Writing a book on the future of fine flavor chocolate that includes no recipes, few actual products, and little history except for relevant background to the topics we covered is made much easier when there are already so many books, in-depth articles, and websites covering everything from chocolate’s history to buying, making, and tasting chocolate. In fact, by the time this book is published, there will no doubt be even more new books and information available on and about fine flavor chocolate and chocolate in general.

In terms of cookbooks, there are too many to even begin listing here. That they keep coming in many styles and languages is testament to the ongoing love of chocolate worldwide. Find one from a person or perspective that appeals to you and enjoy! A list of books focused on chocolate can be found on Ecole Chocolat online:

For those of you interested in learning more about Rambam’s Ladder (discussed in Part Two), check out Julie Salamon’s Rambam’s Ladder: A Meditation on Generosity and Why It Is Necessary to Give (2003).

Beyond books, you can find us on Twitter (@ecolechocolat) for the latest news and updates, Instagram (@ecolechocolat and join us on for more information and commentary. In addition to the Ecole Chocolat, HCP and FCIA websites, our interviewees’ websites offer a wealth of information on and photos of their chocolate, their travels, how chocolate is made, where it comes from, the issues facing the industry, and more. These and other websites too numerous to mention are devoted in whole or in part to fine flavor chocolate and provide ongoing coverage of the industry in great depth.

As with fine flavor chocolate itself, we encourage you to explore all of them and more!