

Lady Seraphina

Fire of the Goddess

Lady Seraphina is currently the highest ranking of all of the female angels who work with us here on Earth. She’s not technically an Archangel; she actually belongs to an order of very high-dimensional angels known as the seraphim.

Lady Seraphina’s name means ‘Feminine Essence of the Seraphim’. She’s the female ‘Fire Serpent of the Goddess’.

The seraphim withdraw from Earth for long periods of time to let us go about living our lives while they work on more universal matters. However, they always return when we’re approaching a new golden age. At the time of writing this book, that time is now, and for at least the next 25 years, Lady Seraphina is waiting to assist. She can help you to:

Lady Seraphina’s Appearance

Lady Seraphina is pure energy and like all of the angels, she makes herself ‘look’ humanistic for our comfort and ability to understand. In the main, we try to perceive the angels through our five senses, yet this isn’t how to truly see an angel. An angel is perceived in its truest form through our heart, but as we’re still apprentices in terms of working on this level, they continue to give us visual experiences to remember!

In the Bible, the seraphim are described as having six wings, but I perceive them in a different way. I recognize Lady Seraphina as an outline of an angel with a large red-and-gold flame extending throughout her centre. Surrounding the flame, her energy body looks like moving crystal-clear water. The best way to describe the appearance of her energy body is like water or a mirage surrounding her. Sometimes she extends her flame to create a circle of fire around herself or others.

Lady Seraphina’s Energy

Lady Seraphina’s energy will simply blow you away. The first time you encounter her is a big ‘wow’ moment – well it was for me, anyway.

Her presence is all-encompassing. She expands not just though the external world but within every atom of your existence, from the beginning to the end of time, including everything that lies between. You really get to experience the timeless essence of your soul during precious moments shared with Lady Seraphina.

Lady Seraphina is beyond archetype. She’s the mother of all feminine archetypes. All goddesses, angels, beings, qualities and aspects of the Divine feminine emanate from her. They’re like the stream and rivers while Lady Seraphina is the ocean.

She can help you with:

Lady Seraphina’s Calling Cards

Lady Seraphina has her own set of unique calling cards. Seeing these validates her presence and captures your attention towards her when she has a message to share with you:


The seraphim translates in Hebrew as ‘The Fiery Ones’. It’s said that this name derives from their fiery passion for doing God’s work. Yet, I suspect that like most things, there’s a much deeper meaning to the name of these celestial beings. The word ‘seraph’ is a singular term and seraphim is the plural. Interestingly, seraph is used interchangeably throughout the Bible, also being the same word for serpent. The seraph is the ancient symbol of the Divine feminine and the energetic alchemy of a kundalini rising.

In the Bible, seraphim are described as having six wings, two to cover their feet, two to cover their face and two with which to fly. In Isaiah 6:1–8, the seraphim sing ‘Holy Holy Holy’ beneath the ark or throne of God. With a piece of hot coal from the altar of the Lord, they anoint the lips of the prophet Isaiah (a self-confessed man of unclean lips, verse 5). Without burning him, he’s cleansed from his perceived sin and made whole (holy) once again. I can only speculate that Isaiah is being anointed with the Word.

The seraphim are the most highly ascended order of angels. We’re very lucky to be able to communicate with them as it’s quite rare. They’re helping us to usher in the new age, by igniting the flame of Source within.

The seraphim are also helping us to purify old patterns embedded deep within the planet. They have dragonlike qualities that can purify deeply into dense areas. They’ve even been known to save souls from hell (Naraka, purgatory or dimensions of lost or fragmented souls), restoring beings to a state of glory. On a humanistic level, they can teach us to become like a snake. Rather than continuously peeling the layers of the onion, she teaches us to shed our skin all at once, allowing us that rare opportunity to advance.


Angel of 144,000

Lady Seraphina can help you on your journey back to wholeness, to clear and fire up your 144,000 energy pathways that activate your sacred seal, granting you access to heaven or wholeness.

The Dalai Lama said, ‘If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito in the room.’ We all know how this tiny insect can have a massive effect on us if we get that teeny bite. The itching is relentless. Similarly, if one of your tiny little nadis become obstructed, your ego mind will itch away at you until you come to realize what wants clearing and why.

It’s so easy to discover your blockages. Simply follow the trail of negative thoughts and physical symptoms. During a meditative state, ask yourself what your body is trying to reveal to you – the answer will always come! Ask Lady Seraphina to help you to reclaim the vibrancy of all of your energy pathways. Not only is this essential to having good health, but it’s also key in unifying your soul with the Creator. Remember, half of your energy centres are masculine and the other half feminine. With most of us more dominantly working from one side, it takes time to integrate your other half.

