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Shakespeare couldn’t remember sex ever being so much fun. Lei Lu was as adventurous in bed as she was out of it. They’d taken their Chinese food to the dining table on his back porch. He wanted to get her out of the bedroom, at least for a few minutes. They both needed a break from the sexual intensity. In truth, he enjoyed talking with her. She was also damn smart and real. She meant more to him than just an orgasm.
They were currently in a debate over handguns when Oli sauntered around the corner of the house. “I called, but you didn’t answer.” He held his hands up. “Consider this a health and welfare check. After what happened last night...” He let the sentence hang.
“Let me guess, the Russians made bail already,” Lei Lu summarized his thoughts. Shakespeare wasn’t sure if it was cool that their thoughts ran along the exact same lines or if it was fucking scary.
“As soon as they realized we were going to charge them with a crime, they demanded a phone call. Within ten minutes, someone from their government was in my office insisting they be released.” Oli shrugged. “After multiple calls, the United States government said that they weren’t going to press charges because there was no breaking and entering. Even though there was suspicious behavior, the Russians broke no laws.”
Oli sat down and picked up the fork that came with the takeout and one of the half-empty white cartons. “I’m starving.” He twirled the spicy noodles then shoved it in his mouth. After swallowing, he stared at Lei Lu. “You, on the other hand, were almost charged with assault.” He stuffed another bite in his mouth.
“They should be damn glad I didn’t kill them. We only needed one to interrogate.” The look she gave his friend left no doubt that she could have carried through with the threat.
“I want you both to be careful now that they’re free. I have no idea if they had somebody watching the runway as we loaded the plane with the viruses, but I don’t trust these guys.” Oli picked up a container of spicy chicken, sniffed, then set it back down. Grabbing another he examined its contents and filled his fork. “I’ll head next door and tell the other women the same thing. How much longer are you going to be here?” He bit into the food, staring at Lei Lu.
She shrugged. “We’ve been put on hold until the brass decides whether they’re going to raise the airplane or destroy it in place.”
“I’m concerned about the safety of your team while you’re on the island.” Oli stood and headed for the outdoor refrigerator.
Since Lei Lu’s mouth was filled with rice noodles, Shakespeare answered for her. “There’s a team of private contractors that should arrive this afternoon. Not only are they security, but they’re also the boyfriends, fiancés, and husbands of her team members.”
After grabbing a beer, Oli sat back at the table. He chugged about half of it before setting it down. “Let me guess, they’re all former military, too?”
“On the money.” Lei Lu picked up her own beer and toasted the police commissioner before she took a long pull.
“I’ll worry less about the women getting hurt than I will collecting dead bodies.” Oli picked up the first box. “Mind if I finish this? I was a bit busy and missed breakfast.” He looked at his watch. “And lunch.”
“It’s yours,” Lei Lu said with a wave of her hand then slid an unopened box of rice toward him.
Shakespeare watched Katlin jog up the beach. “I’m so glad you guys are outside.” She smiled as she stepped onto the porch. “I tried to call you, Lei Lu, when you didn’t reply to my text.” Without invitation, she sat down at the table.
“Sorry, I just woke up a little bit ago.” She looked around as though she’d just misplaced something. “I guess I left my phone in the bedroom. What’s up?”
Katlin turned her attention to Shakespeare and included Oli in her gaze. “Is there somewhere on the island we can rent some more vehicles? The two rental counters at the airport only have small cars left. Our security team are big men.”
Oli held up his hand, pulled out his cell phone. “I’ve got this. They always save some of the higher end cars for when famous musicians and movie stars show up.” He walked to the far edge of the porch.
“What time are they expected?” Shakespeare asked.
“They’re about half an hour out.” Katlin looked over the empty takeout boxes that littered the table. “We’re going to need a list of all the restaurants that deliver.”
Lei Lu’s jaw dropped. “You’re not going to cook?” She sounded so dejected.
“Well, I’ll cook a meal or two but I’m not going to run a fast food restaurant. I haven’t seen Alex in seven weeks, three days, and nine hours.” Katlin grinned at her friend. “You’ll be lucky to see me before daylight tomorrow. The same goes for everybody else.”
Hot damn. So, Lei Lu would not be expected to hang out with her teammates. He might be able to keep her in his bed all night.
