Chapter 24

We mistakenly assume that if our partners love us they will react and behave in certain ways - the ways we react and behave when we love someone.” John Gray


After being thrown out of the restaurant, Eva tried calling Harper several times but he didn’t answer. She decided she would go to the hospital and surprise him.

Stepping off the elevator and on to the second floor, she walked along the shining, pristine looking tiled floors. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a smile or two from a couple of doctors as she passed by them.

As she neared the nurse’s station, she heard her name being called. “Mrs. Stenberg?”

Eva paused and looked at the nurse sitting behind the station. She knew her face but she couldn’t recall her name. Quickly she zeroed in on the nurse’s nametag.

“Uh, hello, Nicole. How are you?”

“I’m good. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you,” she slightly stammered.

The nurse sitting next to her stared at Eva, and mumbled, “Hello,” and then looked away.

“Dr. Stenberg is in surgery,” Nicole explained. “Is he expecting you?”

“No, not really. I was out this way,” Eva lied, “so I thought I’d surprise him.” Eva smiled.

“I’m not sure when he’ll be done.”

“It’s no problem; I’ll wait.” Eva turned to walk away, then stopped and looked back over her shoulder at Nicole. “Will you let me in his office?” she stated, not really asking but more like telling.


The nurse sitting next to her mumbled something to Nicole.

“Is there a problem?” Eva walked back to the nurses’ station.

“It’s just that Dr. Stenberg doesn’t allow anyone to wait in his office, unless...”

“Unless what?” Eva said, placing one hand on her hip, while giving both nurses the evil eye.

“Unless he’s told us that he’s expecting someone,” the other nurse said. “Me, personally, I don’t want to get in trouble.” She looked at Nicole. “It’s your call.”

“I promise you, my husband will not have a problem with me waiting on him in his office. Now, please, come and unlock the door or give me the key and I’ll let myself in.”

Nicole reluctantly stood, walked from behind the nurses’ station, and headed to Harper’s office around the corner and at the end of the hallway where the staff offices were located.

“Thank you, Nicole,” Eva told her when the woman unlocked the door, opened it, and flicked the light switch on.

“You’re welcome. Like I said, I don’t know how long it will be before he returns.”

“I know. I’m patient.”

Nicole nodded and walked off.

Eva looked around Harper’s office. It was immaculate. Everything was in its proper place. Harper was methodical like that at home, too. Everything had to be in order and just the way he liked it. T-shirts color coded, folded, and on the shelf together; white dress shirts, starched and hanging on the hangers together. Colored socks in one drawer; white socks in another. It had taken Eva some getting used to when they first got married, but Harper was good about it. He seemed to understand that she was not used to his OCD lifestyle and so he tried to make things easy for her. Before they got married, he had a full time housekeeper. He asked Eva if she wanted to keep Marissa on as the housekeeper, and Eva readily told him that she did. There was no way she could maintain the house in the perfect order that Harper liked.

Marissa, an older Hispanic woman, who didn’t speak English very well, was nice and accepting of Eva. She took the time to show her how Harper liked things, taught her about the kinds of foods he liked, the way he liked his laundry folded, and his bed made. When it was just the two of them, they spoke in their native tongue which seemed to please Marissa.

Eva thumbed through a copy of The New Yorker sitting on a square table that had a magazine compartment underneath. Smiling, she ran her fingertips along Harper’s oak desk as she studied the pictures he had of the two of them on their wedding day. Another picture showed them on their honeymoon posed in front of the pink Lake Hillier in Australia. It was the honeymoon of a lifetime. But as beautiful as that time was, it quickly disappeared when they returned to the states. When Harper was appointed as chief cardiologist and medical director, Eva turned into a lonely, childless young bride starving for her husband’s love, attention, and affection.

When she met Avery and Ryker at a fundraising dinner party for one of Harper’s friends who was running for a seat on the senate, it was a welcome relief. She and Avery hit it off, and soon after, Avery introduced her to Peyton and Meesha. Meesha invited her and Harper to attend Perfecting Your Faith. Harper readily accepted the invitation when Eva came home after enjoying her first ladies day out with the housewives and told him about it. Harper told Eva that he had heard great things about the church and the church’s pastor, Carlton Porter. Sunday, one of the few days Harper was at home, unless called for an emergency was Eva’s favorite day of the week. It meant having some alone time with her man. They visited Perfecting Your Faith several times and on the drive home after church one afternoon, Harper told her that he wanted them to become members of the church.

