Lady Hope is a wonderful uplifting angel who’s always full of the joys of spring. I absolutely love working with her, especially when I need that extra burst of inspiration to keep me strongly focused on a project. Just saying her name out loud elevates your spirit, triggering a spark of ‘hope’ within you.
Being the angel of wishes, she invites you to contemplate what would make your life more fulfilling. She’ll help you to make the inner assessments that lead you to discover what your soul is calling for. Then, she’ll walk you through the steps of what’s required to bring your dream to life.
Have you noticed the huge rise in ambitious and self-made people across the planet? This number has increased dramatically and continues to do so as human consciousness rises and people step up to reclaim their power. In 2013, Archeia Hope enveloped Earth with her high-vibrational light, called the Cloak of Optimism, seeding her inspirational energy into the collective. This triggered a mass awakening of self-belief, which naturally created a ripple effect, leading others to catch on to the wave of aspiration. You can call upon this light to ignite any area of your life.
Even more excitingly, you can use it to create a whole new way of thinking. Lady Hope’s Cloak of Optimism can be intentionally programmed to fire loopholes in your old thought patterns, rewiring your brain to higher states of awareness. This is essential in developing an unlimited consciousness.
Lady Hope and her legions of white ray angels have been assigned many duties at this time on Earth. In this chapter, we’ll be studying how these angels can help you to:
Lady Hope is very beautiful. She has the most amazing bright white aura that twinkles with flashes of gold and green. Because she’s so high vibrational, she appears to be the most ethereal of all the angels, which is also a reflection of her deep purity.
When she visits me, she wears a simple white gown, but if you look closely, embroidered on it is a very delicate fleur-de-lis (French for lily flower) pattern. Her sleek hair is a light golden colour, which makes her dark green eyes stand out in contrast. She carries a golden sceptre with the fleur-de-lis sitting proudly on the top. The fleur-de-lis has lots of spiritual symbolism attached to it, which we’ll explore further on in this chapter.
Lady Hope is very much the archetypal Empress in the Tarot deck. She generously spills out blessings of abundance and fertility from her overflowing cup of love wherever she goes. She’s governed by the element of Water, which heralds her feminine associations to purification, emotions, creativity, the womb and feminine magic.
When you’re working with her, you’re likely to feel giddy and excited like a child. She stirs your soul, compelling you to delve deep into exploration of your true passions. Creativity is enhanced, and all kinds of ideas and epiphanies come to mind. This makes her the perfect angel to call upon if you’re an artist or a writer.
Lady Hope can also be thought of as the fairy godmother of the Archeiai. However, in addition to granting you wishes, she also teaches you to reclaim your crown by becoming cocreator with the Divine. Just like a coach, she’ll support you with step-by-step guidance, magically enabling you to attract love, abundance and opportunities into your reality.
She can help you with:
Like all of the female Archangels, Lady Hope has her own bespoke calling cards to help you to recognize her presence:
The lily flower is a very common symbol. You’re probably familiar with it displayed upon coats of arms and flags, but it also holds many deeply spiritual meanings.
The fleur-de-lis
First and foremost, I think it’s safe to say that it’s always been used as a representation of communication with angels. The most famous messenger angel of all time being Lady Hope’s twin ray, Archangel Gabriel. Lilies frequently appear in artwork next to this Archangel, the most famous painting being the Annunciation by da Vinci.
Another facet of the fleur-de-lis is in how its three petals represent the trifold flame of the higher heart centre (your angelic heart) that resides close to the thymus (slightly higher than the Heart chakra). Each of your spiritual flames awaken when you aspire to become angelic yourself. This is attained by becoming the physical embodiment of the three virtues: Faith, Hope and Charity.
Lady Charity stands for the archetypal maiden and the pink flame. Lady Hope represents the pure white flame and archetypal mother. Lady Faith holds the blue flame representing the wise crone.
The fleur-de-lis is also associated with St Joseph, father of Yeshua. It symbolized the protection that Lady Hope and Archangel Gabriel gave him as he reared the young Jesus.
The fleur-de-lis is loaded with symbolism. Another take on it weaves in the repression of women. In this legend, the fleur-de-lis represents a mermaid’s tail; in turn representing the sleeping feminine wisdom residing in the depths of the ocean – the subconscious mind. Furthermore, the mermaid losing her voice once again speaks of the silencing and disempowering of women.
Lady Hope can help you to develop an optimistic outlook on life. We all know that your thoughts become your feelings and then those feelings manifest your life experiences, so positive thinking is essential to create a joyful and contented life.
