Chapter Twenty

The single engine plane was painted cherry red. Its landing was perfect down the air strip. Nobody got out of the plane when it landed, and after standing there for a minute, Vic strapped on an AK-47 (a weapon kept at the hanger’s office mixed in with Barry’s hidden box of goodies) and picked up one end of the chest. Jimmy followed his example. Before they took a few steps, Barry’s corpse spoke to them.

“You’re doing the right thing. This guy will take you where you need to go. I love you, son.”

Then his body melted into itself. Vic steered Jimmy away from the body so he wouldn’t have to see Barry disintegrate.

It was a strange goodbye, Vic thought, but a goodbye nonetheless.

They hurried toward the plane. Jimmy was stoic as they lugged the chest. Vic wanted to know what was inside, but he decided this was a time for mournful silence.

When they arrived at the plane, they met the pilot. A living corpse in a leather bomber jacket sat in the pilot’s seat. The door came open, and they lugged the chest inside then sat in the plane. Once the door closed and they were strapped in, Vic got a better look at the pilot. It appeared as if his neck had been partially eaten. His eyes were loose in the sockets, like yellowed grapes. His complexion was purple pale with blue around the eyes. Jellies were hardening and rotting under the skin, making the compartment quite aromatic. He had long black hair that was sinking into soft flesh at the roots as if his scalp were made of cottage cheese.

“The name’s Niles Hamilton. I’ll be flying you to your destination tonight.”

Vic couldn’t help asking, “But won’t you melt?”

Niles flipped switches and prepared for flight. “Some of the dead only have so much strength beyond the grave. Some only get a few seconds. But dead people like me, I’m borrowing the strength of other spirits to get you where you need to be, before I too, as you say, ‘melt’. Enough talk. Buckle up. I’m on borrowed time. Relax. This ride might get bumpy. We’re going to New Jersey.”