Photography Credits
© The Al Hirschfeld Foundation. 43 top left, 299
Album of Yiddish Theatre by Zalme(n) Zylbercweig (New York: Farlag Elisheva, 1927): 101 all, 119 right, 127 top, 177, 293, 317
Archives & Special Collections, Hunter College Libraries, Hunter College of The City University of New York: 114 left
Collection of American Jewish Historical Society: 75 all, 77 right, 115, 249 top
Courtesy Aronson Family Collection: 287, 288, 289
Courtesy Billy Rose Theatre Division, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations: 83 right, 123 left, 219 top
Courtesy Catskills Institute: 263 top, 263 bottom, 264 top, 264 bottom, 265 bottom, 267 top left, 267 top right
Courtesy Community Service Society of New York and the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University: 53
Courtesy Corey Brier, Yiddish Artists and Friends Actors Club: 20, 131 right, 135 bottom, 139 top left, 259 bottom, 295 top
Courtesy David and Audrey Buchholz, in memory of Nat Norbert: 235 all, 237 all
Courtesy Eric Krasner, The Mickey Katz Project: 273 all
Courtesy Forward Association: 39 bottom right and left, 41, 49 left, 318
Courtesy Henry Sapoznik: 247
Courtesy Library of Congress, Music Division: 27, 47, 68 right, 68 left, 77 left, 97, 125, 265 top, 267 bottom, 269 top
Courtesy Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary: 25
Courtesy Galerie Le Minotaure: 169 all, 170 all, 173, 197 all, 199, 201 bottom, 203 all, 204, 207 bottom, 209 top, 209 middle, 210 all, 215 top, 284
Courtesy Seth Bogdanove: 60
Courtesy Special Collections Research Center, Morris Library at Southern Illinois University Carbondale: 212, 213, 220
Courtesy The Dorot Jewish Division, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations: 93
Courtesy YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, New York: 39 top, 67, 71, 73, 74, 81, 85, 87, 91, 94, 98 inset, 111 all, 123 right, 127 bottom, 140–49, 155 right, 157, 159 top left, 162, 164 all, 165, 181, 191, 216 top, 217, 225, 226–27, 229 top, 229 bottom, 231 all, 243 all, 245, 253 all, 279, 291, 312
Hapgood, Hutchins, The Spirit of the Ghetto: Studies of the Jewish Quarter of New York; with drawings from life by Jacob Epstein (New York; London: Funk and Wagnalls, 1902): 13
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division: 17 (LC–USZC4–4621), 51 (LC–DIG–ggbain–12864), 59 bottom (LC–DIG–ppmsca–05641), 63 (LC–DIG–ggbain–12864)
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, National Child Labor Committee Collection: 57 top (LC–DIG–nclc–03863), 59 top (LC–DIG–nclc–04455)
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, WPA Poster Collection: 177 bottom (LC–USZC2–5468)
Museum of the City of New York, Byron Company Collection, Gift of Percy Byron: 45 (, 107 (41.420.32), 108 (41.420.184), 120 (41.420.673)
Museum of the City of New York, Broadway Productions Collection: 191 (F2013.41.5583), 297 (F2013.41.2375), 300 (F2013.41.268)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Mr. Albert Fenn: 98 all (1973. 73.41.23 and 73.41.24)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Miss Anne Seymour, Photo by White Studio ©The New York Public Library: 119 left (39.240.152)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Mrs. Anna Skulnik: 43 bottom (70.78.9G), 318 (70.78.9D)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Annette Margules: 249 bottom (75.29.19)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Berta Gersten: 99 (70.155.1A)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Belle Didjah Ehrenreich: 211 all (80.148.22, 80.148.16 and 80.148.9), 307 (80.148.18)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Mr. Ben Bonus: 310 (X2011.7.5)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Blair Davis: 23 top (2013.3.2.32), 57 bottom (2013.3.1.386)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Mrs. Boris Volynsky: 89 (65.71)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Carl Van Vechten, used with permission of the Van Vechten Trust: 37 (X2010.8.683)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Celia Adler Forman: 113 left (66.35.23), 117 (66.35.24)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Dr. Charles A. Perera, M.D.: 55 top left (X2011.34.4383)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Fela Biro: 184 (79.2.4)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Frank S. D’Alessandro: 305 (79.63.9)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Garrison P. Sherwood: 308 (36.440.445)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Harold Friedlander: 275 all (68.80.1113 and 68.80.3245)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Mr. Harry Bender: 179 bottom (70.34.78)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of the Hebrew Actors Union: 83 left (66.33.5)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Henry Rubinlicht: 159 top right (69.132), 207 top (X2012.7.368)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Jacob Ben–Ami: 219 bottom (X2012.7.356)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Jacob Bleifer: 159 bottom right (70.34.76)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Mrs. Jacob Greenberg, Photo by White Studio ©The New York Public Library: 209 bottom (71.104.2)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of L. Arnold Weissberger: 114 right (67.32.158)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Lisa Aronson, Photo by White Studio ©The New York Public Library: 201 top (81.151.8)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Manya Gendel: 79 (84.142.1)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Max Eisen: 315 (74.131.6D)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Mrs. Menasha Skulnik: 9 (76.55), 43 top right (76.55)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Mrs. Meta Solotaroff Goldin: 183 bottom (70.85.8)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Michael Gorrin: 48 (70.76.6), 179 top (70.76.50), 187 bottom (70.76.53), 193 top (70.76.52),
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Mina Bern Bonus: 305 (84.106.11)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Miss Miriam Kressyn: 311 (67.31.5), 314 (X2012.7.351), 313 (67.31.23), 316 (X2012.7.147)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Miss Molly Picon and Mr. Jacob Kalich: 103 (69.134.3), 129 (69.134.3), 132 all (69.134.30 and 69.134.60), 133 all (69.134.73 and 69.134.105), 135 top (69.134.6)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of the Picons: 49 right (85.117.2)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Dr. Robert Drapkin: 55 bottom (84.180.7)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Mr. Ron Bernstein: 302 (65.59.16)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Sam Leve: 188 (71.75.16)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Mr. Seymour Rexite: 105 (X2012.7.110)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Sylvia Kessler Newman: 309 (66.22.4)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of the Estate of Sophie Tucker: 241 (66.60.16)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Thomas Calvin Linn, Jr.: 306 (41.443.307)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Trio Press, courtesy of Hebrew Actors’ Union: 23 right (70.34.108), 293 bottom (X2012.7.109)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Vera Rosanko Rosenberg: 65 (78.55.13), 78 (78.55.13)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Mrs. William A. Brady: 29 (50.200.1042)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of YIVO Institute for Jewish Research: 161 left (65.78.17), 161 right (65.78.15), 167 (X2012.7.426)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of the Zunser–Shomer family: 19 (X2012.7.322), 113 right (X2012.7.69)
Museum of the City of New York. Gift of Zvee Scooler: 153 top (70.77.41)
Museum of the City of New York, The J. Clarence Davies Collection: 14 (29.100.870), 15 (29.100.810)
Museum of the City of New York, The John Bennewitz Collection: 269 bottom (80.103.239), 270 (, 305 (80.103.1458)
Museum of the City of New York, Theatre And Music Collection Purchase Courtesy Of The William Penn Foundation: 31 all (75.200.12 and 75.200.6)
Museum of the City of New York, purchase with funds from the Mrs. Elon Hooker Acquisition Fund: 55 top right (40.140.31)
Museum of the City of New York, Yiddish Theater Collection: 35 (70.34.32), 132 (85.117.1), 136 (70.34.52), 139 top right (X2011.7.7), 139 bottom (X2011.7.23), 153 bottom (F2012.63.112), 155 left (F2012.63.276), 261 (f2015.63.25), 280 (F2012.63.405), 301 (77.110.10–.13), 307 (F2012.63.137), 308 (F2012.63.456)
Museum of Jewish Heritage — A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, New York, New York: 215 bottom (Gift of the Estate of Same Leve in honor of Lottie L. Weiss), 216 bottom (Gift of Seymour Cohn and Pearl C. Miller in honor of Elias A. Cohen’s Tranquility Camp), 259 top (Gift of Leo and Marilyn Rozman)
Photograph by John Halpern: 7, 11
Public domain: 283