

Lady Christine

Follower of Christ

Archeia Christine holds the frequency of the golden ray of Christ. Her name doesn’t mean that she’s a follower of Jesus Christ – although they’re very close friends – but rather a devotee of the Christ light. When you understand that Christ is a title and not a name, it quickly clears up religious and patriarchal misconceptions that Jesus was the Christ. In truth, He was a human being who attained the Christ Consciousness.

Archeia Christine will prepare you for your own spiritual enlightenment, just like she has done with many great Masters before you. She’ll attune your energy field to the highest possible frequency that you can safely handle at this time, so that you, too, can eventually become crowned with the Christos (anointed) Sophia (wisdom) consciousness (receive spiritual enlightenment).

Lady Christine has been designated with the following roles to carry out on Earth: helping human beings to achieve beautiful, positive thoughts, to be fully present in the moment and showing us how to attain spiritual enlightenment by becoming our own guru.

Lady Christine’s Appearance

Lady Christine visits me as a huge golden-yellow aura that emanates around her like rays of the sun. She always greets me with a tender smile and her sapphire blue eyes gently fix upon me knowingly. She wears simple white robes and has a blue-and-gold six-pointed star that glows faintly on her forehead. This symbol represents a balance in heaven and Earth energy, and the bridging of masculine and feminine consciousness.

She looks similar to Lady Charity, with very feminine facial features and shoulder-length, sunshine-coloured hair, although she’s somewhat taller than Archeia Charity (by several feet). A crown of white and gold roses rests gently upon her head. Sometimes you may be able to smell them.

She’s often accompanied by many smaller angels and cherubim. What’s strikingly different is her intensely powerful energy! You certainly feel plugged in to the consciousness of your own divinity (higher self) when calling her in.

Lady Christine’s Energy

Lady Christine reminds me of a Zen nun. When her aura meets yours, a wave of calm permeates throughout your body, bestowing you with a feeling of contentedness and wellbeing. She’s extremely high vibrational, so if you meditate with her you’ll feel a gradual build-up in intensity of kundalini energy that resides at the base of the spine and travels through your chakras, similar to when you practise chanting or deep breathing.

It sometimes feels like you’re in slow motion when you’re with her. This is because she does indeed slow down time. She does this to help you to become more deeply aware of your surroundings, rooting you firmly into the present.

In the Tarot she represents The Hermit. Being an advocate of gathering your own answers, she’ll show you how to connect with your higher-self guidance. If you dedicate yourself to spending precious time with your soul, Lady Christine will walk you right up to the inner cave of knowledge. From there, you’ll then enter into the silence, alone. She knows that this is the only way to be illuminated with your own soul, enabling you to discover who you really are and the real purpose of your life. The hermit’s cave contains the answers to all that you’re seeking.

She can help you with:

Lady Christine’s Calling Cards

Lady Christine may give you some of the following signs to get you to notice her when she’s around you:

Angel of Beautiful Minds

Lady Christine can help you to cultivate a beautiful mindset. She teaches you how to truly appreciate everything that you have and serves with the gentle reminder to see the proverbial cup as half full when necessary.

She offers wise counsel and support when you require guidance or peace of mind. She’s the queen of rationality, making her the go-to angel when your head gets in a spin over an issue or dilemma.

If you’re feeling flustered or overwhelmed by deadlines and hefty work schedules, Lady Christine can intervene and facilitate respite.

She can help you to prioritize your workload so that you hit your targets without overdoing it. Lady Christine says that carving a little time out of your day to enjoy a short meditation is time well spent. Precious moments to pause and gather your thoughts are priceless. If you feel as though you need to power through or think that taking a break is a waste of time, then you probably need it the most! She promises you that you’ll be more productive in the long run.

All angels have their unique party tricks! Lady Christine’s is the ability to bend time. She can literally slow down or even pause time on your behalf if needed. Being a typical Sagittarian, I’ve found myself – on more than a few occasions – to be running late or worrying about getting somewhere on time.

When on my way to a few important meetings, I’ve encountered unexpected traffic jams and called upon the help of Lady Christine. Without fail, she reassembles events so that somehow, miraculously, I always make it with a few minutes to spare. So long as you accept responsibility and only do so from time to time, you can occasionally call her in for emergency backup. She can ensure that you reach your destination on schedule.