The power of hope can create miracles! Hope is the magical energy that the Law of Attraction requires to deliver results. Without it, our wishes may not come to fruition. Being hopeful sends a message to the universe that you have faith. When you trust that all is well, you’ll always be supported – that is spiritual law!
If you’re feeling hopeless, have a health issue, are lonely or you can’t pay your bills, then ask Lady Hope to inspire you. Sometimes it’s too difficult to ‘fake it till you make it’. After all, how can you ‘feel’ rich when you’re having sleepless nights over your lack of finances? And how can you ‘feel’ well when you’ve been bedridden with sickness or pain?
This is where Lady Hope can come in handy. By allowing her energy to penetrate your mind, body and spirit, little bursts of hope ignite within every single cell of your body. With daily practice, you can eventually recalibrate your whole being. Miracles occur when you surrender your fears to Lady Hope and alchemize them into positivity.
Lady Hope is the angel of miracles. When I want to attract something seemingly difficult into my life, she’s my first-choice angel to whom I offer up my prayers. I often retell the following story at my Law of Attraction manifesting workshops. It’s inspiring to know that even against great odds, Lady Hope can make the impossible possible.
When my daughter was two years old, I spotted the most amazing little boots in the January sales. Despite the fact that the shop didn’t have them available in her size, I still desperately wanted to buy them for her. They were super cute, in a limited-edition fuchsia pink with turquoise bows. They were to die for!
Back then, money was very tight, but in an impulse moment I hastily made the purchase all the same. Proud owner of the new boots, I smiled to myself as I tucked them into the wardrobe, stashing them away for the following winter.
Nine months later, I pulled the little beauties out of the box. But to my dismay, I immediately realized that something was very wrong. It turned out that both boots were for the left foot! After the initial sting of disappointment, I remembered that I still had the receipt.
I wondered if perhaps I could get an exchange, or if they still had the two right-footed boots in the stockroom.
Armed with kids and boots, I drove out of town, heading to the little boutique shop where I’d bought them. But once I reached there, I encountered yet another obstacle – the shop had closed down! I drove back home feeling a little deflated but not defeated. Bent on having them, I even called the supplier, who couldn’t help me, either.
Later, my sister arrived and over coffee I described my fiasco. She was furious at the thought of me being ripped off. She ranted away about the stupidity of the shopkeeper and how unfair the situation was. Her ramblings began to fade into the distance as I removed my attention and went inwards to pray.
I called in Lady Hope and asked her for a miracle. I knew that in order to receive my miracle I’d need to shore up some faith, which wasn’t the easiest of tasks. With all of the setbacks so far, I was beginning to struggle with doubts and feelings of being the victim.
Lady Hope answered my call immediately. Lovingly, she assured me that she’d help me to believe and that that would be enough to allow this situation to be resolved. I didn’t know how, though, as it all seemed impossible at this point – a lost cause, even. Nevertheless, I always believe in the angels, so as she instructed, I let go of the situation. I had sent in my prayer request and there was nothing to do now but have faith.
A couple of weeks passed and nothing happened. No emails arrived to say, ‘You won’t believe it, we’ve found your boot!’ Nor had I awoken to find elves fashioning me a right-footed boot from the material. Yet, the desire for a solution remained with me.
Then one morning during my daily meditation Lady Hope popped in. She told me to have a look for the boots on eBay. Bearing in mind these boots were like gold dust, I still did as she asked. Lo and behold, a seller had a pair, new in the box and exactly the same size! Momentarily, I thought why should I have to buy them again? But my doubt was soon overcome by a strong feeling of hope and gratitude. It was a miracle that I’d actually found a pair!
As I clicked the ‘Buy it now’ button for the second pair of boots that I couldn’t really afford, I felt exhilarated. There was magic in the air.
A few days later the boots finally arrived. I sat my little girl down, excited for her to put them on, but was stunned to discover that both boots were right-footed. I now had two pairs of fuchsia pink UGG boots in the same size! I decided to call the seller; unusually, he’d inserted a thank-you note in the parcel, which included his phone number! It was as if the angels had everything covered. I rang him and went on to explain how he’d sent me two right-footed boots and that strangely, I had the matching two left-footed ones.
As we chatted away, I innocently mentioned the name of the boutique where I’d made my purchase. The seller began to laugh. Despite the fact that he lived more than 200 miles away from me, it was in fact the exact same shop where he’d bought his boots some nine months earlier. It turned out that they were too small for his daughter, so he, too, had put them aside and for some unknown reason, had hung on to them for nine months before deciding to sell them on eBay (not realizing they were unsuitable for wear). We made a compromise. I kept one of his boots and I sent him one of mine. He then gave me a refund. We were both happy now that we each had the correct pair.
