Telling Your Supervisor That Someone Else Took Credit for Your Idea


It's essential to deal with idea theft right away. If you don't stop someone else from taking credit for your ideas, it will become a recurring pattern that derails your career. Confronting the thief in private might keep this from happening again but won't help you recover the lost credit. That will require bringing the issue to you supervisor. The only way to do this without seeming petty is to acknowledge that's how it may appear, but offer nobler, less selfish reasons as the real motivations. It matters less that you're actually believed than that it gives you a rationale to bring the facts to your supervisor's attention.


  • Attitude: This isn't backstabbing, it's self‐defense. And the only way to recover from the damage is to bring it to your supervisor's attention.
  • Preparation: Make sure you have a paper trail that proves that the idea was originally your own.
  • Timing: Bring this up as soon as you learn the idea has been stolen. The sooner you raise the issue, the more honest you'll appear.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 77. Telling Your Supervisor That Someone Else Took Credit for Your Idea with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 77. Telling Your Supervisor That Someone Else Took Credit for Your Idea with situations and responses.
  • Behavior: Be more concerned than angry. The irater you appear, the more this will seem a personal matter. Shake your head rather than your fist and shrug your shoulders instead of pounding a table.


This script can be modified to:

  • Protest another's undeserved award or honor.


  • Bring up the matter with reluctance.
  • Stress that you're more concerned for the company than you are angry with the thief.
  • If asked for documentation, provide it.
  • If accused of pettiness, expand on the nature of broader potential harm.
  • If asked to repeat claims to a third party, agree.