Insisting a Direct Report Show More Awareness of Ethical Issues


Ethics in business can be a slippery slope. If minor or occasional ethical lapses by employees are tolerated, either openly or by looking the other way, there's no telling where the situation will end up. That makes it essential to deal with such problems immediately. However, smacking down a direct report for a minor transgression can be counterproductive. By all means confront the individual as soon as possible. In order to soften the blow but to make sure it's effective, offer understanding without letting that be an excuse. Allow the individual to offer their own explanation to blow off steam. But make it clear that the ethical lapse is unacceptable and not to be repeated.


  • Attitude: This is an important matter, but it needn't be a confrontation unless you need to respond to an attack.
  • Preparation: You need to have the utmost confidence in your facts. Making a mistaken approach of this kind could damage your future relationship.
  • Timing: Have this conversation as soon as possible after learning of the ethical lapse.
  • Behavior: Hold this dialogue in your workspace, in private. Your manner should be serious yet understanding. Think of yourself as a forgiving parent, rather than a supportive pal or a zealous prosecutor.
Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 50. Insisting a Direct Report Show More Awareness of Ethical Issues with an opening statement, situations, and responses.


This script can be modified to:

  • Confront a family member about a minor ethical lapse.


  • This is serious, however minor it may seem to the individual.
  • Make it clear that you understand and forgive, but you don't excuse.
  • If you're told everyone does it, explain this is a way to set the company apart.
  • If it's a oneā€time event, stress that's no excuse, but make it clear you don't think poorly of the subordinate.
  • If you're met with an attack, assert your authority and press the issue.