We may find in the long run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine-gun.
—George Orwell
It is tempting when writing a book like this to end with some grand gesture—an inspirational “save the whales” kind of proclamation that is both wistful and hopeful. It is also tempting to go on and cover topics—from social media to ecotourism to expanding product lines and box and bar sizes—you could not address in more detail and ever-finer strokes.
We prefer to stop talking and take a more pragmatic, present-oriented, and yummy path and urge you to take whatever you learned from our words and the words of the people we spoke to and go out and explore, savor, and above all enjoy the world of fine flavor chocolate.
Slow down and really taste. Discover what you love (and don’t). And no matter what or whom you choose, follow your heart, mind, and palate. As you taste, try to remember all that fine flavor chocolate connects to—from gene to bean to bar to bonbon. Remember the people and places and possibilities behind it. Remember that it is a food and not simply a commodity.
We’ve listed in the first appendix the names and websites of the manufacturers and chocolatiers who helped us put together this book. You might start your exploration with these companies, or choose one you’ve always meant to try or a local manufacturer or chocolatier you’d like to support.
Many of the manufacturers and chocolatiers we interviewed and countless others offer their chocolate directly to consumers or sell through upscale markets and specialty shops offline and online. Some manufacturers may be hard to find in certain countries or do not sell to consumers directly or ship internationally, but you can still explore what they offer for the next time you visit their cities. You can find lots of information on Ecole Chocolat’s website: (https://www.ecolechocolat.com), or go to chocomap.com (https://chocomap.com/) to find a place to satisfy your chocolate craving anywhere you are now and in the future.
And so we end where we began: To future generations, let there be the finest chocolate in the world.