Before we get to know the female Archangels, the Archeiai (pronounced ar-kay-a), it’s useful to understand their background. When we come to realize that we’ve only had access to half-truths of our history, the realms of possibility widen endlessly. The barriers that once held us down are now being lifted as wisdom and truths return to the people of Earth. Our eyes are truly awakening to the wonder of what we may be capable of achieving.
The fact that the feminine-natured angels were obscured in our past but are now growing in people’s awareness holds great promise. There’s everything to be gained from reaching our full potential when we remember who we really are: an eternal soul who sprang from the androgynous heart of creation.
As old paradigms shift at rapid speed, we’re blessed to be guided and protected on this amazing journey into the unknown. Fumbling around in the dark can become a thing of the past – the light will always show us the way. The question is, will we allow ourselves to be carried on the wings of the angels?
Have you ever noticed that the major Archangels have masculine names? Almost everyone has heard of St Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, but how about Faith, Charity or Christine?
It’s no coincidence that so little is known of these majestic beings. Worship of the Divine feminine can be traced back to the ancient origins of civilization. This was widespread for millennia before the Mother Goddess was wiped out of history intentionally. How else would patriarchy reign if humanity understood the power in unification of masculine and feminine energies? We’ve been spiritually fragmented by design. Those hungry for power began to divide us on a personal and global scale centuries ago, resulting in us being born into a man’s world.
The majority of people go about their lives unquestioningly as to why they hold certain beliefs – and why would they? Unless they find themselves to be at rock bottom within a crisis or experiencing a spiritual awakening – which often go hand in hand – most people simply don’t consider looking outside the box. This is because they’re brain-trained to think that way.
When we were born, we were totally open and innocent. Even if we doubted what we were taught, constant repetition of suggestions made up our internal programming, reinforcing inherited be-LIE-fs into the subconscious mind. We generally live our lives based on the beliefs of our elders, which is why I call them be-LIE-fs; just because our grandparents believed something doesn’t make it true.
We’ve reached a point in time where the scales of balance must weigh equally. The movements of the cosmos – the grand shift in ages – have heavily influenced our spiritual ascension, literally pushing us into an awakening. As the 2,160-year astrological cycle in Pisces comes to a close, the age of ‘following the leader’ is out and becoming our own guru is in. We’re destined to be more than just sheep.
Guru means ‘dispeller of darkness’, and through analysing and healing our psychology we can repair and heal our souls, reclaiming our energy piece by piece until we achieve wholeness and enlightenment.
The angels are helping us with this huge quantum leap into the Golden Age of Aquarius – the prophesied age of the returned feminine. To make this shift, we must remember and reintegrate the lost ways of the feminine. Indigenous tribes, the Earth keepers, have always honoured Mother and Father God/dess equally. It’s mainly us in the West who have been robbed of our Divine Mother, her mysteries and her wisdom.
After studying numerous man-made religions and coming up short every time, the female Archangels provided me with what I’d kept missing all along: the opportunity to retrieve my own wisdom. By learning to trust my intuition, and by following angelic guidance, I was able to reclaim my lost feminine power.
After seeking to know ‘God’ all of my life, the Archeiai brought me to realize that searching for God outside myself was like drinking from a half-filled cup – it was never going to be enough to quench my thirst. Only after reintegrating the feminine ways did I begin to touch the spark of God/dess that lay within me, at which point my cup became completely full, if not overflowing with alchemized life force – the Divine marriage of the soul.
The female Archangels hold the missing key to what we’re seeking. They’ll open the doors to all of the magic and mystery that was purposely hidden from us; because with it we’re so incredibly powerful.
The Archeiai have helped me to achieve a state of balance by finally finding the middle path in life. Their lessons have served me very well: I’ve discovered how to heal my life, manifest my dreams and love myself. Most importantly, I’ve found inner peace. With nothing to search for any longer, I’ve learned to surrender to a constant process of slowly unfolding, for there’s great joy to be found in the ability to accept all that is. Here, in this space, in the arms of the feminine, is where the real transformation takes place.
Now it’s your time. You deserve to be happy, healthy and abundant. You can have all this and more. With the lost teachings of the feminine, the Archeiai will show you how to live purposefully, intentionally on track with your soul’s destiny.
They’re reaching out and the time is right – you’re ready for this.
Although it appears that the female Archangels are new to working with us here on Earth, that’s not true. They haven’t made a grand appearance with the sole purpose of helping us birth our new golden age (although some have, like Lady Seraphina). The majority of the Archeiai have always assisted on our planet – they’ve stood by our side just as much as the masculine Archangels have – so why are we only hearing about them now?
