“Love Is the Way I Walk in Gratitude”

(A Course in Miracles)


Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D., and Diane V. Cirincione

Dr. Gerald Jampolsky and Diane Cirincione are married and live in Tiburon, California. Gerald is a psychiatrist and founder of the first Center for Attitudinal Healing. Diane has been an entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in both corporate and private business. They are the co-authors of WAKE-UP CALLS, a book that reveals how we may achieve peace of mind by utilizing spiritual principles in all aspects of our lives. Their philosophy is based on concepts from A COURSE IN MIRACLES.


Love is the way I walk in gratitude” is a quote from A Course in Miracles. It is a walking meditation that we love to do with each other. Every step that we take we remind ourselves that Love is the way we walk in gratitude. And what beautiful peace and serenity it gives to us.

Another one of our favorite quotes is from Meister Eckhart, who states that the most important prayer in the world is just two words: “Thank you.” It is our deep belief that everything that happens to us is a lesson that God would have us learn. Our lives become more peaceful when we stop interpreting everything that happens to us, and instead, experience everything that happens to us—no matter what its appearance—as a blessing in disguise. When we walk our pathway in life with a “Thank you” in our hearts, a “Thank you” in our minds, and a “Thank you” on our lips, whatever fear we may have been holding on to disappears, and the purity of love reappears. As we make the choice to lift ourselves up from the perceptual world and live in the world of God’s love, “Thank you” becomes a way of life. The teacher that resides in our hearts would say that everything that happens to us in the perceptual world is but a new opportunity to choose the belief system of love, of God, a world where there is no form, just love.

By surrendering to love, by surrendering to God, we can go through each day acknowledging one another with gratitude. Imagine what the world would be if the only words we spoke, to God and to one another, were “Thank you.” Each time we express our gratitude by extending our love to all, we believe that there is a little more light in the world and a little less darkness.

How quickly our world changes as we learn to return all the love that is continuously given to us by our Source. What greater gratitude can we give to our Creator than choosing to love one another and ourselves by seeing the face of God in everyone and knowing that it is a reflection?

There is a prayer that Jerry wrote some years ago that we both like doing in the morning.


My whole being pulsates
with the fire of desire
for our everlasting union.
My very breath is but Yours.
My heart is a limitless beacon
of Your Love.

My Spirit, being Yours, is the Light of the World.
My eyes but radiate and reflect
our Perfect Love.
My very essence vibrates with You as the
harmony of music not yet heard.

My vision, being Yours, can only bless.
My prayer is but an eternal song of gratitude,
that You are in me, and I am in You
and that I live in Your Grace forever.