Archeia Christine is also the angel to call upon when you’re feeling mentally stuck or unproductive. Perhaps you have an essay to write or a creative piece of artwork to finish and you’ve lost your mojo. Well, she’ll clear the cobwebs of your mind and plug you into the higher source of creative intelligence.

She’s the ultimate angel of concentration, so if you’re struggling to focus on the task at hand, need whipping into shape or are forgetful in general, call her in. Ask her to sharpen your thinking. If you have relatives or friends with dementia or Alzheimer’s, you can ask Lady Christine for a blessing for them. She’ll then hold them in a comforting embrace amid disorientated thoughts and memory loss. Light a white candle in that person’s name and Lady Christine will direct a blessing at them.

If you’re an anxious person, or continually have a sense of urgency about you, always pushing for answers, achievements or results, then call in Lady Christine. She can help you to learn to enjoy the moment and to trust the process that you’re experiencing. When you believe that life is working for your greatest good, you can relax knowing that all is well.

Angel Encounter

When I was 19 years old, studying to be a holistic therapist, I was taken under the wing of a shaman – ‘Carrion’ for the purposes of this book. As her apprentice, I learned to work with the spirit world, herbs, power animals and ritual.

I did surprisingly well at what she taught me. It seemed that I had a knack for lightwork. Of course, I had additional support and unlike her, I only ever worked with the angels by my side. They seemed to give me that extra edge.

I was the happiest I’d ever been in my whole life. For the first time I actually felt that I had a purpose. I’d well and truly come into my own and was buoyantly shining my little light into the world. But with my new-found confidence and wisdom came a lot of attention – people are always attracted to your light.

I consider myself to be a very humble and honourable person, and it was totally unintentional when I eventually became more sought-after than my teacher. A succession of unfortunate events took place in her personal life, dulling that magical sparkle that had once twinkled in her eyes.

As she descended into a downward spiral, her own fears stripped her of her power. Setting in like rot, envy smouldered in her heart. Used to being the ‘top dog’, she found it beneath her to ask me for help during her dark times. Rather than celebrate what a good teacher she’d once been, instead she chose to turn against me in resentment.

Knowing my fears, she hatched a plan to get me off the scene by attempting to pull me off my spiritual path. Her psychic attacks began. They started with little arrows of darkness to fill my mind with self-doubt, to the extreme of manipulating dark entities to scare me away.

Luckily, I could feel when my space had been invaded, so I was able to undo her nasty work before her ill wishes took full effect. But I was growing tired of the battles and the question did cross my mind whether or not I was really meant to be doing this.

My current dilemma left me with two choices: disappear into the background and hope that Carrion would get bored, or remain true to my calling and pursue the path that my soul had led me towards.

To be honest, I was terrified. But after all I’d gone through in my life and conquered so far, it was a no-brainer. I was going to do this anyway! I knew in my heart that I was meant to be on this path. I was born for this!

I held complete trust and faith in Archangel Michael. He assured me that he had my back and during one of his visits, he brought through Archangel Jophiel and Lady Christine to further assist me with my problem with Carrion. Archangel Michael set about protecting the exterior of my home while I worked on the inside, together with Archangel Jophiel and Lady Christine.

First, Archangel Jophiel instructed me to clean my home physically. As I did so, his angels came in and sang, uplifting the negative energy as they moved from room to room. Light green and bright gold light shone right out of them, infusing around all of my belongings; even the sofa had a glowing aura when they were done. Archangel Jophiel reminded me that I still had a music CD that Carrion had given to me, so he advised me to throw it away immediately to prevent her from using it to link into my energy.

When my home felt lovely and light again, Lady Christine took over. She gave me sound advice on how best to respond. She told me that Carrion would no longer be able to take my energy if I simply withdrew from her. That meant not thinking about her at all – easier said than done.

She explained that your energy is your personal currency (current of energy). Thinking spends your currency and being present in the moment gains you interest. That was my solution with Carrion. I had to stop wasting my energy by feeding her with my thoughts. If she didn’t exist in my mind, then she ceased to exist at all in my reality. I took the advice of Lady Christine and I’ve neither seen nor heard from Carrion again. Although Carrion had started off with good intentions, wanting to heal and teach others, sadly the small voice of wisdom was drowned by her ego.

Can you see in this story how power can be dangerous when in the wrong hands? You must always remain humble. Everything that you do must be in alignment with love and integrity. The ego has two extremes: it can make you feel like you’re not good enough, or it can turn into arrogance, fuelling you with a sense of grandeur, convincing you that you’re worthier than others. Both ends of the spectrum derive from fear. Lady Christine says that being aware of both the voice of the ego and that of wisdom allows you to take your time to choose your response.

