

Lady Aurora

Dawn of the Goddess

The radiant Archeia Aurora is an angel of ‘God’s light’. Her Latin name translates to ‘Dawn’, which suits her perfectly, as her presence immediately uplifts you so you can see the sunnier side of life. She assures you that no matter how long or dark the night may have been, a new day awaits you, making her a great ally when you’re feeling that all is lost.

Lady Aurora will help you to rise from the ashes and step into your personal power, and encourage you to shine your light, just like you’re meant to. By helping us to trust our gut and use the power of discernment, Lady Aurora is especially helpful to empaths. Her light will dispel any confusion caused by external influences upon your energy, enabling you to recognize when you’ve absorbed emotions that belong to another person.

Lady Aurora’s Appearance

Lady Aurora appears to me with gentle deep brown eyes and she’s always wearing a beautiful wide smile. Adorned in a ruby-red satin gown, big golden curls trail down her back. She has the most amazing crystalline wings that span out like glistening rays of the sun. Her aura may appear to be bright gold in colour. At other times, you may notice additional waves of light dancing both through and around her, similar to the Northern Lights (aurora borealis).

She emanates yellows and golds to enlighten, empower and energize you. And blues, greens and purples to clear your energetic slate and rebalance your energy bodies, with reds and oranges to ignite sparks of passion and drive within you.

Lady Aurora’s Energy

Archeia Aurora has a very recognizable energy. When in her presence a feeling of deep peace overcomes you. Unruly thinking is instantly replaced with clarity.

She represents The Ace of Swords in the Tarot deck. This is the card of resurrection, epiphanies and conquering your thinking. Lady Aurora reminds us that just like in the message of this card, all of our struggles, pain and suffering were meaningful and played a crucial role in the forging of our spirits, making us who we are today.

She’s the archetypal innocent child who’s untainted, free from the projections and opinions of others (elders, parents or teachers). Children have confidence in voicing their needs or opinions. We all know about it when a baby is uncomfortable! She encourages you to be the same. Be honest about what you want, be yourself and heal or let go of whatever may be disturbing your peace.

She can help you with:

Lady Aurora’s Calling Cards

Here’s a list of Archeia Aurora’s calling cards for you to look out for. If you notice any of her personal tokens that are listed, you can take it as confirmation that she wants to work with you or she’s trying to get your attention:

Angel of Resurrection

They say that the darkest hour is just before dawn, meaning that stressful situations can feel as though they get worse just before they’re about to get better. This peak in darkness is a pivotal point of change, because there’s only one way to go when you hit rock bottom – and that’s upwards. Lady Aurora is that very dawn. She’s the light who comes to our aid and guides us safely back into the light. She inspires us to give that final push, walk the extra mile and above all, maintain a feeling of hope.

Lady Aurora can be called upon to help you to face any area of your life that needs transforming. Along with other Archangels, she oversees a spiritual process that all human beings endure on their ascension journey: the Spiritual Death. A spiritual death can occur several times in one’s lifetime. Relax, it doesn’t mean that you have to die or have a near-death experience to undergo it! You can think of it as a process that allows part of our ego and false self to die so we can be reborn anew, free from shackles of the past.

You’ve probably experienced a Dark Night of the Soul already. Perhaps the breakdown of a relationship, the death of a loved one, or any other kind of loss that may have propelled you into a downward spiral towards an all-time low. In the game of life, it’s possible and maybe even inevitable that you’ll endure this process again. This is what Lady Aurora has to say about this:

Beloved ones, your lifetimes on Earth bring you experiences in which you will endure great emotional pain and suffering. But let me reassure you – I am here for every single person, every step of the way. Call upon me. I will provide a beacon of light to guide you home when you are lost and I will ignite the flame of will within your soul, to strengthen you to see another day.

Human life experiences can be harsh at times, but remember: there is always an opportunity for growth. A glimmer of light emerges from the cracks of a broken heart that has been struck by grief. As surely as the sun sets each evening, it will surely rise again each morning. All things pass. I will restore your faith and help you to find peace.

Lady Aurora’s presence is a welcome relief in times of uncertainty. When we lack clarity, we can be left feeling as though we’re fumbling around in the dark. Lady Aurora wants all of us to be at peace in our lives.

She can help you to turn chaos into calm by showing you the way forwards. She guides you towards the light at the end of the tunnel and helps you to rebuild your life after turmoil. She provides you with insight so that you learn from your experiences and ensure that your future is assembled on solid foundations.