Lady Hope had kept my energy high, enabling a window of opportunity to open up and allow me to receive. If I’d lost control over my emotions and allowed doubt and fear to creep in for too long, I’m certain that a totally different story would have unfolded, one without a happy ending.
How unbelievable is that story? The odds were stacked against me and yet miracle after miracle occurred in perfect timing in order to create a happy solution. If I ever doubt my ability to manifest something, I take a look at the photo of my daughter holding the two pairs of boots. Then I remind myself that if I can do that then I can do anything!
Next time you have a wish, no matter how unrealistic it may seem, just try calling in Lady Hope. She’ll uplift your energy to the state necessary to draw your desire to you. Alternatively, she can take you straight to the Cosmic Womb, where you can withdraw the blueprint of your wish and nurture it to fruition by directing your own creative energies to support its growth. Your womb space can bring anything to life.
Within each woman lies a magical portal. This portal is the womb space, which can be thought of as the microcosm of the great void of creation – the place where all things emanate and from which all of our ideas are born.
Lady Hope is one of the guardians who can assist you in reclaiming your heritage of womb wisdom. As I mentioned earlier, Lady Haniel governs the shedding and releasing aspects of the womb rites, while Archeia Hope aligns us to the manifesting side of these sacred feminine mysteries. They’re both keepers of the ancient wisdom of the womb.
Womb magic has been used since the beginning of time. Even before bodies became physical in form, the womb gateway was encoded into our matrix. This meant that we could maintain a connection to the very life force of creation, enabling manifestations to quantum leap into our reality.
So, you see this kind of magic can be practised whether you have a physical womb or not, as the energetic womb centre is inherent within you. Humanity has been duped into the belief that women and wombs are only for making babies, but in truth the same sparks of creation that make a human life can be harvested to create anything. The womb is unlimited in what it births. By tapping in to your womb space, you can connect with the raw creative or destructive energies of the Goddess herself.
It isn’t an accident that so little is known about the womb. After all, it’s arguably the most powerful energy centre in the body. Within it lie reservoirs of knowledge – the entire secrets of creation. Lady Hope can help you to access this space to gain inspiration for ideas and to retrieve the blueprint of your wishes directly from the great Cosmic Mother.
Just take a moment to contemplate how amazing the physical womb is. This interdimensional portal is the only place in the world where the alchemy of spirits into human form takes place! If you’re a woman, the gateway of life lies within your physical body!
With Lady Hope, you can use the womb space to:
There’s a very simple mudra that you can practise right now if you’re raring to get started with connecting to the womb. It’s called the Yoni Mudra. When practised, the fingertips fire up an energetic circuit to the womb.
The Yoni Mudra
Holding this hand position for around 10 minutes connects you very deeply to your sacred silent womb portal. It tops your energy up with vibrant healing life force from the Cosmic Mother, awakening the sleeping feminine within you. Once you’re familiar with the hand pose, then you’re ready to try using it.
This is a really lovely exercise that you can use each day with minimal effort. It’ll remind you of your magnificent capabilities when utilizing your feminine superpowers.
Lady Hope belongs to the fourth white ray of the angelic kingdom and her masculine counterpart is Archangel Gabriel. Archangel Gabriel is the most feminine of all of the Archangels and is sometimes even depicted as being female by many artists. The pure white light that these twin rays embody is very sweet and innocent, making this duo the perfect candidates to guide and protect children, including those raising them. Archangel Gabriel is their protector and teacher, while Lady Hope helps us adults to be more like them – curious and open-hearted!
Together, these angels govern the legions of the Angels of Purity. These highly evolved angels who work under this Divine ray operate around the clock, spreading their crystal-clear diamond light into the hearts of those who’ve asked for forgiveness or clarity.
Their etheric retreat portal is at Mount Shasta, USA. However, you can travel there in your mind, rather than in physical form, and it’s just as powerful. You can ask Archangel Gabriel or Lady Hope to take you to their portal when you sleep.
Archangel Gabriel, otherwise known as ‘God is my strength’, is such an amazing gentle, loving angel. His presence is like a sweet balm for your spirit. He’s the ultimate messenger angel, announcing good news in myths and lore since time immemorial. In the Judgement Tarot card, Archangel Gabriel blows his lily horn, capturing your attention as he readies himself to make a grand announcement. His call comes so loudly that it even wakes the dead from their coffins, resembling how his words reverberate through your soul, probing you to assess your life. When we ignore making necessary changes in life, we can be given a wake-up call such as an illness that forces us to reflect and change. Archangel Gabriel is the angel who whispers suggestions and gentle advice to you along the way. If you heed his advice, harsh circumstances can be avoided.
