

Lady Faith

Trust in the Goddess

Archeia Faith is a swift and solid warrior-ess angel – only what you’d expect being the twin flame of the one and only Archangel Michael. Her name, ‘Faith’, reminds us that there’s always a bigger hand at play. Although we don’t see the grander picture in its entirety from our limited physical form, we must trust in it all the same. Lady Faith will help you to develop that trust, not only in God/dess and the Divine plan, but also within yourself and your own capabilities.

As well as instilling trust and faith in you, her other major task is in leading the Army of Light. The Legions of Light protect the masses on a grand scale, ensuring that universal spiritual laws are upheld. On a smaller scale, she overlights shamans, healers and anybody else who’s frequently subjected to dense energy for the good of others. If you’re a healer of sorts, she’ll help you to become spiritually strong and self-reliant. With her knowledge you can learn how to mature your energy body. In other words, become a walking shield wall.

Lady Faith’s Appearance

Just like Archeia Ariel, Lady Faith also has two physical looks depending on the situation in which you encounter her. During casual visits when she comes to guide and teach you, she’s usually dressed rather elegantly. For me, she somewhat resembles a school principal with her neat blonde hair and her regal attire, consisting of a long white silk dress and a dark blue cloak.

Yet, upon the onset of potential threat or danger, she can look very different. Armed with shield and sword, she’ll whoosh in like a Norse shield-maiden ready for action. When she appears like this you know she means business. It’s her way of saying ‘put your guard up’. Her huge cobalt-blue aura fills the entire room, sucking up lower energies and churning them back out transformed into vibrant, crystal-clear ki.

Faith’s Energy

Just as she has two different looks, Lady Faith also has two different feels. Regardless of her demeanour, you’ll still be able to recognize her underlying dynamic energy. She does have a seriousness to her personality, which is the total opposite of Archangel Michael’s. As you probably already know, he’s a real hoot.

This Archeia doesn’t mess around and encourages you to adopt an attitude of ‘getting things done’. Although she gets straight to the point, she’s still deeply loving and compassionate. When you’re down, she’ll nurture you and help you to heal by reminding you of your truth: you’re a warrior of light in the making. She’ll help you to move on mentally by revealing necessary truths in a gentle way, and by helping you to shed restrictive energetic cords to people and places.

If you become her apprentice, she’ll toughen you up, empowering you to fight your own battles. Equally, she’ll also step in and fight your corner if you’re out of your depth. She’s always there for you when needed. In the Tarot deck she represents Lady Justice. She brings truths to light, fights for equality, protects the innocent and restores faith in humanity. She’s the archetypal shield-maiden, warrior-ess of light, slayer of darkness and illuminator of truth.

She can help you with:

Lady Faith’s Calling Cards

If you’re not frequently meditating or you take long breaks from your spiritual practice then your extrasensory perception (ESP) can become numb, unless you were born with your psychic gifts awakened, in which case your awareness can easily zone out. Luckily, the angels want you to seize every opportunity, so they’ll send subtle signs to remind you that they’re available to assist, just as soon as you give the go-ahead.

Here are Lady Faith’s bespoke signature calling cards to help you recognize her energy:

Angel of Truth

Have you asked yourself ‘who am I?’ or ‘why am I here?’ If so, then you’re a seeker of truth. Lady Faith is the angel of truth and will act as your light bearer, guiding you on your discovery of self. She can show you where your soul originated, which will then give you instant access to hidden gems of wisdom that were locked into the DNA of your soul. She can help you to identify answers to the most common questions that I hear lightworkers ask, such as who you are, where you’ve been and, most importantly, what you’re here to accomplish.

Not only does she reveal to you the meaning of your spiritual truths, but she also teaches you to become an authentic and true person. She helps you to become really genuine in all of your actions and astutely accurate in your observations. She does this by allowing you to see beyond the surface of situations in order to reach the true meaning that lies beyond your personal judgements.

She’s now reminding me of the quote by Jesus: ‘The truth shall set you free.’ She says, ‘When you understand who you are, you are no longer bound to the ego mind or limitation.’

If you have an issue or fear that you need to rectify, even from a past life, Lady Faith will help you to purge all negativity that distorts your highest truth, including debris locked within the timelines of your soul. She’ll show you your forgotten stories and memories that require slaying and purifying from your psyche. This process can be such a relief, as I’ve experienced myself; I’ll explain this in my next story.

Angel Encounter

The first time that I met Lady Faith eludes me. She’s another one of the angels whom I’ve always known. It would be like asking me when was the first time I saw my cousin, grandad or auntie. She’s just always been there. But I’d like to share a tale of one of my experiences so that you can get a feel of how you can work with her, too.