Angel of Presence – in the Now

Lady Christine can help you to place your awareness fully in the now. By getting to know her and by following her guidance, you can learn to expand your awareness both of the self and of the world. She’ll take you beyond current conceptions of who you think you are, taking you to a place of stillness where the inner observer resides.

She’ll instil patience and discipline in you – qualities that’ll enable you to witness your thoughts, people’s actions or circumstances without forming an opinion. You’ll gain the ability simply to watch. Centring yourself in a place of non-judgement then enables you to perceive life in its complete truth, awakening you to a deeper reality, the unity God/dess consciousness, which is free from personality and ego.

When you’re in the present moment, all is well. There’s nothing to fear. If your thoughts are projecting into the future or trapped in memories of the past then your spirit is fragmented and incomplete. This is because your thoughts contain your life force energy, and if they’re not focused on the present moment then they’re scattered about in other dimensions and realities.

The ability to be in the moment is difficult to achieve at first, but with discipline it becomes second nature. You’ll notice many benefits from this practice, such as more stable moods, becoming less easily triggered emotionally so you can experience inner peace, increased contentment, less worry, improved concentration, the ability to get things done, less procrastination, more happiness, increased energy and a sense of clarity.

Mindful meditation can train your thinking to be rooted in the moment. As can hooking your energy into the light of Lady Christine with the exercises provided later in this chapter.

Angel of the Buddha Christ Mind

Lady Christine reminds us that we’re unlimited, both in terms of what we’re capable of and within our evolution. She says that even in our spirituality there’s no ceiling to cap the heights to which we may soar. There’s a common misconception that when we attain our Christ or Buddha mind, we return to heaven, job done. But this is a half-truth, because while we do rejoin the great pool of Source energy, our ascension journey simply continues. In fact, our evolution is the same as our existence: eternal.

There are dimensions within dimensions that span out for eternity, so although attaining the wisdom of Christ will grant us access into higher dimensions and realties, there’s no actual finish line. That may seem pretty deep, but there really is no need to feel overwhelmed! All that’s required of us is to take one step at a time.

Lady Christine is the perfect angel to ensure that we stay focused on our current mission, in which all human beings are partaking. Whether you walk the spiritual path in this lifetime or in 10 lives from now, regardless, we’re all headed for the same destination: the fifth dimension and beyond.

Lady Christine explained to me that the chakra system can be looked upon as a map to navigate through your journey to enlightenment. As we know, spiritual time is nonlinear, so the order that you work through the chakras is flexible, yet it’s good to start at the beginning, at the Root chakra. This involves us facing our fears, becoming confident, standing on our own two feet and so forth.

This will create a solid foundation on which your spiritual house is built. Lady Christine advises us to power through rather than give in to the temptation of skipping working on the ‘boring’ chakras. Sure, it’s much more fun to experiment with, say, the Third Eye chakra rather than the Solar Plexus or the Throat, but you’ll discover just as many treasures for your soul’s growth with each and every one.

She assures us that this is a natural urge because the lower chakras force us to embrace our shadow and shed old skins and traumas, which is unpleasant, unlike having a psychic vision, which is very empowering and exciting. The problem is, when we’ve had lots of activity within our Third Eye chakra and have neglected the lower energy centres, we can encounter a very common trick of the ego: the Battle of the Two Snakes. Just like my teacher, Carrion, did.

Lady Christine works with all people who are ready to step up to the next level of their spirituality. She’ll connect your Crown chakra directly to the stream of light of the Divine mind of God/dess. Lady Christine will shape you into becoming your own guru, meaning you won’t require teachers or guidance from anyone else once you reach this phase of your growth. All of the answers that you could ever need will be accessible from within you. She says:

We angels are overjoyed that you are seeking us out and coming to understand and reclaim your divinity. Your entire spiritual heritage is yours for the taking. It is a hidden treasure, concealed deep within you. You may have travelled the entire world, read hundreds of books and attended many seminars, but what you were looking for was elsewhere, because the pearl of wisdom was within you all along.

And so, I invite you to call upon me during your meditations. I will expand your consciousness and instruct you on the bridging of your masculine and feminine energies, until your heart and mind sing the same song. This is where you will then be capable of initiating yourself into the mysteries of the soul, of the cosmos, so you can become one with the Creator.

