
TEAMWORK IN writing is almost as important as teamwork in super hero pursuits. A book, like most successful operations against invading aliens, is a collaborative effort. My most grateful thanks to the team that helped bring this book into the universe:

Steve Saffel, editor extraordinaire and guiding light, and the rest of the amazing team at Titan Books, Cat Camacho in particular for all her guidance and help. Caitlin O’Connell, Jeff Youngquist and the lovely team at Marvel for all their expertise and ideas. My wonderful agent, Jim McCarthy, who rolls with the punches of publishing in a way Carol would admire. Natasha MacKenzie for creating such a phenomenal cover, and Hayley Shepherd for her eagle eye for detail. My dear writing friends, who are patiently used to me being evasive and slightly secretive about what I’m working on: Elizabeth May, Charlee Hoffman, Paul Krueger, Dahlia Adler, Jess Capelle, Kelly Edgeington Stultz, and EK Johnston. And my husband, who drove an extra thousand miles over the weeks to fetch me endless rounds of takeout while I wrote this book—the true hero I needed in my pursuit for out-of-this-world barbecue. I love you.