When your mind, body and spirit is in unison, you literally become lighter. Your carbon body starts to become crystalline. The number of the beast, ‘666’, can be interpreted as our carbon-body illusion, keeping us in our own hell. Carbon-12, one of five elements in the human DNA, is composed of six protons, six electrons and six neutrons. When we’re free from our 144,000 (potential) restraints, we’re free from suffering. Relax, this is very deep content and the angels don’t expect you to learn or understand it all. They’ll always ensure that you’re provided with the life lessons that you need in order to maintain your 144,000 pathways – which open the gateway to God/dess.

Angel of Core Wounding

We all have a core wounding – that’s what enables us to experiment within our individual reality. This wound drives us to seek wholeness by reuniting with God, or even by seeking union in a romantic partner.

Lady Seraphina knows how we feel because she’s experienced this, too. In fact, all beings who have an identity have gone through this process. When we first originate as a being separate from our Creator, it’s inevitable that we feel a sense of disengagement on some level.

When I was regressed to remember my first past-life incarnation, to the bemusement of my hypnotherapist I described myself as a ‘Divine spark’. However, as much as I felt my divinity, I still craved to be reunited with Source and went into great detail about ‘the split’ being my first ever broken heart.

This is our original ‘origin’ wound, when we became a branch from the tree of life. We left our Eden with Source and then branched out from our ‘other half’ to experience our creativity in the world.

Lady Seraphina can help you to accept your original wounds. She reminds you that in your carbon body, you’re limited. But this is exactly what the proverbial doctor ordered. This is your perfect opportunity to embrace a unique expression of Source. Creator witnesses itself through your eyes! That’s how important you are.

Angel of Numbers

Call upon Lady Seraphina to help you to realize your own higher aspect and to nurture your own original wound. She empathizes with us. Some sensitive souls suffer so much that they literally feel homesick, but in truth there’s nowhere to ‘go’ – it’s a matter of reclaiming and awakening.

Being so close to the Creator, Lady Seraphina has a unique gift: she’s both an individual seraph and the collective Divine feminine seraphim at the same time. Think of your physical body – scientists estimate that only 10 per cent of you is actually you and the other 90 per cent is made up of cells that collaborate on behalf of you.

Similarly, Lady Seraphina merges with a whole host of seraphim who function independently of her, but all with the same goal. All of the feminine seraphim emanate from her. She urges you to try this gift out for yourselves. She reminds you that compounding your own energy with others’ is incredibly powerful, especially when women gather in a circle. This is when miracles occur. Lady Seraphina can help you to join forces with other lightworkers. You’ll find that you all bounce off each other, enhancing your magical healing powers and filling in the gap of separation. Separation isn’t your original form, unity is.

Angel Encounter

Lady Seraphina is the newest of all of my angel friends. There’s so little known about her because she’s been working away from Earth since the last Golden Age of Atlantis. Meeting her was one of the most magical experiences of my life and it was only recently.

I was on a retreat in the Lake District, Cumbria, in around 2016. It was close to Easter, but that weekend it snowed heavily. Driving along the narrow country roads back from the monastery, I could hardly see anything for the thick, whirling blizzards that danced all around me, leaving a deep carpet of snow across the land. It truly was a magical scene and it added to the significance of the events that had occurred that weekend.

I’d just received an initiation into the Sisterhood of the Rose and declared myself Priestess of Maria Magdalena (Mary Magdalene). It felt appropriate that as I was being purified internally – my soul kindled by the hearth of Magdalene’s flame – the external world was simultaneously being blessed with the pure white snow (as within, so without).

When my visibility became totally obscured by the blizzard, I had no choice but to pull the car over until it was safe to continue. I was in no way afflicted by this situation; I had all the time in the world. Truth be told, I was really enjoying observing the elements in their extreme – it was enlivening. With not a soul or building in sight for miles, I sat in the silence, reflecting upon how very humble and grateful I was to witness such a beautiful moment.

I felt inspired to express my thanks and began to pray. I often meditate directly after prayer and this morning was the same. As I bathed my spirit in the boundless moment, I soon got the urge to write. I recognized it immediately as a sign – someone new wanted to communicate with me. An initial dialogue often came about like this. Rifling through the glove box, I found an envelope to take down the message. I wrote: ‘Have you seen her, Seraphina?’, the Chi-lites song ‘Have You Seen Her’ playing in my mind.

