First of all, thank you to all of the readers and book bloggers. Without your love of books, none of this would be possible. Keep on being awesome!
A huge thank-you to my amazing editor, Liz Pelletier. Thank you for believing in this book before it was even finished and for helping to make my dreams come true. You’re truly special for everything you do. Also, thank you to everyone at Entangled, those who had eyes on this book, and everyone in general. It really is an incredible team of awesome.
Of course a massive thank-you goes out to my fabulous critique partners: Rachel Harris, Trisha Wolfe, and Brenda Drake. Your insights and eyes on my pages were invaluable. Our journey together over the years has been a wild ride. Love you guys.
To my family, I love you all. Thanks for putting up with my obsession with words and stories that dance through my head.
And to sunny skies, beaches, and popcorn…just because.