There are two reasons that will answer this question. First off, like I said before, the female Archangels have been wiped out of history. Apart from a few references of female angels (in the Bible), they’re not personally named and not much is said about them at all. This was intended to fit in with religion’s take on how God is a man, the Archangels are male and women are made from a man, for man. Basically, disempowering women and all things feminine.
Secondly, we were unable to perceive them with our conditioned minds. This reminds me of the myth of the invisible ships of the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. The story goes that when Columbus’ ships reached the land of the Americas, because they’d never seen them before and therefore had no concept of what one was, the native people were totally unable to see the ships. These kinds of stories are based on the theory that our perceptions are filtered – meaning that certain things go unnoticed by our conscious minds. This seems valid to me. It’s well known that the eyes see many things that the mind fails to register. I expect we’d be quite overwhelmed with data to process if our brains brought everything to our attention. Furthermore, our brains fail to determine the difference between what is real and what is imaginary.
If we’re raised in a masculine-dominant society, how could we perceive the feminine when we didn’t even know that she was missing? We can only see what we believe is possible.
Now, it’s time to awaken our inner eyes, to expand our capacity and to become the sovereign shining souls that we truly are.
The rose has long been associated with both the Divine feminine and the female Archangels. It’s the highest vibrational flower that connects us to the pure heart of the universe: Venus.
The symbol on the cover of this book is the geometric pattern at the centre of the Venus Rose or the Pentagram of Venus. The planet of love makes this exquisite pattern after an eight-year journey of orbiting the sun 13 times. This pattern links us to the sacred pathway of the feminine as she dances in unison with the sun (masculine).
The Ascended Masters of Venus – the four Kumaras – work alongside the Archeiai as protectors of the feminine flame. Over the years, lightworkers and priestesses have served as conduits of this wisdom. The Hathors – Isis, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene – are a few of the highest initiates of the flame; they each hold part of the wisdom of this great linage: the Sisterhood of the Rose. Guided by the Archeiai and the Goddess wisdom left behind by those before them, these women lived lives of devotion. In service to the Divine, they anchored the feminine flame upon Earth, touching lives where the angels couldn’t. It’s our birthright to reach this same level of mastery. The female Archangels are here to offer us as little or as much as we’re ready to take.
The female Archangels are known as the Archeiai – or simply have the word ‘Lady’ placed in front of their name. Throughout this book I call them Archeia/i, Lady and even Archangel interchangeably. It all means the same thing. Similarly, I refer to our Creator as God/dess, Source and universe; again, there’s no difference in meaning. To me, they’re just different terms used to represent the same thing – the loving omnipresent energy from which we all came and is inherent within all things.
To be as clear as possible, all angels are androgynous and beyond sexuality. You’re now probably wondering how I’ve written an entire book on female Archangels when angels are above gender. Well, quite simply, it all comes down to energy. Masculine and feminine energy, to be precise.
You see, our entire universe is comprised of opposites: Yin and Yang, day and night, above and below, male and female, and so on. We’re no different – in its highest truth, our souls are androgynous, too. Therefore, we have angels who are Divine feminine in nature and those who are Divine masculine in nature. Each equally important, these energies complement each other, hence the Archeiai being named the Divine Complements of the Male Archangels. Let me point out, the Archeiai aren’t WAGS. They’re not married to their ‘other half’ – they’re what we’d call twin rays.
It’s well known that each Archangel upholds the light of a specific ray. Let’s use Archangel Michael as an example. ‘He’ contains and distributes the masculine energy of the blue ray, which includes protection, and gives us the confidence to speak our truth – these are the masculine qualities. Whereas Lady Faith upholds the feminine aspects of the blue ray, which include protecting ourselves and perhaps abstaining from speaking when something is better left unsaid.
Most of us have been trained to come from a place that’s predominantly masculine. We rush, push and force. While these qualities serve us well at times, it’s not natural to be in this state constantly. Knowing when to slow, surrender and wait are all qualities of the feminine. A balance of both allows us to embrace life fully while taking time to ‘smell the roses’.
Balanced in energy, we get the chance to partake and observe. Like nature we, too, are able to accept the rhythms and cycles of life.
To apply the feminine qualities, we must go within and seek them out for ourselves. The Archeiai lead the way, but we have to do the work for ourselves. It’s this style of teaching that will allow us to grow, so that we can become truly empowered and self-sufficient by following our own inner guidance and utilizing our special gifts.
If we all knew how to retrieve our own wisdom and knew when to rest or surrender, we’d live in a greater state of harmony. Being influenced by the distractions of the external world would become a thing of the past. Those in power knew this and intentionally disarmed us by taking away half of our power.
Men are included in this theft. They, too, have been suppressed of their feminine, leaving us with an epidemic of men who find themselves unable to express their emotions. Humans are half feminine and half masculine in energy. Enlightenment requires the Divine marriage of these energies, balanced in Yin and Yang.
