the moment
Your day is made up of many little moments and this chapter shows you how to make the most of them. Mindfulness is the perfect antidote to rushing through your day on autopilot, and here you’ll discover simple ways to live mindfully, to slow down and to appreciate the present. You’ll also learn how to make every moment count by enjoying the good things around you and adding some spontaneous fun to your week.
Making it
Mindfulness is about finding a way to anchor yourself in the present so that you can become aware of your thoughts, feelings and surroundings. You can do almost anything in a mindful way – you just need to remind yourself to stop and tune in to your senses. If you’re new to the idea, you could start by picking a daily task and doing it mindfully. You could take a mindful shower, for example, focusing on the sound of the running water and the warmth of it on your skin.
Mindfulness also gives us a chance to observe our thoughts, by practising “being”. You could try this by simply sitting still, focusing on the sensations around you and letting your thoughts come and go. There’s no need to try to clear your mind, just note your thoughts and let them pass without judging them in any way.
Inhabit the moment, and LET YOUR JUDGEMENTS GO
My mindful moments
Make a note of your mindful experiences here.
Mindful moment
Where I was: ......................................................................................
What I was doing: ..............................................................................
What I could see/hear/sense:..............................................................
How I felt: ..........................................................................................
My thoughts: .......................................................................................
Mindful moment
Where I was: ......................................................................................
What I was doing: ..............................................................................
What I could see/hear/sense:..............................................................
How I felt: ..........................................................................................
My thoughts: .......................................................................................
Mindful moment
Where I was: ......................................................................................
What I was doing: ..............................................................................
What I could see/hear/sense:..............................................................
How I felt: ..........................................................................................
My thoughts: .......................................................................................
Mindful moment
Where I was: ......................................................................................
What I was doing: ..............................................................................
What I could see/hear/sense:..............................................................
How I felt: ..........................................................................................
My thoughts: .......................................................................................
If you don’t already include a moment or two for meditation in your day, now is a good time to start. Taking time out to quieten your mind will have a really beneficial impact on your emotional well-being and is a great way to combat stress. Meditation has even been shown to change your neural pathways – so you can actually rewire your brain by taking a few minutes every day to try this relaxing practice.
Don’t be put off if you’ve never given it a go before or if the thought of sitting silently is a little intimidating. You could always try listening to a guided meditation. There are some brilliant apps to help you get started and the more often you practise the more you’ll benefit.
If meditation doesn’t appeal to you, you could try journaling for five minutes every evening. This is another really simple practice that allows your brain to process everything you’ve experienced in the day, and it can be a great de-stressor too. All you need is a notebook and pen (or a laptop or writing app, if you prefer).
Settle down quietly at the end of the day and write about anything you like. You could record your favourite moments – or offload the stressiest ones! You could use the time to write about your goals and ambitions, your feelings or your worries. If you prefer a more structured approach there are plenty of themed journals available with writing cues to get you started.
A photo challenge
Most of us don’t get the chance to appreciate the details of our surroundings – if we’re out and about, we’ve usually got a destination in mind and a time limit to get there. A lovely way to help you slow down and notice the little things is to challenge yourself to take interesting photos of your surroundings when you’re on a journey. Try to avoid an obvious picture and go for something unusual instead. You could focus on the details of a building; look for a quirky way to frame a shot; take a picture at a different angle or compose one in black and white. When you start to see the familiar in a new way, you appreciate everything around you so much more.
Pick a
Next time you have ten minutes to yourself, add some fun to your day with one of these speedy mood-boosters. (I’m sure you can think of others to add to the list too.) If you can’t decide which to pick, why not roll a die and enjoy the corresponding burst of random fun from the list below.
1. Go outside and enjoy ten minutes of fresh air – whatever the weather!
2. Recharge with a drink, snack, book, or tech-based treat of your choice.
3. Laugh – at a clip of your favourite comedy show, watch a YouTube compilation, or ask a friend to tell you a joke.
4. Listen to some music – it boosts your mood and, if you dance along, it will boost your heart-rate too.
5. Make someone smile – for an instant release of happy hormones and to spread some good cheer.
6. Enjoy a chat with a friend.
Seize the day, don’t wish it away
Turn things you’ve always wanted to do into things you’ve done.
an explorer
Life is a journey that offers you wonderful surprises and detours on the way – you just have to develop an explorer’s mindset and be prepared to give them a try. A good way to practise this is by being spontaneous and going “off plan” when you’re out and about. If you’re on your usual lunchtime walk around the block, for example, and you see a sign for an exhibition, craft sale or nature trail, why not investigate that instead? Taking a new route to work or using a different mode of transport can reveal other areas for you to explore or activities to try out when you can.
