In any book like this, thanks extend in many directions and over much time.
I was grateful for the cheerful expertise of Sean M. Monaghan and Courtney Scruggs of Bronze Works in Santa Cruz, who let me get in the way during their pouring, and waste their time on endless idiotic questions. Naturally, anything wrong in this final story is my own wrongdoing, playing fast and free with the art and science of bronze casting.
Similarly, the staff of the Hôtel Hermitage in Monaco did their best with a stray American writer, ignoring her unsuitable clothing, politely responding to her questions, never reporting her for photographing odd corners and making notes of dull details, and in all, leaving her certain that the hotel would never have permitted an infamous arms dealer to take up residence on their top floor.
My editors are, as always, responsible for much that is good in the story—both Kate Miciak, who saw the book started, and Hilary Teeman, who has seen it finished. Bless you, my ladies of the sharp eyes and sensitive ears.
The rest of my team is, as always, as much family as friends. Allison Schuster, Kim Hovey, Melissa Sanford, and Carlos Beltrán from Penguin Random House are among the many who conspire to make me look better than I am. Similarly, on the other side of the Atlantic, Susie Dunlap and my other friends at Allison & Busby, UK.
Then there is my home team of Zoë Quinton and Bob Difley, who do all kinds of stuff that I’m simply useless at, while my long-time Team LRK of Alice Wright, Merrily Taylor, Erin Bright, John Bychowski, Sabrina Flynn, and Karen Buys help to keep me in line and up to date.
Thank you, everyone.
—Laurie R. King