Just remember that under the Law of Free Will, you must ask an angel to help you. They can never intervene unless your soul sends out an SOS.

Angel Encounter

I was first introduced to Archeia Aurora when I was about 20 years old. I was a self-employed holistic therapist at the time and was working one day per week at a mental health outpatients’ clinic. I loved giving treatments and helping to inspire people to heal their lives, like I had. But I’d begun to notice a pattern.

Each week during and after that particular day’s work, I’d begin to feel unwell. The symptoms that occurred included feeling energetically drained and slightly anxious with a splitting headache. I knew that this wasn’t right. I arrived home that evening, flopped on the bed and slapped a cold compress across my forehead. My eyes heavy, I asked my guardian angel to shed some light on the situation. Why did I feel ill whenever I worked at this place?

Inhaling the sweet scent of the lavender oil from the dripping wet flannel, I found that I couldn’t keep myself awake and dozed off almost straight away.

The next thing I knew, I was stood outside an ethereal golden castle. Hung in the sky above the castle was a huge rainbow-coloured orb, slowly rotating and shining rays of light.

Flitting around me smiling were about a dozen small angels, each about 1 metre (3 feet) in height, joyfully beckoning me inside. Trusting them completely, I felt compelled to follow them. Inside the circular entrance, I paused to admire the sacred geometric symbols finely carved into the high walls and archways.

A vast curtain of flowers cascaded from a stained-glass window, which displayed the image of a yellow rose encapsulated within a glorious orange rising sun. I could hear a melody of soft voices singing. It was so beautiful. The enchantingly sweet lull of music sent ripples of electrical currents throughout my body. I felt intoxicated with an indescribable sense of relaxation and warmth in my heart. My arms outstretched, I gazed up to the open-air ceiling and mouthed ‘Thank you.’ I knew that I was in a very special place receiving a deep spiritual healing.

In this lucid dream, I wondered where in the universe I was ‘visiting’. The penny dropped when I recognized a familiar face entering the room. It was Archangel Uriel. I knew then that I was at his etheric retreat over the Tatra Mountains, on the border of Poland and Slovakia.

‘There is someone who you need to meet,’ Archangel Uriel impressed in my mind.

‘Who?’ I cried in anticipation.

A shimmering beam of light descended from the orb in the sky and into the room. Stopping right in front of me, a dazzling female silhouette emerged from the light.

I instantly dropped to my knees in reverence. For the first time – or at least the first time I could remember – I was in the presence of the breathtakingly beautiful angel Lady Aurora, Archangel Uriel’s twin ray.

I’ll always remember how she made me feel: absolute bliss and carefree – her peaceful presence was a soothing balm for my spirit.

As she cupped my chin in her hands, Lady Aurora’s loving brown eyes met mine, her gentle gaze relaxing me all the more deeply. While maintaining eye contact, she moved her hands and rested them gently over my abdomen. After a few moments, she proceeded to ‘pull off’ one of my energy bodies. It was a strange sensation but it was comfortable; it was as easy as removing an item of clothing.

She explained to me that I was an empath and the reason why I was feeling so unwell when giving treatments was because I wasn’t shielding my energy sufficiently.

Holding up the energy body like an all-in-one suit, she pointed to the belly area. I could clearly see that it was clogged and dirty. Small masses of dark brown, smokelike energy knitted around my ‘suit’. The stagnated ki (chi/life-force energy) stretched and pulled away at the intricate fabric that bound the body together, leaving it with tiny holes.

It was so fascinating to see the damage that I’d unknowingly done to myself. But what was even more interesting was the fact that I could also read this energy! I knew exactly whom it had belonged to and when I’d picked it up.

This was a real eye-opener for me. No wonder I’d been feeling so rough! I’d been collecting all of my clients’ emotions and carrying them in my own aura. Pulling the energy body back over my head, Lady Aurora simply nodded when I asked her if she could help me to clear the blocked energy. A sunshine-like glow began to swell in her belly. Aligning her sun centre with mine, she proceeded to project a beam of light directly into my Solar Plexus centre. Tiny red-and-purple flames imploded here and there, as if they were extinguishing the stale energy that I’d accumulated.

The collection of negative energy was being banished. Some of it was mine and some of it had belonged to others. It was such a relief to release it. I immediately felt much lighter and clearer.