Archangel Gabriel can help you with any form of communication large or small, from penning a book to getting your point across to another person in a peaceful manner. Whatever you need to say, just invite him to stand by your side and ask him to pour pure thoughts into your aura.
Archangel Gabriel also assists with fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, rearing children and healing your inner child wounds. He supports parents, midwives, school teachers and anyone who works with children. He helps to restore you to the innocence and purity of the inner child.
Lady Hope has unique associations that can further enhance a connection with her. If you like, you can set up an altar to infuse your intentions with her vibrations of hope. I suggest using or wearing items in the colour black for manifesting (the womb/cosmic void) or orange for enthusiasm and creativity. I recommend burning essential oils such as rose, geranium or spikenard.
The following crystals have the healing vibrations that will resonate when working with Lady Hope:
The crystals listed are perfect to help you to achieve all of your wishes. Holding or wearing them will attune you to the high-vibrational energy of Lady Hope.
Once you’ve gathered your items, try this next invocation so that you can experience her energy first hand:
Use this short invocation to call in the presence of Lady Hope any time you need an injection of hope or optimism. It can be helpful to use this ritual daily when you’re working towards manifesting a goal.
You will need:
When you perform this ritual, find a quiet place where you can relax in peace. Then take a few deep breaths to calm and centre yourself, and begin:
Lady Hope has a wonderful pick-me-up energy. Continue to use this invocation regularly to keep your arms and mind open to receiving her many blessings. When you embody her energy, you’ll also find that you have the physical energy to see projects through to the end.
This next powerful mini ritual and visualization will allow you to enter the cosmic womb of the universe. In this space, all potential outcomes exist. Here, you can retrieve the energetic blueprint of your wishes, with the ritual seeding your intention from mass to matter. We’ll be journeying with Lady Hope and the power animal totem of the raven. Negative superstitions surrounding ravens are once again an attempt to reinforce patriarchy. Why? Because ravens represent the feminine. These holy birds can accompany you into the womb of the Great Mother Goddess, helping you to achieve your heart’s desire. Being around these magical creatures will heighten your intuition and your sense of claircognizance. Being linked to the powers of Air, they carry your prayers on their wings.
For your ritual journey, we’ll be working with the magical powers of Lady Hope and the raven totem.
You will need:
Before your ritual journey, prepare your body by bathing in salt and clear your working space by burning herbs.
Ensure you find somewhere peaceful and quiet, then begin:
You can call upon the medicine of the raven any time you wish to enter other dimensions to retrieve their energetic blueprint or seed. This method is one of the most powerful ways to set your intentions into the universe. After all, the cosmic womb is the place where all things are originally birthed. Lady Hope will ensure that you only ever call things in from a high place of integrity, for the good of all.
Have you ever heard of the term cosmic egg? Ancient yogis believe that the very universe is shaped as an egg. Using an egg-shaped crystal to manifest rather than a regular tumble stone can give your wish that extra edge. This is partly down to the influence that the shape has on our subconscious mind. In symbology, the egg represents the womb, fertility, abundance and new beginnings.
Purchase an egg-shaped crystal of any size that has properties that closely align with the nature of your wish. For example:
You’re probably familiar with the saying ‘I’ve lost my mojo’ when someone’s lost their desire for something. Or the phrase ‘I’ve got my mojo back’ when someone’s feeling inspired once again. The word ‘mojo’ refers to life force or energy.
Placing your crystal egg into a mojo bag feeds it with energy, keeping your wish nurtured.
These types of amulets have their roots in hoodoo folk magic. I’ve had spectacular results with mojo bags. It’s a must-try magical tool! This ritual is best performed during a new moon.
You will need:
Before you start, clear your space by carrying a bundle of burning herbs anticlockwise around the room three times, then open a window and imagine the smoke carrying out any negative energy.
Ancient magical rituals such as this are very effective in assisting you in harnessing life-force energies. They serve as a focal point and a reminder of where you’re placing your attention. May all of your wishes be granted.
We’re truly blessed to have Lady Hope and her inspiring team of angels to watch over us and remind us of our purpose on Earth: to cocreate a life filled with fun, joy and love. Please remember to ask her to help you in the birthing of any project. She’s only too happy to help.