First, foremost, forever: thank you so much for reading. I hope you loved reading Beginner’s Luck as much as I loved writing it.
The phrase “beginner’s luck” is, in some ways, an apt descriptor of my own path to becoming published as a novelist. But just as Kit’s story aims to show, “luck” is really only ever one part of the story, and in my case, that is especially so. The truth of the matter is, whatever luck or talent I have is only one very small part of the story of writing this book and bringing it to readers.
The rest is about the many people I have to thank.
Kit’s story is so much about friendship, and I want to say that my friends—women who live far and near, women who do all kinds of important, interesting work in and outside of their homes, women who are brilliant and funny and kind and supportive—are the inspiration for this book, and much of what is best about Kit, Zoe, and Greer is from them. I cannot name them all here, but to each, I offer my gratitude for being such generous, encouraging friends.
To Amy and Elizabeth, I offer special thanks for being my first beta readers, and for maintaining the delicate balance of cheerleading and criticism that the job involves. To my mom, my first and very best friend: you are the most inspiring woman of them all, for a hundred reasons big and small. Thank you for (weirdly?) saving all the stories I ever wrote—that box of elementary school scribbles was always a reminder of a part of myself I would want to get back to someday.
I have benefitted from the generous advice of many writers, especially Eloisa James, who gave of her time throughout the process of my writing this book (and getting it in front of readers), and who is a model in all things. Thanks, too, to Sally Thorne, Laura Florand, and Jenny Crusie, whose emails—at various stages in this process—were of immeasurable help to a novice writer.
My luckiest break in this entire process was having this book read by the lovely and talented best-agent-ever, Taylor Haggerty, and I am so grateful for her confidence in this book and in me. I am similarly fortunate to work with Esi Sogah, who has understood, from the very beginning, what meant most to me about this book, and her keen eye has made it so much better. I am additionally grateful to both Taylor and Esi for being so fun and funny—they make collaboration a joy. Thanks to everyone at Kensington Books and Lyrical Press for making Beginner’s Luck what it is in its final form. I am especially grateful to Christa Desir for thorough copyediting, and to Tammy Seidick for her tremendous cover design.
Finally, for my husband: at an important moment in this story, Kit speaks for me when she says no one person can be “home.” But I say that having lived in many places with you, and always, you have been home’s most defining feature. You are my safest place, my favorite everyday moment, and the home we’ve made together is what made it possible for me to imagine the home I made for these characters. Thank you, always.