I asked Archeia Aurora whether sadness and suffering played an essential part in the spiritual awakening process. She confirmed, ‘Yes, because only from the darkest night can you observe the most glorious of light.’

The alarm clock woke me and I leaped out of bed, disorientated. I’d slept for 16 hours! After writing my experience down in my diary, I put the pen down and smiled to myself. Meeting Lady Aurora had left me feeling like a new woman. I realized that it’s fine to embrace your shadow. It didn’t mean that I was a spiritual failure because I had fears or doubts. It was all part of being a human being.

I quickly became good friends with Lady Aurora and she went on to teach me many things, including how to prevent my empathic gifts from loading me with collective energy gunk.

Angel of Empaths

Archeia Aurora is currently working very closely with the growing number of empaths and healers who are incarnating upon this planet. She explained to me that while some souls are born with empathic gifts, many have developed their sensitivity later in life, either through their spiritual practice or simply in response to the rising vibrational frequency on Earth.

By working with her, she can help you to distinguish where you end and where another person begins in an energetic sense – a classic struggle for new-found sensitives who unknowingly have a tendency to pick up on everything.

Lady Aurora will let you know when your energy needs clearing or when it needs extra shielding from unavoidable encounters with negative people, high emotions, energy vampires or mood hoovers.

She explained to me that the key to making the most of having empathic gifts is ensuring that you clear your energy often and always trust your gut. Your gut, or Solar Plexus chakra, is the energy centre that ‘reads’ the space that you enter and occupy. Lady Aurora will light up your Solar Plexus chakra so that you’re always aware and on form.

By meditating or calling upon Lady Aurora, you can fill up your energy tank whenever you feel as though you’re becoming drained. She loves nothing more than sharing her endless supply of light.

Like all angels, all you need to do is ask and it’s done. If you feel like you aren’t holding the reins and are unable to control your gifts, Lady Aurora will teach you how to turn them on and off. She’ll open up empathy in those who wish to develop this gift if you ask her to. If you’re dealing with a particularly hard or difficult person, you can ask this Archeia to soften their heart, enabling them to become more compassionate and open.


You may now be wondering if you, too, are an empath. I find that most people who are drawn to spirituality are empaths, as it frequently comes hand in hand. As your consciousness expands, so do your psychic gifts.

Here’s a basic set of questions to help you to identify any extra-sensitive gifts that you may possess:

If you’ve answered yes to more than three of these questions, then it’s likely that you’re an empath. In which case you’ll benefit dramatically from working with this Archeia.


Angel of Peace

Lady Aurora is an angel of the sixth ray, the ruby ray of peace. Part of her mission is to help humanity to establish heaven on Earth – to find peace.

She reassures all of those suffering from busy minds and uncertain hearts that harmony is more easily restored when you have a team of angels rooting for you. A problem shared?

Lady Aurora explains that you don’t need to try to save the world or change anybody to bring about world peace. She says that if enough individuals work on leading a harmonious lifestyle and live by example then that’ll be enough to create a knock-on effect upon those around us. People will feel your bliss emanating from you. They’ll want to know what your secret is. Therefore, you can stay just as you are without having to do anything. Peace is an inside job, attained through mindfulness and meditation.

Lady Aurora also adds that we can’t always remain at peace all of the time and that’s okay. If a stressful situation is unfolding around you and you’re finding it impossible to control your emotions, then ask her team of ruby ray angels to sing songs of tranquillity above your abode.

Angel of Empowerment

Lady Aurora helps to empower individuals to speak their truth. She says that being honest to both yourself and others is a crucial aspect of attaining lasting peace within ourselves. She’ll use her fiery energies to give you a swift boost of self-confidence, encouraging you to live the life that you truly desire.

In the past, it was unsafe for women to express their true nature – and it still is in some countries. For centuries we’ve hidden our interests, gifts and talents to avoid judgement and persecution, but that era is swiftly coming to a close. As the feminine and masculine fall into balance, our time is now.

Lady Aurora understands how it feels to have sold yourself short. It becomes second nature to most women to put other people’s needs before your own, but she tells you from the bottom of her heart that you should never settle for less or compromise yourself too much. She’ll help you to become accustomed to placing yourself higher up on your priority list.

We all know that you can’t pour from an empty cup and so you must fill it regularly by doing what you love. This will help you to sustain balance, health and happiness, as well as enable you to give love to others.

The Blazing Duo

Lady Aurora’s twin flame is the mighty Archangel Uriel. He’s one of my all-time favourite Archangels. I love his energy so much; he just lights me up inside.

