Grateful Reflections


Carolyn A. Bratton

Carolyn A. Bratton is the co-founder of Lifestream CenterRoanoke, Virginia’s only holistic healing center; and she is an ordained minister as well. A graduate of two of Louise Hay’s Intensive Training Programs, for several years Carolyn has been conducting workshops and seminars in both the United States and abroad based on Louise Hay’s book YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE and James Redfield’s bestseller THE CELESTINE PROPHECY.


When I look back on my life and see how incredibly it has unfolded, with all of the lessons I have been taught by the Masters who have helped me look at the dark corners of my life, I am in awe at this wonderful thing called Life! So, yes, I am indeed grateful, at some times more than others, but nevertheless, I am filled with humbling gratitude that I have the opportunity to be acting out my life at this most auspicious time in the history of our planet.

Gratitude is something that is so important to one’s quality of life. For me, I know that when I am in gratitude, my channel is wide open for any and all good that could make its way to me. The opposite is also true. If nothing is happening in my life, all I have to do is check the gratitude barometer, and there it is. A closed heart renders a closed lifeline to the Source of all happiness, joy, and bliss.

It has become my practice to operate in the “act as if” mode—that is, I act as if I am grateful even when I am finding it difficult to muster up the fuzzy feeling that just naturally comes when one is thankful and grateful. And before too long, I AM grateful!

I have found that it is an interesting ritual to sing a tune to all the things I am grateful for when I am riding in my car. I begin my song with a simple thank you for whatever, and that whatever seems to unclog an endless supply of things that I am grateful for. This practice is especially uplifting if I am not in a particularly grateful mood. The tune or ditty becomes quite creative, and soon I find that I am smiling at myself, which, by the way, is a great way to nurture and amuse your own best friend—YOU!

Another thing I love to do is to say thank you! And I would add to that the word yes! As Louise Hay says in her wonderful affirmation, “I say YES to Life, and Life says YES to me!” With that kind of chemistry floating around in your head, your body, the ethers—emanating from you and touching everyone and everything—it’s bound to come back to you, and come back multiplied!

We sometimes forget that we are God-beings, and that the intent of the Creator was for us to enjoy this thing called Life! Our lessons can be filled with joy instead of so much pain, and when our attitude comes from a loving, grateful, and appreciative place of the heart, the Masters and the Angels and the Guides can assist us even more. When we ask for their assistance, we can be ever so grateful for this Planetary Hierarchy that is more than willing to help us. It is then that we realize that we are never alone on our path.

I find that the more willing I am to be grateful for the small things in my life, the bigger stuff just seems to show up from unexpected sources, and I am constantly looking forward to each day with all of the surprises that keep coming my way!

So, if your life is not working for you right now, it could be because that gratitude attitude needs a loving adjustment. Decree and affirm that you are willing to be more grateful, and watch Life’s gifts come to you. Also, be more willing to be giving. The more grateful you are, the more good will come to you; the more you give, the more you receive.

Life—how good it is! And so it is. And so be it!
