ORIGINALLY KNOWN AS THE RUNNER MOUSE OF CRESTFALL ISLAND, THIS mouse has for years been specially trained by the navy to carry gunpowder between cannons aboard warships. It is a particularly steady runner, capable of sprinting without wavering or tripping. The Powder Mouse has played key roles in many of the great sea battles, and Captain John Blouseworthy of the battleship Intrepid claimed that without them he would have lost the battle of Cape Crank during the Third War of Midena.
Because most of its life is spent in close proximity to cannons, the Powder Mouse is unfortunately susceptible to deafness at an early age. It is a sad affair, but at the age of two, all Powder Mice are retired and sent to Mouser Retirement Homes for ex-service mice, where they are cared for into their old age.
It can be kept very happily in a collection, as long as it has plenty of space to run around in. The Powder Mouse can also be employed in the home, where it’s very useful for passing salt and pepper between guests at dinner parties.