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel’s name translates to ‘Fire of God’. He’s the great angel who illuminates you with the wisdom and truth streamed directly from the mind of God. When he visits me, Archangel Uriel wears red and gold Eastern-looking robes. He’s quite handsome with short chestnut brown hair and a short, neat beard.

He’s a jolly angel with a great sense of humour. I find that when I’ve been working with him, I naturally become very witty myself. The synchronicities that Archangel Uriel brings to you will more than likely make you laugh. His confirmations come in the form of cartoons or jokes and can be really hilarious.

I was giving a psychic reading to a very depressed client one day. She was on the verge of tears, when Archangel Uriel burst into the room laughing deliriously, wearing a pair of green wellies. He told me to ask her about the green wellies. I couldn’t help but laugh and even though it seemed a bit nutty, I still shared the scene with her. She immediately erupted with laughter and confirmed that she’d been doing the gardening in her late father’s green wellies that weekend. Even though they were four sizes too big, she didn’t have the heart to throw them away.

The evidence brought her much-needed comfort and reassurance that she’s still being watched over. The whole mood was lifted through Archangel Uriel’s ability to bring humour to the situation. He says that laughter releases natural endorphins within the body, making us feel contented and at peace.

He’s often depicted holding a lantern or a flame. This is very symbolic and holds several meanings. The flame represents how Archangel Uriel will help you to make an informed decision. Being the angel of crossroads, he’ll unburden you of doubt. If you’re in two minds, lack clarity and generally feel stuck you can invoke his sacred flame to clear your mind and become decisive.

Archangel Uriel also helps us to focus our attention on the task at hand, making him a great angel to work with if you’re studying. He provides ideas and creative inspiration to artists and writers; he has a truly brilliant mind. When Archangel Uriel comes to you with his lantern, he’s telling you that the answers that you seek lie within. He’s encouraging you to be your own guru, and to meditate and connect to the mind of Source yourself. He believes in you and so should you.

Archangel Uriel and Lady Aurora make a great team. The feminine energies of Lady Aurora will awaken inspiration within you and the complementary energy of Archangel Uriel will ensure that you stay committed to your goal. Their energies are felt on Earth most strongly on a Thursday (Thor’s day), which corresponds to the planet Jupiter, signifying expansion, confidence, action, luck and enthusiasm.

Working with Lady Aurora

After reading the earlier sections and learning the basics about Lady Aurora, you may now feel inclined to work with her. Perhaps you’ve noticed some of her calling cards already… Whether you’re ready to reinvent yourself, have discovered that you’re an empath, or you simply want to gain inspiration and insight, you’ll want to meet her for yourself.

Before you invoke her into your rituals and the exercises that follow, you may choose to set up an altar dedicated to her. If so, use lovely golden-yellow candles and a yellow altar cloth, and try to obtain some copal resin or dragon’s blood for burning.

You can also wear or hold any of the following crystals that are strongly aligned with her energetic frequency:

Lady Aurora’s Gemstones

The following crystals have the healing vibrations that resonate with the work of Lady Aurora:

Wear or hold any of these gemstones to enhance your sensitivity to Lady Aurora’s energy.

You can use this next mini ritual to introduce yourself to the wonderful healing presence of Lady Aurora. Connecting to her energy will help you to stay true to yourself, sharpen your intuition and clear out old energy from your consciousness. It can also be useful to do this ritual when you need a burst of inspiration or are feeling emotionally beaten.


For this exercise, you’ll only need a few ‘magical tools’:

These items are optional. They’ll help you to tune in to the vibration of Lady Aurora and the cleansing element of Fire.

Light the candle and burn a pinch of the dragon’s blood resin to initiate the start of the invocation, then you can begin:

After making this connection with Lady Aurora, you’ll have attuned yourself to having a deeper perception of her presence. You can use the same exercise to channel messages from any angel you wish. Taking notes of your experience is a good habit to enforce. When you look back at the messages, in time you’ll come to know what they meant. This will help you tremendously in decoding channelled messages in future, in addition to instilling in you more trust in your developing divination skills.


As Lady Aurora governs the Solar Plexus chakra, she’s the perfect angel to call in to help you to release any trapped emotions in your aura that have latched on to you via this chakra gate. Any hankering negative emotions locked in here may belong to you, or you may have collected them in your energy field when interacting with others. Here’s a fabulous exercise that you can use to clear your energy body – Lady Aurora taught it to me herself:


I go through this quick process after every psychic reading that I give. You may wish to practise it if you’ve had a hard day or offered someone a shoulder to cry on. This will ensure that you clear and let go of any unwanted energy that you may have absorbed.

