Coffee, toilet paper, rubber bands, file folders, legal pads—when it comes to items people steal from the workplace, the list is endless. The goal of this lifescript is to stop a pilfering peer without coming across as smug, saintly, or a member of the FBI. Caught red‐handed and confronted in a gentle way (yelling “Up against the wall” is a bad move), your coworker will either: beg you not to tell your supervisor; snarl that the very least the company owes them is a case of paper clips since they pay low wages; or minimize their foray into larceny by claiming it's something everyone does. If they have got an iota of conscience and common sense, they'll see the error of their ways (after you point them out to them, of course) and put the goods back voluntarily. But if they won't, you need to make it clear that if you catch them stealing again and you're later asked if you know who made off with the couch from the employees' lounge, you're not going to cover for them.
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