I became aware of a presence. I closed my eyes and in my Third Eye chakra, I had a vision of the beloved Mary Magdalene herself. She said nothing, but her gaze spoke a thousand words. I learned of her life, the fall of the feminine and, more importantly, her rising.

Then she spoke:

‘Have you seen her?’

I psychically replied, ‘Seen who?’

‘Seraphina!’ she laughed.

‘No, I don’t think so,’ I admitted.

‘Would you like to?’ Mary Magdalene proceeded to ask.

My reply to which was, ‘I’d love to.’

Mary Magdalene kneeled down in the glistening snow, hands in prayer position. A small yellow flower appeared in her hands. She placed it in the snow. The flower began to grow a deep red in colour, so that it now almost resembled a flame. The flame caught the end of Mary Magdalene’s dress and began to form a circle of fire all around her, similar to how Lord Shiva is often depicted. Then four golden angels appeared beside her and instantaneously, they all merged together and became one.

This huge angel looked like a fire but moved like water. She spoke:

Your next step is to learn to perceive yourself not as one but as all. Beneath the veil of amnesia, your heart knows this truth. When you fully understand this concept, you will see your reflection in the face of every living thing. Know this and know that this is the task thy set for oneself. A new era approaches. Humanity learn to unite.

I asked the being who she was, as she looked different from all of the other angels I’d seen before. ‘I am Seraphina,’ she answered. And just like that, Mary Magdalene and Lady Seraphina were both gone.

I got out of the car and looked around, bemused. There was nothing and no one as far as the eye could see. The bitter wind stung my ears. I said aloud, ‘Give me a sign that this was real.’ The blizzard now calm, it was safe to drive off.

The next day I was chatting on the phone to my dear friend Josie. As usual, we were sharing our adventures of the weekend. She casually mentioned that she’d bought her granddaughter a big white toy cat that walks. ‘She called it Seraphina,’ she laughed. My heart swelled with thanks.

Angel of Sacred Sound

Lady Seraphina directs the angels of the Divine Word. From her heavenly dimension, these sweet angels carry vibrations of sound through the physical realms, where they can alchemize from spirit to matter. It’s well known that most people are underusing one of their most potent superpowers: the sound of their voice.

You’re probably well aware of the power in your words. These days, most of us know about the power of affirmations. But Lady Seraphina urges you to remember the immense power in the vibration of the word and how it sounds. How a word physically materializes is dependent upon the energy in which it’s spoken to life (how you feel when speaking).

You can experience the potent healing of sound by attending a sound bath or trying kirtan yoga. You can even download healing sound frequencies specifically to resonate with each of the chakras, known as solfeggio. But Lady Seraphina says that it can be more empowering for you to use the power of your voice to make the sounds yourself.

It’s said that the entire universe was created by sound. Some yogis believe that ‘Om’ is that sound. Similarly, in the Bible, the opening chapter to the Gospel of John 1:1 says, ‘In the beginning was the Word.’ So, what is ‘the word’ and how is this relevant to you?

The angels of the Divine Word use sound to manifest. These heavenly beings oscillate between the seraphim and Earth, carrying with them the songs of creation. They deliver them directly to Lady Shekinah, who will embed the angelic frequencies into the ley lines on our planet. You’ve been blessed with the greatest gift of all in terms of creation: your voice. You see, words and sounds contain the very spark of creation within them, too.

Lady Seraphina can help you to choose your words wisely and also help you to pray. She’s the Angel of Light Language. Ask her to bless your Throat chakra if you’d like to have a bash at speaking in tongues. Toning is also very effective at healing your body, as it facilitates the release of tension, thus dissipating energy blockages as your energy becomes free moving. If you can’t physically speak then try writing down the words or imagine them in your mind.

Our words create magic. When we write words, we learn to spell. Lady Seraphina can help you to realize your manifesting potential through the correct use of words.

The Fiery Duo

Lady Seraphina’s twin ray angel is called Archangel Seraphiel. These bright sparks use the flame of Source to purify the darkness and to reawaken the light that’s in all beings. Archangel Seraphiel manages the Archangels. Think of him as a commander and Lady Seraphina as the manager of the Archeiai. Usually, the seraphim leave the Archangels to it, so the Archangels can get on with assisting with Earth directly. However, Lady Seraphina volunteers to help out here and there, especially when the Divine feminine now needs an extra boost.