When I was younger, I had an irrational fear of being in confined spaces, such as lifts or public toilet cubicles. I suspected that this fear could be linked to a past-life experience, so during a meditation one day I asked Lady Faith to show me whether or not my hunch held any validity. Regardless, I wanted to know at what point in my life (or lives) I’d developed this pesky hindrance. What was triggering this irrational fear?

After about 20 minutes of controlling my breath with pranayama practice, my astral body was ready and off we travelled through the dimensions. Sure enough, Lady Faith took me back to a previous incarnation where I worked as a text scribe in ancient Egypt. Specializing in funerals, my job entailed painting magical inscriptions and spells onto the tomb walls, coffins and sarcophagi. But when our young pharaoh died unexpectedly, there was much to prepare and inevitable shortcuts were taken. The royal funeral was rushed to say the least.

Now, as with most great historical stories, a scandal followed this death. Jealous of the late king, his successor wanted to erase all evidence that he’d ever existed. With this in mind, he ordered both myself and another artist to ensure that the inscriptions on the coffin were incomplete. He also demanded that we covertly deface the map of instructions that were beautifully laid out on the tomb walls. In the successor’s eyes, surely this violation would be enough to ensure that the late king would be unsuccessful in navigating his way through the underworld, as without the correct instructions to follow, he’d definitely fail to secure resurrection in the afterlife.

Failing to obey the cruel requests of the successor, his guards threw both of us workers into the tomb, just as it was about to be sealed for the last time. We died crying in each other’s arms, sealed up in that tomb, starving and afraid in the darkness.

It was such a revelation to remember this had occurred to me. My fear of being in lifts and small spaces began to make sense as I recalled the feelings of claustrophobia and intense fear from all that time ago. Remembering this truth alone was enough to free me from my irrational fear. Afterwards, if I ever felt slightly anxious, I knew the reason why and calm was immediately restored. Another layer of cladding was shed, pushing me closer to the core of who I truly am, thanks to our Lady of Faith.

The icing on the cake came a few years later, when one of my best friends said, ‘Do you remember when we died in Egypt in that tomb?’ I’ve got goose bumps just writing it, as I’d never shared the story with anyone until now.

Angel of Faith

‘Blessed are those who have not seen yet have believed.’

John 20:29

Lady Faith can help you to maintain your faith in an unjust world. She’s that knowing within you that trusts that the universal scales of balance will inevitably realign, enforced by the Law of Karma. She reminds us that it’s not our job to judge or condemn others. And because nobody escapes the spiritual law of cause and effect (every action has a reaction), you need not be concerned with the acts of others. She helps you to trust that everything is being handled accordingly. If other people’s actions concern you, then hand it to Lady Faith and she’ll shield you from the harsh or cruel actions of others.

If you’ve been struggling with challenges and life is looking bleak, Lady Faith can help you to hang on in there. She promises that every cloud has a silver lining. Furthermore, she’ll help you to truly believe that everything happens for a reason, always trusting that the universe is on your side.

Faith is one of the magical ingredients required to cook up successful manifestations. If you’re struggling to manifest your dreams, ask yourself: Do you really believe that you can have it? If not, call upon this Archeia and ask her to fill you with the faith that your prayers will be answered. Like they say, faith can move mountains.

Lady Faith also adds that:

Living in a state of trust and having faith in yourself is paramount to your spiritual ascension. As your superhuman powers evolve, you must trust in them in order to utilize them to your fullest potential. How else could you reclaim your God/dess self if you constantly rely upon the good opinion of others? You have everything inside of you already. Tap in to your wisdom and unleash your gifts. By having faith in yourself, everything is achievable.

Lady Faith believes in you 110 per cent. How do you think your life would look if you held just half that amount of confidence in yourself? I tell you, it would look amazing, because I know – I’ve been there myself. By building a sense of faith in myself, I successfully created the life that I wish to live. I have a wonderful family and my job is my joy. And that’s enough for me – I’m very happy and satisfied.

Even if you’ve had the worst luck ever, and even if all of your life you’ve only ever known suffering, Lady Faith will gradually help you to build your faith. She can help you to become a lot more optimistic, and just see what happens when you do – faith grows!

Angel of Trust

Lady Faith can help you to develop a sense of trust in others. We’ve all had our fingers burned in the past and that can leave us doubtful whether or not we can trust people. But we can’t allow past experiences to taint our expectations or to project upon others.

Lady Faith is very passionate about bridging broken bonds and restoring trust between men and women, but especially among the women at this time. The Age of Aquarius heralds the return of sisterhood and it’ll be the harmony between women that restores our communities. This grand rebuild has already begun, but we must continue to establish a sense of trust between ourselves.