The Golden Duo

Lady Christine’s twin ray is Archangel Jophiel, whose name means ‘Beauty of God’. These serene angels hold the frequency of the golden ray of Christ and are keepers of the flame of wisdom. They work together by opening up and attuning our Crown chakra to receiving the Divine teachings of Christ.

Their etheric portal is located near Lanzhou, China. You can link in to the energies of this place by simply singing Archangel Jophiel’s (Jo-fee-ell) or Lady Christine’s (Chris-teen) name.

Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Jophiel is very sweet. There have been many debates among angel enthusiasts on whether he is in fact male or female. This is partly down to how artists have made him look so beautiful. They’ll have portrayed him in this feminine way because this is how they’d have felt being around him, as he’s very gentle and even somewhat motherly.

He appears to me with soft golden-brown shoulder-length hair and dark brown eyes. Like Lady Christine, he wears a white bell-sleeved robe, only his has a large golden cross over his chest. There are often little blue birds and white doves that come through with him. He’s rather like Snow White, clearing up the energies of your home but with his little winged helpers.

Archangel Jophiel has a very deliberate disposition. He performs tasks slowly and very intently – think snail’s pace! He’s very delicate in movement, unlike some of the other angels – Lady Ariel or Archangel Michael for example – who’ll whoosh into your space.

Archangel Jophiel can help you with all of the same tasks as Lady Christine, but from a masculine perspective. Lady Christine can open you up to receiving wisdom and Archangel Jophiel can help you to become that wisdom by providing circumstances or lessons so that you can truly embody Christ through action.

He reminds us that it’s easier to have a positive mindset if we spend regular time in nature, taking time to enjoy beautiful places such as waterfalls and woodlands. Archangel Jophiel is the king of feng shui! He can help you to transform your living space totally, whether that be a simple lick of paint or a full-blown detox of your home’s energetic blueprint. Call upon Archangel Jophiel to help you to plan and create a peaceful sanctuary at home.

Simple tips from Archangel Jophiel to get you on your way include:

You can also call upon him if you feel as though you need an energetic spring-clean. If you’ve had a dispute with a neighbour or had a fall out at home and the energy feels tense, ask him to lighten the space.

Working with Lady Christine

Lady Christine is a beautifully uplifting angel with whom to work. She can help you to connect to your higher mind and the supreme Divine intelligence. As we step up our evolution she’ll help us to keep our feet firmly on the ground to ensure that we don’t get too carried away with our newly born spiritual powers, and that we remain loving and wise. Before you set out to work with this beautiful angel, it would be a good idea to read through the following exercises. Be sure to clear your space before you practise. For her altar, I use everything in white and burn frankincense essential oil.

The following crystals can help your energy to align with Lady Christine:

Lady Christine’s Gemstones

The following crystals have healing vibrations that resonate with the work of Lady Christine:

These gemstones can further assist in you making a strong connection with Lady Christine’s energy. They’ll enhance your ability to receive her wisdom directly and will support any healing intentions that you may want to work on with her help. Try this invocation and experience Lady Christine’s energy for yourself:


For this exercise you will need:

To call in Lady Christine:

This exercise will open your Crown chakra to receiving the wisdom of the golden ray of Christ, the gateway of the Masters. Drawing in light codes under the supervision of Lady Christine will speed up your ascension process and help you to enjoy the journey all the more. Working in alignment with Lady Christine can prevent you from dipping into ego when you feel the power of the Divine coursing through you. This is what I explain next.


The Duel of the Two Snakes

Earlier in this chapter, I briefly mentioned an ego trick called the Battle of the Two Snakes. All the highly evolved spiritual people I know have endured this test, often more than once. As we journey through our chakra awakening, we inevitably reach elevated states of consciousness. It’s when we’re on the cusp of enlightenment that the two snakes within us, Ida and Pingala, will meet at the Third Eye gate, ready to duel. The masculine and feminine within you will either unite as one, or slip into the shadow reality if they succumb to the final trick of the ego. The trick is that when our ego becomes inflated by our new-found wisdom, we believe ourselves to be special or better than others.

Passing the duel (transcending duality consciousness) grants you access to the gate of Christ consciousness, the Crown chakra. Passing through the Third Eye gate is achievable only by being humble and not being duped at the last hurdle. You may find it difficult to believe that this would happen to you or anyone who has good intentions, but you’d be surprised!