Archangel Seraphiel

Archangel Seraphiel’s name translates to ‘The Flame of God’. He’s also known as the ‘Prince of the High Angelic Order’. He has very little direct contact with beings on Earth. Information from Archangel Seraphiel usually comes through Archangel Metatron, who’s his second-in-command. They liaise with each other on how the angels can support Earth.

He’s one of the main protectors of ‘the light’. He directs streams of powerful cleansing Fire energy to maintain the pureness of Source’s love. He’s more well known in Eastern traditions than in the West. He’s known to some as the angel to call upon in case of a fire breaking out. It’s said in some texts that Archangel Seraphiel teaches the seraphim the Divine songs. Again, we’re brought back to the vibration of sound and words.

You’re welcome to pray to Archangel Seraphiel and he’ll hear you, but it’s unlikely you’ll be able to tune in to receive guidance directly. Therefore, it’s usually Archangel Metatron or Lady Seraphina who’ll be the ones to answer your call.

Working with Lady Seraphina

When I work with this lovely angel, I like to set out my altar just for her. For Lady Seraphina, I’d use a red or gold altar cloth, yellow candles and perhaps a small statue of a snake. I also burn dragon’s blood resin; it smells divine and invokes the inner serpent within.

Lady Seraphina’s Gemstones

The following crystals have the healing vibrations that resonate with the work of Lady Seraphina:

By holding or wearing any of the listed gemstones you can more easily achieve a clearer connection to Lady Seraphina’s presence. They’re very cleansing stones that can attune you to the element of Fire. They’ll awaken qualities such as passion and vigour within you. Now you’ve learned the basics of this magnificent seraph, you may feel ready to invoke her with the following exercise:


Call upon Lady Seraphina to help you to clear, purify and evolve every microcosm of your soul.

You may like to use the altar items listed earlier in this chapter, as altars help you to create an ‘altered’ state of awareness. They also show respect and gratitude to all of the elements and the being who supports your growth. Schedule in some quiet time so that you can go deeply within yourself without being distracted.

Lady Seraphina’s energy will enter from your Stellar Gateway chakra, your galactic halo that resides about 15–20 centimetres (6–8 inches) above the crown of the head. It’s much easier to digest her powerful, pure energy with the vibration of sound. When you chant, try to feel your voice vibrating through you. This will raise your awareness and integrate high energies into your sphere.

You will need:

Before you begin, light the white candle then call in Lady Seraphina:

Our Earth’s history is embedded in the soil upon which we walk. While many forces of light affix a new blueprint over Earth, one of balance and harmony, human consciousness still continues to reject a higher reality by being trapped in their be-LIE-f patterns. Unconsciously they serve as anchors, digging their heels deep into the old patriarchal paradigms. I make this statement with compassion, not with blame or any sense of superiority; after all, each of us is but a mirror of our own reflection. The issues of Earth belong to us all.


You can help to clear the paradigms of the past of our patriarchs by healing yourself, your land and your ancestral lineage. Try this next exercise to help to contribute to the evolution of human consciousness:


Here’s an exercise that you can use to clear embedded patterns that may be lurking in both your subconscious mind and in your ancestral lineage. The first part of this exercise requires some journalling, so grab yourself a pen and notepad, and a hot drink if you wish.

Write these questions at the top of the piece of paper:

  1. (In your interpretation), what does your father believe about women?


    Here, I may write things like: My father thought that women are more intelligent than men, yet they belong in the kitchen.

    Or: My father was a womanizer who looked at women as sexual objects. He married several times and believed that all women were just after his money.

    Or: My father adored my mother and he treated her like a queen. He lived for her.

    Write down as many beliefs that you think your father has about women. If your father has been absent from your life, use the closest male family member who’s older than you, such as a grandad or uncle.

  2. (In your interpretation), what does your mother believe about women?


    Here, I may write things like: My mum said that women are bitchy.

    Or: My mum believes that women find a rich man, get married and make a home.

    Or: My mum believes that all men are b**tards – you should never trust a man!

    Again, if your mum hasn’t been a part of your life, use this on your closest maternal role model. Extend this list to your grandparents or influential aunts, teachers and so on.

  3. Now, write down the beliefs you have about men and women. I’m sure that your views are very different from theirs, yet subconsciously you’ll have inherited some of these beliefs.
  4. When you’ve written them down, who do you hear talking? Subconsciously, do your answers sound like the be-LIE-fs of your grandparents? Parents? Teachers?
  5. Take all of your negative conditioned beliefs and see if you can trace back to where they originated. Remember, we’re looking at your beliefs about men and women, but you can tailor the exercise to clear up any beliefs in the next exercise.


