The success of our survey work in Bolivia and the production of this photographic guide would not have been possible without the help and collaboration of many people. We appreciate each and every one of them and thank them for their individual contribution. They include Taina Litwak (USDA, Smithsonian Institution) for the book cover design, layout, photography, and digital enhancement of images in Adobe Photoshop; Gary Ouellette (USDA) for specimen photography, image enhancement, and page layout in Adobe Illustrator; Alicia Hodson (formerly USDA, Smithsonian Institution) for specimen photographs and enhancing their images; Elisabeth Roberts (USDA, Smithsonian Institution) and Lucrecia Rodriguez (USDA, Smithsonian Institution) for image enhancement in Adobe Photoshop; and Andrés Garzón-Moreno (USDA) for preparing maps for the subfamily Lamiinae and for Spanish translation. Additionally, we appreciate all the participants who helped in the survey and contributed specimens they collected to the project. They include Toni Bonaso (Potrerillo del Guenda Reserve), Norman Woodley (formerly USDA, Smithsonian Institution), Alexander Konstantinov (USDA, Smithsonian Institution), Fred Skillman, Eugenio Nearns (Purdue University), Charyn Micheli (Smithsonian Institution), Andrés Garzón-Moreno (USDA, Smithsonian Institution), Richard Leschen (Landcare Research, New Zealand Arthropod Collection), Robin Clarke (Flora and Fauna Hotel), Tiziano Bettella (Potrerillo del Guenda Reserve), Jose Luis Aramayo (Noel Kempff Museum), Thomas Henry (USDA, Smithsonian Institution), Donald Windsor (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute), Robert Perger (Colección Boliviana de Fauna), Ana Caroli Hamel-Leigue, Roy Morris, Mike Thomas (formerly Florida State Collection of Arthropods), Donald Thomas (USDA), Paul Skelley (Florida State Collection of Arthropods), Byrd Dozier, William King, Kenneth Kuckartz, Andrew Cline (California Department of Food and Agriculture), and George Ball (University of Alberta). We also sincerely thank Tiziano Bettella and Toni Bonaso, Albert Schweining (Refugio Los Volcanes), and Robin Clarke for availing their properties for our investigations and providing logistical support while there. We thank Vincent Vos for his logistical support and collecting suggestions in Riberalta. For their collaboration and identifications, special thanks to Miguel Monné and Marcela Monné (Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Ubirajara Martins and Antonio Santos-Silva (Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo), Maria Helena M. Galileo (Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul), Dilma Solange Napp (Departamento de Zoología, Universidade Federal do Paraná), and Angel Arial Cespedes (Departamento de Entomología, Universidad de Sucre).