This novel has been nurtured by many hands, but none stronger or surer than Mary-Rose MacColl’s. I thank her for her insight, her patience, her love and courage through three years of workshopping.

I also thank Sandra Hogan, Krissy Kneen, Annie Edwards, Jo Clifford, Anita Houghton and Zoe Houghton for their friendship and fine readers’ eyes; Jill Rowbotham, Anna Krien and Julie MacCormack for their endless encouragement, and the women at Sisters Inside for keeping it all real. And, of course, my family, for holding me up.

I am deeply grateful to Judith Lukin-Amundsen for her advice and professional care of this novel that dates back to early drafts, to Fiona Inglis, and to Madonna Duffy and Rob Cullinan at UQP, whose support and warmth have made me brave.