Adams, Henry, 56
Adams, John, 49, 61, 62n, 64, 66, 69–70
Adams, John Quincy, 61, 64, 66, 72–73
addresses. See rhetoric
Alexander, Holmes, 76n
Ammons, Harry, 71n
Aristotle, 32
Arnhart, Larry, 32n
Arrow, Kenneth, 34n
Arthur, Chester A., 64, 66, 85
Bainard, Harry, 84n
Baker, James, 194
Baker, Ray Stannard, 105
Barber, James David, 88n, 90n, 93
Barber, Sotirios A., 8n
Barnes, Fred, 202n
Bemis, Samuel Flagg, 72
Benedict, Michael Les, 91n
Bessette, Joseph M., 11n, 15n, 38n, 182n
Bibby, John, 162n, 166n, 170n, 172n
Bishop, Joseph B.,99n
Blumenthal, Richard, 162n
Bohlen, Charles, 179n
Bradley, Bill, 194
Brann, Eva T. H.,82n
Bryce, James, 177
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 185
Buchanan, James, 64, 66, 78–79, 141
Cadell, Patrick H., 184n
Cannon, Joe, 107
Carter, Jimmy, 3, 139, 174–75, 192; moral malaise speech, 3, 5n, 136, 141
Ceaser, James W., 9n, 28, 35n, 76n, 96n, 124n, 182n
Chalmers, David M., 98n, 99n, 101n, 105
character, presidential, 21, 93, 131–32, 147–52, 190–91, 202
Chester, Edward W., 50n
Chinard, Gilbert, 70
Chitwood, Oliver Perry, 76n
Chubb, John, 190n
Cicero, 32
Clay, Henry, 177
Clor, Harry, 119n
comparative leadership, 6n
constitutional order: Anti-Federalists on, 26n; constitutive thought, 17–23; nineteenth century, 26–45; twentieth century, 118–32
Cooper, James Fenimore, 29
Cooper, John Milton, 115n
Cornwell, Elmer, 12n, 106, 107n, 145n, 186n
Corwin, Edward, 8n
crisis, 174–81. See also prerogative
Cromwell, Oliver, 115
Cronin, Thomas, 10n
Cunningham, Noble E.,56n
Cutler, Lloyd, 44n
Davidson, Roger, 162n, 166n, 170n, 172n
deliberation, 23, 37–38, 42, 58, 74, 106, 123–24, 126; subverted, 161–72, 197
demagoguery, 27–33, 39; defined, 28; soft, 28–29; hard, 29–31; Wilson on, 130–32; Teddy Roosevelt on, 111–14
Diamond, Martin, 34n
dictatorship: constitutional, 30; tyranny of the majority, 33. See also prerogative
Dyer, Brainerd, 77n
Edelman, Kenneth, 199
Edelman, Murray, 181n
Edwards, George C., III, 12n
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 16, 28, 96n, 145, 191
emergency power. See prerogative
Entman, Robert M., 187n
executive agreements, 7
forms and formalities, 45, 59n, 68, 74, 115
Fishel, Jeff, 14n
Fisher, Louis, 8n, 42n, 45n, 91n
Flexner, James T., 25n, 48n, 49
Freeman, Douglas S., 25n, 48n, 68n
Garfield, James, 64, 66, 84–85
Geertz, Clifford, 14n
Gerry, Elbridge, 69
Gilbert, Felix, 68
Ginsberg, Benjamin, 179n
Gould, Lewis L.,87n
Graber, Doris, 186n
Graham, Elinor, 169n
Grant, Ulysses S., 61, 64, 66, 84
Greenstein, Fred I., 7n, 96n, 190n
Greenstone, J. David, 166n, 167n
Grossman, Michael B.,12n, 186n
Harrison, Benjamin, 51, 64–66, 86–87
Harrison, William Henry, 64, 66, 76
Hayes, Rutherford B.,25, 51, 64, 65, 66, 84
Heller, Walter, 102
Hepburn Act, 96–116; legislative history of, 97–100
Herring, Pendleton E.,28n
Hess, Stephen, 184n
Hesseltine, William B.,84n
Hochschild, Jennifer, 176n
Howe, George Frederick, 85n
Hume, David, 32
independence of the executive, 39–41, 128–30
institutional partisanship, 9–13
Jackson, Andrew, 53–54, 57, 64, 66, 73–75
Jackson, Jesse, 183n
James, Marquis, 73n
Jefferson, Thomas, 40, 50, 56, 61, 64, 66, 70–71, 73
Johnson, Andrew, 16, 19, 61, 64, 66, 74n, 83–84, 87–93; as Christ, 88–89; as drunk, 91
Johnson, Lyndon B.,7, 161–72, 196
Kelley, Stanley, Jr., 15
Kennedy, John F., 162–63, 190–91
Kernell, Samuel, 11, 14n, 175n, 179–80
Ketchum, Ralph, 71n
Key, V. O., 28n
Knox, Philander, 99
Kolko, Gabriel, 179n
Kolko, Joyce, 179n
Kumar, Martha J., 186n
La Follete, Robert, 105
Lapeyre v. United States, 54–55
Leech, Margaret, 87n
Lefeber, Walter, 179n
Lincoln, Abraham, 5, 11, 25, 50, 64, 66, 70, 110, 141; on silence, 79–81; Emancipation Proclamation, 52, 81–82; Gettysburg Address; 82; on reconstruction, 82
Lindblom, Charles, 36n
Lobovitz, John R.,91n
