Dedicated to: You.
Man, you had me at Hard-ass, you really did.
But then there was your Here’s looking at you, kid…
Mad love to you.

With immense gratitude to the readers
of the Black Dagger Brotherhood
and a shout out to the Cellies—
what couch are we on now?

Thank you so very much:
Karen Solem, Kara Cesare, Claire Zion, Kara Welsh.

Thank you, Cap’n Bunny a.k.a. the Pink Beast and PythAngie the Pitbull Mod—seriously, Dorine and Angie, you take such good care of me.

Thank you to the Party of Four: MFN hugs…M-F-N hugs. Don’t know what I would do without you.

To DLB: Remember ya mummy loves you. Always. To NTM: The thing I love most about you-know-where is…you. I’m just so lucky to know you.

As always, with thanks to my Executive Committee: Sue Grafton, Dr. Jessica Andersen, Betsey Vaughan. And with much respect to the incomparable Suzanne Brockmann.

With love to my Boat, my family, and my writer friends.