This wonderful exercise is quick and easy once you’re familiar with the instructions that Lady Aurora has provided. You’ll really notice a difference in your vitality if you practise this exercise regularly. It’ll keep your personal energy safe from psychic attack and even boost your immune system, because all disease enters the body through damage to energy and emotional bodies (layers of the auric field surrounding your body).


Now that your energy field is clear and well-housed, you may wish to accelerate your spiritual gifts by uploading light codes from our sun. The great ancient civilizations understood the importance of the sun and some cultures even worshipped it. There are many solar temples dotted across the planet, such as Stonehenge in Wiltshire. This is where they’d observe the movement of the sun and tune in to its life-giving energy force. The Grand Central Sun is a Star Gate that broadcasts high-vibrational light to our planet, using our sun as a filter. If you’re feeling ready for some ascension upgrades, do try this exercise under the guidance and care of Lady Aurora. Here’s how:

The Grand Central Sun

Lady Aurora can increase your spiritual awareness and enhance your intuitive gifts by granting you more access to light codes from the Grand Central Sun.

Activation codes are imparted upon Earth every single day through our own sun, which transmits them directly from the Grand Central Sun portal. When we open ourselves up to receiving more light, unused parts of our brain and junk DNA begin to awaken, accelerating our evolution on all levels. You don’t need Lady Aurora to receive light codes – they’re available to everyone. However, with her help you can be more direct. She’ll source the specific activation codes for whatever it is you’re trying to evolve, awaken or enhance.

Think of her as having your very own tour guide in a foreign land. You can enjoy being in a beautiful place, but you have yet to learn all the history or the best things to see. Lady Aurora will uncover all of the hidden gems.


The strongest light codes burst upon Earth at sunrise. This time of day also connects strongly to Lady Aurora – Dawn of the Goddess.

Regardless of whether the sun is shining or not, get up early one morning and go outside at sunrise or just before. If you can see the sun, sit facing it. If not, sit facing the direction of east.

This exercise will accustom your body to containing high-vibrational light. You’ll be filled with spiritual wisdom and the joys of the sun. Practise it as often as you can, especially when you feel stuck and require an internal shift to take place.


During our spiritual awakening process, we need to remain grounded and keep in mind that we’re here to be human. Just go with it if you become indecisive or stuck along the way. Here’s an exercise to help you to gain perspective in such times:


Making a decision can be tricky sometimes. We may fear that we won’t get the results that we desire. Other times we may feel unable to proceed because we lack enough information to make an informed choice, so it feels too risky. Lady Aurora says that even the angels have their hands tied at times and if it’s for our highest good then answers can be withheld from us.

Have you ever been for a psychic reading and come away with nothing? That’s because our angels and guides know that sometimes, knowing the next step of our future could actually hinder it, for we could inadvertently change our destiny by avoiding certain situations. For example, if you were told that you were to meet a new romantic partner who wouldn’t last long, but the person you meet afterwards is ‘the one’, what could potentially happen here? You may conclude that there’s no point in entertaining the next person that you meet romantically and wait for ‘the one’. But what if you only met ‘the one’ through this initial brief encounter and by discounting it, you’ve closed the door on a greater opportunity? The angels know the bigger picture and if we’re not ready to see it, then we must trust our gut, our abilities and the knowledge that the angels have our backs at all times. Yet, we can still ask for guidance and clarity in making those decisions, even if we can’t perceive the entire outcome.

Look out for signs over the next few days. Lady Aurora will speak to you directly through synchronicities in the external world, such as through the TV, other people’s conversations, the radio or in an article in a magazine.


Finally, when you’ve found your answer and made up your mind, try this next little exercise to bring positive energy to your decision:


For this next exercise you’ll need a pen and a blank sheet of paper:

Look at the report each night before you go to sleep to boost your positive expectations and to drive you towards taking action to bring these dreams alive. Lady Aurora will inspire you to make things happen. As we all know, a dream without a plan is just a wish. She’ll work her magic, helping you on your way.


Lady Aurora will be a wonderful friend to you once you get to know her. Being so diverse allows her to help you with both earthly and spiritual living. Her wisdom awaits you.