Eva was happy to hear Harper’s decision about Perfecting Your Faith. The church they formerly attended was small and the members acted cold and indifferent toward her. She didn’t know if it was because they were an interracial couple or not, but whatever their reason, Eva did not feel comfortable. Perfecting Your Faith was different. People didn’t seem to care about race or ethnicity. The church was quite diverse, and it was not unusual at all to see interracial couples, black, white, Hispanic men, women, and children. Eva felt as if she fit right in. Meeting the housewives added to her feeling of acceptance.

Harper, Carlton, Derek, and Ryker became friends, too, not close friends like the housewives, but on those occasions that one of the housewives entertained, the men were sure to attend, if at all possible.

She picked up the picture and fought back the urge to cry. She wanted to have Harper’s baby so badly. Why couldn’t he understand that a baby would bring them closer together? A baby would bring so much happiness to her life; she wouldn’t be so lonely. But Harper, no matter how she begged and pleaded, put her off. It was selfish of him, the housewives told her, and she was beginning to agree with them.

Behind his desk was another table, an oblong one that looked more like a sofa table. It had several more pictures, which were mostly pictures of Seth taken during key moments in his life. One was of him graduating from kindergarten, another of him with his pee wee soccer team, then another when he graduated from high school, and a more recent one with him standing on the steps in front of what Eva assumed was his mother’s house.

Eva blushed as she replayed the image of him wet and in his swim trunks. He was sexy and fine just like his daddy.

“How long have you been here?’

Eva jumped slightly, startled at hearing Harper’s baritone voice as he entered his office.

“Not too long.” She walked over to Harper, placed both arms around his neck, stood on her tiptoes, and kissed him.

She could feel his body tense up as he gently pushed her away.

“Aren’t you happy to see me?” She tried kissing him again, and again he pushed her away, walked to his desk, pulled out his chair, and sat down.

“I’ve been in surgery for the past six hours. I’m tired. The last thing I expected was for my wife to be in my office waiting on me like you’re trying to catch me doing something other than what I do.”

“Catch you? What are you talking about? I’m not trying to catch you doing anything. I wanted to surprise you.” Eva’s voice revealed her hurt and disappointment. “I thought you would be glad to see me. Most nights I’m asleep when you get home and you leave before I wake up. Te echo de menos, Harper,” Eva said in her native tongue. She approached him cautiously this time. She stood behind him and began to massage his temples.

“I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting you.”

“I know.” She continued to massage his temples, and then slowly moved to his shoulders. Eva felt him start to relax.

She kissed the top of his head as she continued to massage him.

“Ahh, that feels good. I wish I could sit here all day, but I can’t. I still have rounds to make. I’m sorry,” he apologized.

Eva’s hands dropped to her side as she moved from behind him. Harper stood up and kissed her on her forehead.

“Why don’t you go on home, while I finish up here? I promise I’ll try to make it home early tonight. Okay?”

Eva feigned a smile. “Sure.” Quickly, she walked over to the table where she’d placed her purse, picked it up, and walked to the door.

“Eva, wait.”


He walked up to her, took her by the waist, and pulled her to him. He kissed her with passion until her body ached for his touch. He caressed her hips and his hands explored her inner thighs. Pushing the door closed with his foot, he sandwiched her between himself and the door.

Eva released a moan of satisfaction. “I want you so bad,” she whispered as she explored his body as expertly as he explored hers.

He was silent, but his kisses were fiery and hot.

Reaching down for his most prized possession, she stopped suddenly, pushed him away, and glared at him. From the feel of things, Harper was not excited in the least. He didn’t want her; he was only trying to pacify her.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?” She threw her head back and chuckled. “What’s wrong? Absolutely nothing. That’s what’s wrong!” Eva opened the door and stormed out.