destruction was his main goal. Killing her would be just what she deserved. He’d be rid of his haunting thoughts of her in a satisfying way he hadn’t before considered. If he had Janey to fulfill his every sexual wish, a change of plan might be to his advantage.

Folding his hands behind his head, he settled down to revising his plans. He’d have to figure out a way so she suffered quite a bit, yet one that didn’t involve him.

Janey would make the difference. He’d have to find out just what her job was at Viking Hall. It hadn’t been important enough to ask before, but now he needed to know. He could certainly work a perfect scheme depending on where she worked. He already knew his plan would involve poison.

All the details were falling into place. After all, he had access to any medicine he wanted at the hospital. He just needed to read up a little more on which poison would work the best for his purpose. He’d dearly like Nicki to be in agony before death claimed her, so the dosage was critical. He’d figure out how to give her enough to kill her, but not too soon. It must be a poison Janey could slip in her food or drink without being caught. But even if she were caught and named him there’d be no proof to compare with his illustrious reputation.

Yes, he had a lot of thinking to do.

* * * * *

The next day, smiling a smile that would have terrified the devil himself, Pringly headed for the hospital and the medical library.

Pringly knew his mission was ordained to succeed when he reviewed his knowledge of available poisons. Digitalis jumped into his consciousness as the perfect poison after very little study. Of course. Readily available, every medical dispensary carried several forms of it. Depending on the severity of the heart condition he was trying to cure, the doctor could easily vary the dosage. He had only to pick the strongest dose and distill it even further. He hoped to get it to a form where it would kill, but not too quickly. He preferred to think of her writhing in agony for a while. He’d aim for that, but if he missed and the poison killed her instantly he’d not lament.

Carrying a bottle in each hand he turned to leave the dispensary. He had enough digitalis to distill some of it to a more potent dose. The satisfied look on his face vanished as he saw a figure standing in the doorway, staring at him. Damn if he wanted anyone knowing he was there, but then his galloping heart rate calmed as he saw it was only Iris. Iris, who he didn’t doubt he could again charm.

He pasted on a delighted look and moved toward her as if in pleasure.

“Iris, how wonderful to see you. I’ve been thinking of you for days. I haven’t been at the hospital much at all lately, but I’m taking care of some matters that had to be settled before I could follow my own wishes. You’re looking lovely, my dear. Can I walk a way with you while I catch up on what you’ve been doing?”

She let him ramble on without a change of expression.

“What do you have in your hands?”

Damn the stupid bitch. Still, he couldn’t afford to antagonize her.

“Oh these? Just some medicine I hope will help a friend of mine. I know I shouldn’t be taking them from the dispensary, but he’s quite ill and has little money. I might as well tell you he’s the reason I’ve been gone so much from the hospital. He’s really quite a good friend and I don’t want to let him down.”

She looked at him with loathing as he slipped the little bottles into his trouser pocket.

Then she gave him a glance that would probably kill cockroaches.

“I want nothing to do with you.”

As she wheeled and left, Pringly sighed with a mixture of relief and fury. He’d have fucked her if she wanted. Maybe he should return later and try to get back in her good graces. On the other hand, why should he? She was a lowly nurse and he a prestigious doctor. She should be thankful he’d ever paid attention to her. To hell with her. He had Janey for all his other needs.

A slow grin started as he thought he’d soon be telling Janey of what else he wanted her to do for him. Janey was learning a lot about the different positions of sexual intercourse and delighted in practicing them all. He’d teach her another one tonight that involved a little light punishment before he took her surprisingly supple body. When writhing, she always seemed even more enticing. She’d turned into an eager student, and his cock swelled as he thought of how he’d spank her, not too hard this first time, and listen to her scream. He’d move on to a small whip later, maybe tomorrow night. He’d position her on her hands and knees tonight, her ass in the air, while he chastised her and then slammed into her hot little body.

For now, she was serving him very well indeed.

Her face wasn’t pretty, but he could pretend she was Nicki. After all, what did a face really matter when a man was fucking?