“I have good news, and I have bad news.” Oli slid his cell phone into his Bermuda shorts. “I’m going to start with the bad news. They really don’t have any larger vehicles. It seems some female rock star who’s supposed to be on top of the charts is on the island with eight bodyguards. They were to leave today but her muse struck and she’s writing new music. Possibly they’ll leave tomorrow. How about if Shakespeare and I take you guys to the airport. It’ll give me a chance to talk to my men guarding your plane. Plus, I’ll get to meet your security team.”
“Fine by me,” Shakespeare interjected. “You can use my SUV if you needed. I haven’t started my Porsche in a few weeks. It would be good to run some gas through it.”
Katlin looked at her watch. “Can we leave in ten minutes?”
“I take it they’re flying private because we don’t have a commercial flight scheduled until tomorrow morning?” Oli asked.
The pretty blond team leader smiled. “Commercial airlines don’t like it when you bring guns on board, and these men are going to arrive heavily armed.”
“As long as they don’t start shooting tourists, or my deputies, we’re good.” Oli finished his beer and set the empty bottle down. “I need to make a quick run back to the station. I’ll meet you at the airport.”
When the Learjet touched down, it looked like any other nondescript multimillion-dollar private airplane. As for the men, their demeanor screamed well-trained military...even the man with a baby on his hip and a small boy holding his hand.
Katlin ran into the arms of a tall Latino with a ponytail. By the kiss he gave her, they didn’t give a shit about public display of affection.
“That’s Alex Wolf.” Lei Lu leaned against the SUV between Shakespeare and Oli. “He and Katlin are engaged, and they own Guardian Security, but she is a silent partner. He runs all ten offices located in the largest cities across the United States. In case you were wondering, he’s a former Marine Corps Raider.”
“I worked with some of those guys in the Middle East,” Oli noted. “You don’t fuck with them.”
“You don’t fuck with any of these guys,” Lei Lu warned.
A dark-haired little boy, probably not yet in kindergarten, dropped the handle to his Avengers suitcase and ran across the tarmac screaming, “Mommy.” Nita scooped him up in her arms and hugged the child, covering his face in kisses. The boy’s giggles filled the air. She was soon approached by the man easily carrying the squirming little girl.
“Nita is married to Daniel, who happens to be Katlin’s brother.” Lei Lu then added, “They don’t look much alike until you see them side-by-side. Both have those stunning blue eyes.”
Tori threw her arms around the next man off the plane. Even though they were almost eye to eye, he picked her up and twirled her around while kissing her.
Lei Lu looked back and forth between Shakespeare and Oli as though trying to decide what to say. “You can’t see it from here, but I’m going to warn you, so you don’t end up staring. Marcus had the shit beat out of him by some Colombian cartel enforcers. He’s had several surgeries, and he’ll have even more. He and Tori are a relatively new item. He works for the ATF as an explosives expert with Harper.”
“And that’s Harper’s new husband, Rafe. He was a SEAL then worked undercover in Columbia for several years.” Lei Lu let out a long breath. “When the capos kidnapped Harper, Rafe decided it was a good time to leave the CIA. And before you ask, the drug lord who kidnapped Harper used torturing Marcus to make her do what he wanted.”
Several men in desert camouflage hit the tarmac and huddled in a loose group.
“I have no idea who those guys are.” Lei Lu squinted as though trying to identify them. “My guess, they’re here to guard our airplane. Maybe the house, too.” She smiled over at Oli. “You get your off-duty officers back.”
Grace’s beautiful auburn hair bounced as she nervously waited for the last man off the airplane. Damn, he was big.
“Griffin used to play football for Georgia. Another SEAL. He now runs the Miami Center of Guardian Security. They’re engaged.”
Alex and Griffin spoke for a few minutes while Katlin spoke on her phone. A minute later, Oli’s cell phone rang. He showed the caller ID to Lei Lu. “Your boss beckons me.” He swiped the phone to make the connection. “Lady Hawk, what can I do for you.” Less than a minute later, he hung up. “Duty calls, but I’ll be back in just a few minutes. We need to discuss the security teams for the airplane.”
When everyone congregated at the vehicles, Shakespeare noticed the possessiveness of each of the men. Most had a hand on their woman. The loving way the couples looked at each other was undeniable. He glanced down at Lei Lu and realized how she must feel. Although a member of a very cohesive team, when men were around, she was an outsider. He decided in that moment that for the rest of her time on the island he was going to be her man.
“Nita and I are going to take the little rental car,” Daniel announced. “It’s easier to get the kids in and out of their car seats. Besides, no one needs to be subjected to one of Bella’s diaper blowouts.” Chuckles and giggles of agreement past like a wave through the small crowd.
