If the coffee break is the number one entitlement workers hold sacred, complaining is a close second. Employees consider gripe sessions as no more than a healthy “venting” of petty frustrations. But when someone repeatedly and maliciously directs complaints at colleagues behind their backs, it's not only the employee that's being attacked—so is the efficiency of the workplace. The goal of this script is to bring such backstabbing to an immediate halt. The secret is investigation and verification. If you haven't witnessed the backstabbing first hand, you must verify it. That's because it's not uncommon for an employee to try to manipulate management into punishing an office enemy by alleging backstabbing. Verifying a complaint means interviewing all the affected workers, including the alleged perpetrator. Quite often the investigation is enough to bring the problem to a halt: word spreads you're aware of the problem, consider it serious, and are ready to deal with it accordingly.
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