

I really hope you’ve enjoyed this book and, above all, taken away practices to help you to create the most lovely, wisest version of yourself. Now that you know what each Archeiai represents and how they can help you, I urge you to keep up the good work of perfecting your intuitive skills, cultivating a gentle heart and spreading the Divine Word. Remember to tell your friends and clients about the female Archangels. Continue to invite them into your life, your healing practices and your daily affairs. This book is only the beginning. We each hold our own wisdom, which the Archeiai will continue to birth through us. Because of you, their legacy is revived and reintegrated into the planet. The wisdom of the Divine feminine lives on though us.

We are astrologically positioned on the cusp of the Aquarian age (a 2,160-year cycle), which makes this the perfect time to get to know and work with the Archeiai. This is the prophesied time of the feminine rising back into her power. By healing your life and restoring your own sacred feminine essence, you’ll receive a head start in smoothly adjusting towards the new paradigm of the great shift. The angels offer us their full support as we step into the acclimatization period of our rapidly changing world.

With our feminine angelic guidance, we’re being cleared of what no longer serves, rewired for greatness and prepared for a future of love, balance, health, abundance and integrity.

Through all our mini-victories, our epiphanies, our awakenings and by voicing what was once silenced, we restore Her piece by piece by resurrecting ourselves. That’s how amazing and important you are and why the Acheiai have crossed your path; it’s also your time.

Enjoy your journey with the female Archangels. Call them in often and they’ll see you well.

I wish you all the love, luck and blessings in the world.

Claire x