There’s no one to blame for our situation. We knew what we were signing up for. Our circumstances are always perfect for our soul’s growth. The universe is always in harmony – whether we can perceive that or not. The cycles of life, death and rebirth continue eternally.
The Archangels and their twin rays are individual identities yet, paradoxically, they’re also one and the same. They’re two polar opposite forces of nature that belong to the same ray of light. Imagine a scale of colour, where we have baby blue through to midnight blue, yet they’re both still blue. We can also think of it as two sides of the same coin, or the two ends of a battery – two entirely different faces that are part of a bigger whole.
So far, there’s a wealth of information on the masculine aspects of the angelic kingdom. This has served us so well and we’ll continue to utilize the blessings of these mighty beings, but we’re now at a pivotal point in our evolution. As we cross the threshold of the fourth dimension and beyond, we’re ready for more!
There are lots of Archeiai who’ve come to light over the last 30 years or so. In this book, we’ll be working with my personal favourites:
Each of these Archeiai is a keeper of specific spiritual heritage. They’ll teach us how to put their ancient knowledge into practice, which will make us wise. The female Archangels will assist us in the creation of our best life. If we ask them, they’ll be there to guide and protect us every step of the way as we unlock our unique gifts, including those of which we were unaware. If we take time out to do the inner work, our lives will transform beyond recognition and things will magically fall into place as we learn to dance with the rhythm of life.
There’s an Archeia who can help us with every aspect of our life. Just like we may call upon Archangel Raphael to heal us, we can equally call upon his complement, Archangel Mary, to teach us how to heal. And rather than call upon Archangel Gabriel to grant our wishes, instead we can invoke Lady Hope to take us to the womb of creation to draw forth our own manifestations into being.
The Archeiai work with the exact same angelic rays as their masculine rays. However, they have very different ways in which they utilize these energies. Where’s the fun if we keep getting others to make our magic for us? Believe me, making our own miracles is by far the greatest thing we can achieve on Earth. The best thing is, we can all do this – we were destined for greatness.
We may read online other works giving an Archeia two names, such as Lady Hope aka Annunciata. While I neither support nor disagree with these names, the Archeiai who I work with have never introduced me to these double names, so I’ve kept it true to myself and used the one name that they’ve given to me.
We’re all finding our way with the Divine feminine. With our heritage obscured, rules and guidelines can go out of the window – we must go within and follow what feels right for us individually. Like self-help author Dr Wayne Dyer says, ‘Have a mind that is open to everything and closed to nothing,’ which means we remain in a state of wonder and so a constant growth is available to us. Those who think they know everything limit themselves.
Every word and name holds a vibration. The names that we use to call upon the angels dictates the energy that we’ll receive from them. Hope, Charity, Faith – how beautiful and pure are these names! Just saying them out loud awakens these virtues within us. So, say them often. Use them to conjure strength and wisdom that was always within us.
In this book you’ll find a wide range of practical exercises. From dealing with negative thinking to entering the void of the universe, the basics must be covered in order to fly high.
I recommend that you read the book from start to finish, but when you’re in need of guidance you can simply ask for a message and randomly open the book. Whichever angel or topic you open the page at will serve as advice as to which angel may best help you with your current issue. Use this book as an oracle.
Feel free to jump through the list of exercises in the front of the book – they can be used randomly rather than in a linear fashion. However, I highly recommend that you use the psychic protection exercises from the very beginning.
Be fully present with each experience. This means focusing all of your attention, thoughts and feelings on what you’re doing at any given moment. If your attention wanders, just acknowledge this fact with kindness and bring your mind back to whatever you’re doing at that precise moment. You can always focus on your breathing to bring your mind back to the present.
Some of the visualizations are very long. This is necessary to enable you to reach deep states of awareness. It may be a good idea to record them on your phone so you can play them back, following each step, or get a friend to read them out for you. That way they can also hold space for you.
If you don’t yet see angels in their physical form, relax – you’ll easily become accustomed to recognizing their energies by inviting them into your life and by working through the exercises within this book.
It’s important to acknowledge that angels don’t come ‘dressed’ in various outfits because they’re fashion conscious; nor do they wear ‘clothes’ in the heavenly realms. The truth is that angels consist of pure energy, so in reality they’re clothed in ethereal light. However, they’ll cloak themselves in different ‘bodies’ and attire entirely for your benefit, as it serves as a form of non-verbal communication. Without even speaking to an angel, you can read them just as you’d read a card or a crystal ball. Their physical appearance, outfits, symbols, animals, flowers, colours or anything that they show you carry messages and hold symbolism towards what they wish you to know. If deciphering colours doesn’t come easy to you, let go of attachments to colour – the angels will ensure that however you perceive the message will be perfect for you.
