Any organization terminating someone who is close to retirement should be willing to do what it can to give the employee credit for the time remaining until they qualify for retirement. How much of a bridge an organization offers is entirely subjective. If you're terminated when close to retirement you have two possible responses, based on whether or not your former employer has done the right thing and “bridged” your seniority to the vesting level. Don't let the company's gesture suffice. Ask that, in the same spirit, the company also carry the cost of your health coverage until it's covered by your retirement or pension plan. Having already established the bridging precedent it's not much of a leap for the company to broaden it to include health coverage. If the company hasn't given you credit for whatever time you need to earn your retirement benefits, don't hesitate to use your legal leverage. The specter of a wrongful termination suit should be sufficient to increase your severance package…and that's what it's all about.
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