
The Methuselah Mouse

A MOUSE SO RARE THAT IT IS OFTEN CONSIDERED TO BE A MYTHICAL creature, the Methuselah Mouse is thought to be the longest living of all mice. The only evidence of its existence is the priceless specimen kept in the museum of Old Town’s Mousetrading Hall, although its color has faded and its ears are slightly worn with age. Unfortunately this creature passed away seventy-two years ago and is now stuffed and residing in a glass cabinet. Because of this Methuselah Mouse, we can say for sure that it is a relatively hairless creature, with wizened whiskers and a very slight build, but an understanding of its habits and characteristics is lost to us now.

On that note, however, there is one person alive who saw this mouse while it was still in the land of the living, but unfortunately he has declined to speak to the Almanac for fear of being inundated by aspiring young mousehunters.


We can only guess at how the Methuselah Mouse would live its life, but scientists and breeders alike believe it would prefer peace and quiet to a hectic mousery.