Sacred symbols that angels ‘wear’ serve as keys that unlock your superconscious mind to occult wisdom. Even the colours that angels are draped in affects and awakens your energy, bringing you healing and improved receptivity.
In this book, you’ll experience working with several power animals as well as the angels. A power animal, also called a totem, is a spirit animal that will lend us their ‘medicine’ (unique qualities) to call upon in times of need. As well as our guardian angel and spirit guides, we have nine power-animal guides (one in the north, east, south, west, above, below and within, and two side by side). They’ve been assigned to assist us with our major life lessons. They help us to tap in to our talents and to achieve our soul path. For example, if one of our life lesson themes involves giving energy healing, you may well be paired with the spirit of the raven. These magical birds will eat up negative energy that may be present in your client’s aura and give you potent visions of the past (to see how their psychic injury has manifested). Working with spirit animals is an ancient practice with its roots in shamanism. You’ll find out more about these later.
Each angel has particular gemstones that are in energetic alignment with their specific areas of healing. Before you meet each angel, you can wear or hold any of the crystals listed within the chapter. This will help you to be more open to receiving information from the Archeiai directly, as they induce a deep state of relaxation and thus raise your vibrational frequency.
The universe is governed by a set of spiritual laws that we’re encouraged to abide by. Choosing to follow them or not dictates whether we’ll accrue positive or negative karma. You’ve probably heard of the Law of Free Will. The English dictionary describes the term ‘free will’ as ‘the power of acting without the constraint of fate’, meaning that how you act is your choice, as the forces of light (Creator) will leave you to experiment in the playground of life. This law also reminds us that we must ask an angel when we require their help, as they also subscribe to this law and so will never intervene without our permission.
Before you jump in to introduce yourself to the Archeiai, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the art of clearing your energy (aura and room space) by burning dried herb bundles. You’ll probably be familiar with the term ‘smudging’ – a Native American tradition of burning dried sage (and other herbs) or even palo santo sticks in order to use their smoke in sacred ceremony. However, I recommend that you use herbs and plants that are native to your local region. The big trend of using imported sage and palo santo sticks has only been to the detriment to Mother Nature. Traditionally, the holy wood palo santo was only gathered from trees that had fallen naturally, the potent oils curing over years. Sadly, however, this practice is being heavily exploited so I urge you, please, to have respect for these sacred traditions and pick your own herbs – ones that are local to you.
It’s very easy to dry and make your own herb bundles, and there’s plenty of guidance online. And by doing so, your bundles will be infused with all the more magic! You’ll also feel a deeper reverence and connection to Mother Earth as you’ve collected the herbs. Simply pick your herbs and plants (such as lavender, mugwort, rosemary) and hang them up to dry. They should be ready in about a week and then you can tie them up into bundles. You’ll then use them in the exact same way as a smudge stick, whereby you light the bundle and pass the smoke through both your aura and your house, even over your oracle cards. This is a beautiful practice that will ensure you keep up good psychic hygiene. It’ll clear your space and serve as an initiate (a beginning) into your prayers or meditations that follow.
Note: Please consult a medical practitioner before working with herbs if you’re pregnant, elderly, taking any medications or have a serious health concern.
As you read this book you’ll see that every Archeia corresponds with one or more of the chakras. While most people are familiar with the 7-chakra system, I also include two extra chakras – the Earth Star and the Stellar Gateway. These two energy centres are called transpersonal chakras as they’re located outside the human body, unlike the traditional seven which reside directly through the centre of your physical body. The Earth Star is located around 30 centimetres (1 foot) below your feet and it grounds and connects you deeply to the earth plane. The Stellar Gateway is located around 30 centimetres (1 foot) above your head and it opens you up to the higher consciousness of the Divine. Together they enable you to create a successful bridge between the realms of heaven and Earth.
As human consciousness rapidly evolves, we gain the capacity to hold more light. In order to do so, we require more chakra centres to help us integrate the large quantity of high vibrational energy that’s available to us. You’ll hear people say that they’re working on 7 chakras, 9 chakras, 12 chakras, or more. There’s no right or wrong – we’re each unique and at a different stage in our development. Just trust what feels right, and when it’s time to upgrade your chakras, the angels will let you know!
Here’s an overview to help you to remember where each chakra is located and which Archangel each is connected to.
The chakra system
Last but not least, enjoy yourself! Take your time with the process rather than rushing things. Reclaiming your sacred feminine self requires patience and trust. Know that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be and that support is always available for you. All that’s required of you is your permission – angels intervene by invitation only. So, what are you waiting for? Your Girl Guides await you.