Over the years I’ve witnessed many spiritual teachers become very territorial about their clients and their workshops. Lady Faith says that being raised within a masculine mindset society can give us the urge to be slightly dominant. It’s almost instinctive to ‘protect’ what we’ve created. However, it serves to remind us that we don’t truly own anything.

She explained to me that although we’re the ones who birth ideas into physical life, in reality every single idea comes from the great universal mind of Father God, Mother Goddess. She adds that if we cling to our projects in fear of being copied or excelled then we’ve become enslaved to an illusion that will then contaminate our life with fear.

If you find yourself naturally becoming overprotective and afraid to share, remember to call upon Lady Faith for support. There’s no shame in admitting that your shadow has been triggered. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The angels smile when we acknowledge our fears, as it’s a sign of spiritual maturity.

Lady Faith is helping women to come to terms with the massive betrayal among us, otherwise known as the witch wound. It’s likely that many of you reading this book were affected by the horrific witch trials. Whether you were there or not, the wounding lives on through our ancestral lines. We’ve inherited it. Our wombs are still haunted with guilt and shame of the forced betrayal that was endured. If you feel this deeply and it resonates, call in Lady Faith to restore the trust among the women in your life. Ask her to heal your pain. And remember to extend your prayers to our fellow sisters and brothers, too.

There are many wrongs to be righted in our unbalanced world, but trust in this process, too. After this massive period of injustice and suffering, the wheel must turn and all of the goodness that we are owed, all of the joys, the love and harmony is karmically ours to reclaim now.

Angel of Self-Defence

As I stated earlier, the Piscean Age of the Guru is no longer valid. The fifth dimension and beyond demands that you’re strong enough to protect your own energy without relying on anyone, even the angels.

Archangel Michael is renowned as the angel of protection. He’s the SOS angel to call upon in any fearful situation. But Lady Faith asks you to take things up a notch. She teaches you how to develop your own psychic shields and empowers you with the courage to stand on your own two feet during energy battles.

You can relax knowing that she’ll stay by your side while you develop and strengthen your aura. Her aim is to stand back and stand guard, allowing you to evolve, eventually becoming powerful and brave without having to call upon external forces to shield you. She’ll mould you into a peaceful warrior, able to fight your own battles, to slay your own demons and to own your own shadow, whatever that may be.

It’s fine to call upon the Angelic Kingdom for protection. In fact, it’s strongly advised that you do so, for the first few years at least. But it’s worth noting that at some point relying on anything outside of you keeps you limited. Lady Faith knows that you have unlimited potential. The more you push your comfort zones, the more you’ll expand into new territories. And with each rub against the grain, you carve out a greater version of yourself.

Lady Faith says that when you feel ready, call upon your own spirit for protection and remember to ask her to mentor you. So long as you’ve made a lady’s agreement with Lady Faith, if you get in above your head she’ll step in and intervene – she’s got your back. So, effectively, working with Lady Faith is more like a practice run than being thrown in at the deep end.

I frequently used to call upon Archangel Michael for protection. I’ll always remember the first time he just stood there while I dealt with a psychic battle by myself. He was the one who told me that I had to toughen myself up and to work with Lady Faith. I was so dismayed I went straight to a fellow angel expert for their opinion. We cried, laughing when we realized that the same thing had happened to both of us. The angels are expecting more from us!

In order for your shields to be strong you need to have a pure mind, a strong body and an even stronger spirit. Lady Faith says:

Beloved ones, your faith will be tested many times upon your ascension path. Circumstances arise that challenge you mentally, weaken your body and batter your spirit, so how do you maintain your strength during these times? Call upon me, that is how. I will imbue you with courage. I have faith in you. I believe in you, your dreams and your potential. When faith is low, ask and I will light the flame of truth brightly within you. You will become the light that guides you.

The Sword Duo

Archangel Michael is the masculine twin flame counterpart to Lady Faith. Together, they uphold the light of the blue ray – the first spectrum of light that emerged from our Creator. The blue ray angels use their cobalt-blue light to ensure that the four corners of the planet are protected. Archangel Michael will lend you his cloak and shield to protect you from external negative influences. He’s only too happy to do this for you, but at some stage of your spiritual training you’ll be required to learn to do this for yourself.

At first, it can be very daunting if you’ve always relied upon protection from higher beings of light. Lady Faith teaches you to have total trust in the power of your own light.

Together, these angels are the keepers of the Sword of Truth. They’re affiliated to the Throat chakra and will help you to use wise words when having uncomfortable honest discussions. Their etheric portal is the mountains of Banff, Canada.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is dubbed the Prince of Angels, but I’d say that the ‘King of Angels’ is a more suited title. Archangel Michael, ‘He who is like God’, is probably the planet’s most beloved and best-known angel. It’s little wonder, for he’s served humanity since the beginning of time. His amazingly strong and powerful energy sweeps into your sphere immediately upon your calling him. He makes you feel confident when you’re nervous and safe when you’re afraid. He’s the ultimate angel of protection. If you ever get in over your head, he’ll bail you out. He’s truly fearless.