Katlin gave her brother a hug and kissed the kids. “We’ll be over in a little while. I need time with my niece and nephew.”
“And Mommy and Daddy need some adult time together.” Nita slid her arm around Daniel’s waist, and he tucked her in, kissing her forehead.
“You can say that again.” Daniel’s gaze met his sister’s. “Thanks, sis. I really appreciate you doing this. We’re going to go load up.”
Within minutes, everyone was sorted out and headed back to the rental properties. It took two taxis for the men in camouflage and all their gear. Good thing they were staying close to the airport in one of the high-end brand hotels. Shakespeare heard someone say that the Guardian team would take over at midnight.
Shakespeare wasn’t sure how they were all going to fit, but they seemed to make it work. Katlin and Alex were in the second row of seats and somehow Grace and Griffin wedged into the third-row seats. Every time he looked in the rearview mirror, they were kissing, Grace was practically on Griffin’s lap.
“Does anyone know why the Russians were allowed to go free?” Alex asked everyone in the car. “That really pisses me off.”
“Yeah. SOCOM called me as your plane was landing.” Katlin seethed. “Supposedly, when the Russians threatened to press charges against our team, Jack got involved.”
“Jesus Christ.” Lei Lu rolled her eyes. From the back of the SUV, Shakespeare heard moans and swearwords. The tension increased threefold.
“As you know, technically we work for Homeland Security. As calls bounced around Washington, it ended up in Jack’s hands.” Katlin glanced around the car. “USSOCOM wasn’t going to claim us, that’s for damn sure. Besides, Jack is going to do everything he could to protect us.”
Shakespeare turned the corner, pleased with all the new information about Lei Lu’s team.
“He’s going to do anything he can to protect Katlin,” Grace called from the back seat. “The rest of us are just collateral.”
“Yeah, right.” Alex growled. “I hate that fucking bastard. Did I tell you we’re getting audited by the IRS?”
“What does a tax audit have to do with Jack?” Katlin asked.
“He was the one who red flagged our filings, specifically noting our government contracts.” Alex shifted in his seat. “I guess Jack the ass wants to be sure we’re paying the right amount of tax on that money. We have to provide a complete accountability for every dime we spend on a mission. And the real kick in the balls...they want me present during the entire audit, even though Barry handles all that for us. Plus, they want it to take place in their offices in D.C.. That bastard is always fucking with me.”
Katlin leaned over and kissed Alex. “That’s because I’m in love with you and he knows the only thing I’ll give him is the respect he is due as my boss. He’s so fucking jealous of you he can’t stand it.” She gave him a quick kiss. “I’m yours. Always.”
Tax audit? Shakespeare’s brain was back on taxes. He started to worry. He hadn’t been keeping track of hardly anything dealing with this mission. He’d been given a generous amount and thought that was to cover everything. He distinctly remembered a paragraph or two outlining how to request more money, but nothing about detailed reports. Maybe he needed to reread the contract. He might have missed something. “Who exactly is this Jack? Should I be worried that I’m going to get audited too?”
“Jack Ashworth is the director of Section 7 at Homeland Security,” Lei Lu explained. “He’s our boss, although since we’re still active duty military, and trained in Special Operations, we can be pulled away at any time by USSOCOM. Since General Lyon took over, he’s sent us out on more missions than Jack. I don’t think the general likes Jack.”
“He’s not alone.” Alex put his arm around Katlin. “The asshole also has an unhealthy attitude about Katlin.”
“To the point that he has to see a shrink every week, mandated by the Director of Homeland,” Lei Lu added. Shakespeare decided there was a whole lot more to that story. He’d ask Lei Lu about it later, in the privacy of his home.
As they passed the museum, Alex asked, “Weird place for a John Glenn exhibit.”
“Not at all,” Shakespeare replied from the driver’s seat. “After Glenn circled the earth three times as the first American in space, Friendship 7 landed not that far from here. Glenn was brought to Cockburn Town and spent a few days here for debriefing and medical checkups.”
“Cockburn Town? That’s really the name of the capital?” Griffin asked from the backseat. He stared at Grace and lowered his voice to just above a whisper, but everyone in the car still heard. “My cock is already burning...for you.” They were kissing again.