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 99, 148–58
Lord, Carnes, 32
Lowi, Theodore, 8n, 9n, 14n, 26n, 175n
Lynch, Denis Tilden, 75n
Maas, Arthur, 38n
McCarthy, Joseph, 28
McCormack, Eugene, 63
McCoy, Charles A.,63
McKinley, William, 51, 61, 64, 65, 66, 87
McKitrick, Eric L., 87n, 88, 89n
McPherson, Harry, I 84n
Madison, James, 55, 61, 64, 66, 184
Mansfield, Harvey C., Jr., I In, 54n, 59n, 187
Marshall, John, 40
Marx, Karl, 32n
mass media, 13, 15–16, 80, 105, 168, 186–89
messages. See rhetoric
Meyers, Marvin, 76n
Montesquieu, Baron de, 32
Moynihan, Daniel, 162, 166n, 167n
muckrakers, 105
Muir, William K., 38n
Neustadt, Richard, 4n, 7n, 10–13, 41, 54
Nevins, Allan, 85
Nichols, Ray Franklin, 78n
Nixon, Richard, 7
Paletz, David L.,187n
Paltsis, Victor Hugo, 68n
personality. See character, presidential
Peterson, Paul, 166n, 167n, 190n, 197n
Pierce, Franklin, 61, 64, 66, 77–78
political development, 6–9, 173–74; as layered text, 17–19, 146
political parties, 13–15. See also campaigns; presidential selection
Polk, James K., 50, 63, 64, 66, 76–77
Pollard, James E., 186n
presidential selection, 9n, 34
Quintilian, 32
railroad, 97–110; as facilitator of speechmaking, 65; as negative symbol, 102–104
Rayback, Robert J., 77n
Reagan, Ronald, 3–4, 5n, 16, 20, 22, 45, 96n, 168n; and budget cuts, 196–97; and movies, 194; as speech-writer, 190; and Strategic Defense Initiative, 197–202; and tax reform, 193–96
reason: and motives, 152; as cause, 13–17, 17n;as epiphenomenon, 17
rhetoric: Annual Message, 74; aphoristic, 187;as cause, 13–17;Cold War, 179–80; common law of, 26–27; conditions of success, 101–106; crisis, 181;farewell address, 68, 78; as fiction, 179, 188; as impeachable offense, 91–93; inaugural address, 47–51; messages to Congress, 55–58, 74, 133–34, 142–44; old and new compared, 137–44; on the run, 192–93; proclamations, 51–55, 74; protests to Congress, 74;regime-level debate, 110–16, 195–96;replies to messages, 55–57;responses to Serenades, 88–90;standards of, nineteenth century, 46;standards of, twentieth century, 132–37;to Indians, 70, 73; toasts, 73, 76; tours, 62–87; unofficial, 62–87
Robinson, Donald, 42n
Rockman, Bert, 9n
Rogin, Michael Paul, 73n, 199n
Roosevelt, Franklin, 7, 20, 145. See also New Deal
Roosevelt, Theodore, 4, 19–20, 62n, 95–116, 193–94
Rose, Richard, 6n
Rossiter, Clinton, 30n
Rostenkowski, Dan, 194
Rovere, Richard, 201
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 7n, 10n, 74–75
Schmitt, Gary J., 8n, 44n, 45n, 122n
Sefton, James E., 90n
separation of powers, 41–45, 119–24
Severn, Bill, 77n
Shapiro, Robert Y., 179n
Shays, Daniel, 28
Shepard, Edward M., 63
Small, Norman J., 71n
Smith, Elbert B., 78n
Smith, Theodore Clarke, 84n
Sorenson, Theodore, 191
speeches. See rhetoric
Sperlich, Peter, 11n
Storing, Herbert J., 8n, 26n, 40n, 41, 58n
Strategic Defense Initiative, 22, 197–202
Stryker, Lloyd Paul, 90n
Suleiman, Ezra, 6n
Sullivan, John, I 83n
Sullivan, Mark, 99n, 100n, 103n, 104n
Sumner, William Graham, 74
Sundquist, James, 162, 163n, 165n, 172
Taney, Roger B., 78
Taylor, Zachary, 51, 64, 66, 77
television. See mass media
Thurow, Glen E., 15n, 48–49, 82n, 182n
Tillman, Pitchfork Ben, 99–110
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 59
tours. See rhetoric
Van Buren, Martin, 63, 64, 66, 73, 75–76
veto, 7
Vile, M.J.C.,42n
Waldo, S. Putnam, 71n
War on Poverty, 21, 160–72, 196
Washington, George, 25, 47–49, 52, 55, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67–69, 77, 184; as modern president, 7–8
Watson, Jack, 192
Wayne, Stephen J.,8n
Webster, Daniel, 57–58, 76, 177
Weiner, Sanford, 201n
Wildavsky, Aaron, 201n
Williams, Charles Richard, 84n
Wilson, James, 40
Wilson, Woodrow, 4, 20–21, 56, 65, 118–37, 173–77; and League of Nations, 147–61, 197–98;on presidential selection, 182–84
Wolfe, Christopher, 119n
Wood, Gordon, 36n