I recommend that all mediums, psychics, energy healers and carers invoke his protection each morning and night. He’ll ensure your energy is impenetrable from the dark forces.

When you first begin to work with Archangel Michael, he often lets you know that he’s around by the iconic white feather, or small blue flashing lights in your vision. He’s a bit of a shapeshifter and has also appeared to me in the form of a robin from time to time, as he knows that they hold personal significance to me.

Like I said earlier, Archangel Michael has such a great sense of humour that he’ll give you clairvoyant visions that’ll have you in stitches. He’s so funny and lights up the atmosphere with his jokes. He has a very strong relationship with Jesus and they developed quite the bond in His last incarnation. So, don’t be surprised if they pop in together and check in on you when you’re engaging in your spiritual activities.

Working with Lady Faith

When I’m working on a ritual or ceremony with Lady Faith, I create an altar to act as a physical focal point and to help to preserve the incoming energy that she brings through. I use a dark blue or purple altar cloth and blue or white candles, and I burn cedarwood essential oil.

Lady Faith’s Gemstones

The following crystals have the healing vibrations that resonate with the work of Lady Faith:

By holding or wearing the listed gemstones you can strengthen your energetic connection to Lady Faith. They’ll also help you with any issues you may have with self-expression or imbalances with the Throat chakra.


For this next exercise, set aside some time to get to know Lady Faith. You may wish to set up a small altar using some of the items suggested earlier.

You will need:

When you’re ready to begin, start by lighting your incense and candle:

You can invoke the sword’s guidance if ever you need to uncover the truth, to exercise honesty and so you can act with integrity. Each time you connect to Lady Faith, she’ll shed light on circumstances surrounding you to enable you to make a sound judgement.


The following exercise will allow you to call upon Archangel Michael’s energy for psychic protection and emergency back-up. Once you understand energy-shielding basics and have gained in confidence, feel free to move on to the more advanced shielding exercise that follows in this chapter under the instruction of Lady Faith. This is my all-time favourite angel invocation. Go for it – you can dive right in with this one!


I recommend that you perform this exercise each morning and night before practising any meditations or rituals. If you feel under threat at any point in time, recite the invocation immediately. Remember, if in a panic you can always say ‘Archangel Michael, help me,’ and that will suffice!


You’ll be totally safe to practise all of your inner work and rituals under the protection of Archangel Michael. He’ll take anyone under his wings who calls him in.

The following exercise is designed to help you to develop an even greater strength to your energy field. By practising it each day, eventually you’ll find you no longer require angels or Masters to protect you. You’ll be fully equipped to do this for yourself.

Bear in mind that it does take a lot of repetition in order to build your internal power, the reason being that energy can be lost or altered in an instant. All it takes is a powerfully charged emotion to disrupt all of your hard work, which is why regular practice is imperative to maintain a solid matrix.

Archangel Michael will always fight your battles for you where he can, but Lady Faith will toughen you up. She’ll make a spiritual warrior out of you yet!


Ensure that you’ve cleared the space in which you are practising by passing a burning herb bundle around you, by creating a sacred circle, or by burning cleansing frankincense essential oil nearby.

This exercise will build your spiritual power. If you want to test your powers, experiment by not invoking external protection occasionally. Have Lady Faith on guard just in case. You’ll be spiritually solid in no time!

Protecting Your Home

If your guardian angels can’t get through to you, Lady Faith will always give you signs in the physical world to let you know when psychic shields are either down or if they’ve been invaded! This has happened to me many times over the years and if I wasn’t on the lookout, I could have easily missed them.

When my drum beater began falling apart during a ceremony, I took it as an alert that an unwanted presence was about to attempt to breach my sacred space. Of course, being an avid believer that everything means something, I knew what the message meant, so I immediately strengthened my circle and called for assistance.

Other more subtle warning signs that I’ve received have been:

It’s true that these types of incidents can just be ‘one of those things’, but when they do occur, just test your energy, as it’s worth double-checking.

Here are some additional tips that you can use to protect your home from energy invaders, both physical and non-physical:

These handy tips are easy to implement and they’ll help to strengthen your shields from all beings, including people who bring unwanted drama to your door.

Remember, the ancient Babylon texts state that cleanliness is next to godliness. Therefore, always attend to clearing your aura. This plays a major part in maintaining a good level of psychic protection.

Lady Faith is a wonderful ally to have by your side while you grow into a walking warrior of light. She’ll shadow you as you reclaim all of your gifts and talents. Learn to trust in your own capabilities. Believe in yourself – you were born for this!