If you’ve got more time on your hands get hold of a detailed map (or app) and rediscover the area around your home: follow footpaths, climb hills and look for ancient ruins. Or visit somewhere completely new for no reason other than to explore. Who knows what you’ll discover?
Being adventurous like this can help you to be spontaneous in other areas of your life too. Look out for little opportunities to add some spontaneity to your day and say yes to experiences you might normally turn down. Invite excitement in by looking out for life’s detours and you’re sure to have fun.
Switch up your treats
Make sure you appreciate any little luxuries you treat yourself to each month by choosing carefully and picking something you’ll have time to enjoy. If you’re currently paying for a few different subscriptions every month but not getting the most out of them, think about cancelling and opting for pay-as-you-go passes, as and when you use them. Monthly fees for the gym and cinema or TV and music services, plus other treats such as magazine or food subscriptions, can be expensive, so you’ll free up some money to put towards your savings goals.
Ten-minute task bursts
We are all guilty of putting off projects that seem too overwhelming to start. We might tell ourselves that we need a couple of hours to complete them and then somehow never find the time. There’s no need to miss out on achieving things when there are moments in your day you can use towards reaching your goals.
Almost every task can be broken down into smaller steps, whether you’re planning a road trip or applying for a new job, so schedule in a ten-minute task burst whenever suits you best – early morning, in your lunch break, or after you’ve eaten your evening meal – and use the time to focus completely on your project. You’ll be surprised at how much you can achieve in ten minutes a day.
“One day” or “day one”
It’s simple to add little indulgences to your week. They’ll not only give you a sense of fulfilment, but they’ll be mindful experiences too as you’re treating your senses – a double boost for your emotional well-being! Why not try:
A luxury bath with scented candles, music, your favourite bath products and some soft towels on standby.
Bake yourself a treat – fill your kitchen with the aroma of baking and make your favourite cake or dessert.
Cocoon yourself in a cosy corner with blankets, cushions and a comforting hot drink.
Try out some simple self-massage and check out the acupressure points on your hands and feet. Use a little of your favourite essential oil for a relaxing treatment.
Nurture mind, body and spirit with a walk outside in the most natural environment you can find. Focus on the wonders around you from clouds, trees and fields to the creatures you encounter there.
Mindful treat times
Keep a record of your most indulgent mindful moments and revisit them whenever you like.
Where I went:
What I did:
Which senses I indulged:
◻ Sight ◻ Sound ◻ Touch ◻ Taste ◻ Smell
How I felt:
Where I went:
What I did:
Which senses I indulged:
◻ Sight ◻ Sound ◻ Touch ◻ Taste ◻ Smell
How I felt:
Make it musical
Music is a powerful way to transform your experiences and boost your mood. You can add a soundtrack to almost any part of your day, whether it’s instrumental music while you’re working, something inspirational to liven up your daily commute, or dancing-round-doing-the-cleaning music to speed you through the housework. Music can help you relax or meditate or transport you off to your own little haven for a song or two. If you can play an instrument, that’s even better – and even if you can’t, everyone can sing in their own unique way, so fit in a five-minute burst of music-making once a day to help you relax.
Carrying out an act of kindness will spread a little happiness and make your day feel rather wonderful. (In fact, studies have shown that acts of generosity bring great benefits to the person who carries them out, as well as to the recipients.) There are so many ways you can put a smile on someone else’s face, so try out some of these suggestions or get creative and come up with some of your own:
Every day, let your
soul sing
To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom.
Bringing mindfulness to your interactions will have a really positive effect on your relationships and transform your day. Whether you’re chatting to a friend or talking to a colleague about work, practise mindful listening, focusing on what the other person is saying, rather than letting your attention waver or thinking up a reply. When you do answer, try to be positive and understanding, and show that you’ve listened to their point of view. Try to look for the good in people, spreading kindness and encouragement when you can. And treat yourself to at least one focused, thoughtful or funny conversation with someone you care about every day.
Listen. Understand. Connect. LOVE.