Unfortunately, this is all too common and I’ve personally witnessed countless people get caught out by the Third Eye gate. Which is why Lady Christine insisted that I covered it in this chapter. If I had a pound for every person who thinks that they’re the incarnation of Mary Magdalene, Isis or Jesus, I’d be a very wealthy woman!

This is how the ego snare works: a rapid spiritual awakening is occurring in many individuals. This double-dimensional leap means that a huge amount of knowledge is available like never before, yet there’s a difference between knowledge and wisdom.

As channels become so easy to open, direct access to the angels, Ascended Masters and all celestial beings is granted. From this position, you come into huge amounts of spiritual power. Everything is achievable and you quite literally become superhuman. The problem then arises, because it’s so easy to confuse the memories of the Masters as your own. Coming from a long period of having a separate identity, it’s inconceivable to have a joint memory bank in the planes of the Akasha (non-physical). Logically, how would you know such intimate, detailed information?

What further enhances confusion is when other people recognize the power in you and also assume that you’re an incarnated heavenly being.

I once did a Skype reading for a lady in Italy. At the end of the reading she asked me, ‘Are you Mary Magdalene?’ I replied, ‘No, I’m nobody special.’ In truth, I know that I am special, we all are, but no more than anyone else. I refuse to let it go to my head. The client was accurate in picking up on the energies of Mary Magdalene. I’m her priestess, so of course my client will feel her around me. I call upon her energy to work through me, to help me to be true and to be my best. Lady Christine says that gratitude and humility will help you to keep your feet firmly on the ground.

Acknowledging the Inner Shadow

With the guidance of Lady Christine, this is a very powerful kundalini awakening exercise that you can use to ensure that you’re healing your consciousness as well as upgrading it. This will reveal to you any shadow aspects that need clearing at each of the chakra gates. Failing to look at the shadow becomes very apparent when your consciousness rises to that of the Crown chakra. If the necessary inner work has been overlooked, then just as in the mythical story of The Tower Tarot card, the structure of the building will collapse once struck by the lightning of Source (the subconscious becoming conscious), causing all kinds of unexpected mayhem.

Working through the shadow means you’ll be unshakable when you reach your peak.


This is a very long exercise, so ensure that you have enough time to go through it undisturbed.

You will need:

I recommend burning frankincense resin or essential oil during this exercise to cleanse the space around you as you delve into your shadow aspects:

Most people have negative feelings and fears lurking in the shadow aspect of their personality. It’s part of the human journey to experience such emotions, so be proud of yourself for taking the time to review your own fears. Failing to address the shadow results in repeating the same life lessons. The way to personal freedom is embracing, healing and accepting the shadow. Alchemize your fears into wisdom.

Similarly, after the Battle of the Two Snakes exercise it’s likely that you’ll be tested in the physical world to see if you really have transcended the trips of the ego. Any triggers or challenges that arise over the coming weeks or months will speed up your spiritual progress. Be mindful of them and remember, Lady Christine will ensure that you’re only given what you can handle.


Lady Christine was one of many light emissaries who guided Yeshua (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene on their ascension journey. It was after Yeshua’s passing that the Archeiai appeared to go underground for the next 2,000 years. With the domination and brutality of the Roman Catholic Church, it took only two generations and they were completely forgotten.

This is one of the initiations that Lady Christine gave to Mary Magdalene in the Pyramids of Egypt. After she lost her beloved Yeshua, Mary became the sole carrier of the Christ flame on Earth. The flame continues to burn through the lineage of women who came after her: the Sisterhood of the Rose, witches and mystics. Every minute, the Magdalene Christ flame grows stronger. Have Mary Magdalene and the mysteries of women been calling you? Try this next exercise to bring you closer to discovering your Holy Grail:


Reactivating the Christ flame within you will help to heal both yourself and the disenfranchisement of women. This exercise will awaken your sleeping feminine wisdom – the aspect of Christ that we haven’t yet been taught about:

You will need:

When you’re ready, let’s begin:

Well done! You’ve mastered reigniting your own Christ flame! Rest assured, the angels and Masters will be rejoicing that you’re evolving your own self-mastery skills. This exercise will help you to obtain the missing piece of the ascension puzzle, the Christ that was withheld from us. I’m truly excited for you and what you’re going to unearth by using these practices.


Remember, the world needs your light. Every time you perform this and the other exercises, you bring more Christ light to the entire planet. Lady Christine will remind you to be proud of yourself while remaining graceful and humble.