When you have all of your findings written down, it’s time to process, transform and then heal these unhelpful paradigms. This next phase of the exercise can be a bit of a lengthy process, especially if you have a big family, so ensure you set aside plenty of time.


Clearing up inherited be-LIE-fs is a wonderful practice. This exercise can empower you to summon the courage to stand in your power and live the life that you desire, free from the fear of what others may believe or think. Setting yourself free can also be seen as an offering of healing to the world, as well as a gift to yourself. Your personal empowerment is needed – be a living example of a woman in her power.

You will need:

Take a ritual bath. Clear your space by burning your incense and then create an angel altar or whatever you feel best marks the importance of this work so that you can honour those who assist.

Now, follow these steps for the next part of this exercise, first for your maternal line, and then repeating it for your paternal line:

  1. As you enter the tipi on the left, the sweet smell of sage hits you. You find a ring of men and women sitting together around a circle of smouldering rocks.
  2. As they turn to smile at you, you realize that you recognize them. Even if you’ve never physically met, you know in your heart that these are ancestors from your mother’s lineage.
  3. There’s a place in the circle left just for you. You take your place in your ancestral circle.
  4. Quietly, each person nods and smiles to acknowledge your presence.
  5. One family member is designated as the spokesperson for the healing.
  6. Share your findings – your inherited be-LIE-fs with this person.
  7. The family peacefully agree that it’s time to clear and heal these outdated views.
  8. Lady Seraphina gives each person a smooth stone.
  9. Each of you sends the energy that you wish to release into the stone, infusing it with your intention.
  10. Now, throw your stones onto the pile of rocks in the centre of the tipi.
  11. Lady Seraphina hands you a large vat of water.
  12. Offer your false be-LIE-fs into this large vat of water.
  13. She motions you to pour the water over both the rocks and your stone.
  14. The water transforms into steam, symbolizing that a deep transmutation has taken place.
  15. Now, you all hold hands and ask Lady Seraphina to heal the Divine feminine wound across all timelines and dimensions.
  16. Lady Seraphina clears your ancestors’ limited beliefs by sending her flame deep into your Root chakra.
  17. See it travelling down into the Earth, and then on to every timeline and dimension.
  18. All patriarchy and inherited be-LIE-fs are now cleared from your ancestral line.
  19. You say your goodbyes and thank them.
  20. Stepping out of the tipi, you feel the warm air touching your face.

You can now enter the second tipi to your right and repeat steps 1 to 20, only this time meeting your father’s ancestors. Or, if you need time to process this experience, continue with the steps below and come back to heal the paternal line another time. Do whatever feels right for you.

Meeting your ancestors on the astral plane can be a very emotional experience. Honour your feelings if you’re upset afterwards. Treat yourself with tender loving care, knowing that your loving family are always watching through the veils.


You can bring balance and healing to all of your energy centres by using sound. By having an intention behind a sound, you increase its strength by giving it a direction to follow.

Sometimes it’s very obvious that there’s an imbalance in a specific chakra centre. Physical and emotional symptoms are the telltale signs. But remember that all energy centres are connected and support each other. Therefore, to top them up, Lady Seraphina advises that you work on all of your centres. You can learn the classic chakra toning chants, or you can create your own healing sound like Lady Seraphina showed me.

Once, I was very worried about having my tooth taken out, so much so that I delayed the appointment for weeks before finally going through with it. During a soul retrieval (a ritual to recover lost fragments of my soul), I discovered that my fear was in fact totally rational. It had triggered a memory of slowly having my lower teeth pulled out in a torture device in a past life. Now I had the reasoning as to why I was terrified, but the fear was still very real.

I knew that my Root chakra was losing a lot of energy over this matter! But Lady Seraphina showed me how to restore it using my voice. She got me to think of a statement that described the situation as already healed. I chose: ‘I’m in safe hands.’ She then got me to focus my awareness on my Root chakra and say the statement out loud – as if I really believed it and already had it. Next, I went through each chakra making the same statement. I then sealed in the energy by chanting ‘Om’ seven times.


This simple step-by-step process will allow you to heal using your voice. Use this formula whenever an issue arises:


The power of your voice teamed with a strong feeling of intention can be used to heal every aspect of your life. Once you’ve mastered this technique, you’ll no longer require any ritual to manifest your desires. The power of word is the mother of all of your Divine powers. Learn to use it and use it with love.