George said to Harry, “My grandpa is only six days older than my dad.”
“Don’t believe you,” said Harry.
George was right – how come?
Here’s a game you can play that Harry and George would love, if only they could read! It’s a lot of fun.
Take a word and see how many other words you can make out of it. It’s a good idea to have a system. Start with the first letter of the word and then go on to the second and then the third. For example: DINNER can be made into: DEN, IN, NINE, END, RED (amongst other words).
How many words can you make out of: HORNET, BUTTERFLY, DRAINPIPE and CENTIPEDE?
What has 50 legs but can’t walk?
Half a centipede
What do you get if you cross a centipede and a chicken?
Enough drumsticks to feed an army