Your Responsibilities Are Increased, but Not Your Pay


One way companies save money is to stop farming out work to vendors and instead bring the tasks in‐house. By expanding the responsibilities of a current employee to include work previously done by an outsider, without increasing the employee's pay, the company cuts expenses without cutting salaries. While having more piled on your plate doesn't initially appear like a positive, you can turn it into one. If you're a new or younger staffer this is a chance to show how much more you can do. It's a chance to make clear your potential for bigger and better roles in the company. If you're a long‐term employee, it's an opportunity to get a better title.


  • Attitude: Set aside the added burden and look at this as an opportunity.
  • Preparation: If you sense there may be a need for the company to cut costs, start thinking about what other roles you'd like to take on or what title you'd like in the future.
  • Timing: You'll have no control over the timing of this dialogue.
  • Behavior: Remain positive and upbeat. It's okay to demonstrate ambition as well as confidence.
Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 10. Your Responsibilities are Increased, but Not Your Pay with an opening statement, two situations, and responses.


This script can be modified to:

  • Respond to new tasks given to you by a charity or social organization.


  • Look at this as an opportunity rather than a burden.
  • If you're new to the company, or you are a younger employee, view this as chance to show your potential.
  • If you're a veteran employee this is a chance for a new title.
  • Stress your eagerness to do even more for the company.