When he pulled up outside the rental house for Lei Lu’s team, he suggested, “I’d like to provide supper tonight, for everyone, a traditional Grand Turks meal. We’re known for our conch, seafood, and fresh fruit. I’ll have it catered on the patio facing the ocean. There’s plenty of seating in the shade of the porch and small tables and lounges set up in the sand. Katlin, what do you say?”
“You don’t have to do that. I’m sure there are lots of wonderful restaurants nearby.” Katlin countered. “We get a daily food stipend.”
Shakespeare burst out laughing. “I’m familiar with the pittance the government provides for meals when abroad, and I’m very aware of the prices on Grand Turk. Put that aside. I want to do this for all of you. Besides, it was a very short night last night, these men have traveled over a thousand miles. Everybody needs a nap. Tonight’s supper is just one less thing you have to worry about today.”
“Conch sounds awesome.” Lei Lu clasped her hands together as though begging. “Let him do is. We’ll make it up to him. Katlin will cook for you. She’s like a real chef.”
“So nice of you to volunteer my services,” Katlin quipped with a mock frown. Then she smiled and all the wrinkles smoothed out. “I’ll cook, at least once, for everyone.”
“Then it’s a deal.” Shakespeare nodded. “Here on the island, we eat later than most Americans. Plan to eat at seven thirty. Lei Lu and I will see you then.” He had plans for the beautiful woman next to him. What he had in mind could take the entire afternoon.
Shakespeare placed a call and supper was handled before he parked in his garage. He texted Oli an invitation to join them. His good friend, like him, missed the camaraderie of the SpecOps community. He was sure they would all get their fill as the sun set.
As he got out of the car, he held out his hand for Lei Lu. She slid her soft white fingers between his. “I like the sound of a nap.”
He bent down and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Me too. But I’m not sure how much sleeping we’ll get.”
At seven o’clock, Shakespeare’s phone indicated there was a text. He nuzzled into Lei Lu’s neck. “Food’s here. I need to run down to the main house and show him where to set everything up. You will come with me or sleep?”
She pulled the sheet up over her naked breasts and curled on her side. “Sleep. Ten more minutes.” He bent over and kissed her before pulling on a pair of board shorts. He threw one of his many Hawaiian shirts over his shoulders and didn’t bother to button it. Barefoot, he slid open the bedroom door that led to the beach and jogged down to the other house.
“Mia, my wonderful friend. Thank you for doing this for me on such short notice.” Shakespeare knew she would do a fantastic job and gave him an opportunity to slide her some extra money in the form of a tip. She could use the extra money to help care for her grandmother.
At the smell of food, it seemed everyone in the house appeared to help carry it to the back porch and set up. Once again, Shakespeare was surprised at how well Lei Lu’s team work together. The real shock was how the men fit in. They were like cogs in a well-oiled gear, sliding easily between each other and propelling the machine forward.
Once all the food was laid out, everyone stepped back. It was as though no one wanted to go first.
“Eat.” Mia’s single word was a command.
“Everything looks so pretty,” Katlin commented.
That’s when Shakespeare noticed that his friend had taken the extra effort to carve edibles. Fruit was made into flowers. Vegetables were laid in a fashion to look like a bouquet. Even the conch stew had some kind of green stuff floating on top. He threw an arm around his favorite island cook and gave her a one-armed hug.
“This is absolutely gorgeous. You’ve outdone yourself. Thank you.” When he looked down into her dark brown eyes, they were wet.
“I never get to do this kind of catering, Shakespeare. Nobody ever calls me. They call the big hotels and their food sucks.” Mia wiped away her tears. “I make good, healthy, Caribbean food. True native dishes, not that fake shit they sell to the people on a cruise.”
Shakespeare made a mental note to talk to Mia again, soon, about expanding her business. He’d be more than happy to invest in her future.
“Everything is getting cold. Eat.” Mia demanded.
Shakespeare picked up a plate and started passing them out. People walked down both sides, complementing and admiring as they filled their plates and bowls. It reminded him of a Fourth of July party he’d attended with his college roommate. Dodging the Annual Fireworks White Tie Ball, he’d gone upstate to Lake Champlain. They’d spent the weekend waterskiing, riding jet skis, swimming in soft lake water during the day and roasting marshmallows over a beach fire every night. Each meal was a buffet filled with family goodness.
That holiday had been so far removed from the tuxedo-clad aristocracy his parents cherished. It had also been the best holiday he’d ever had, including Christmas.
Hands reached around him from behind and spread over his bare abdomen. He knew Lei Lu’s touch, her smell, the feel of her body against his. Shakespeare was in heaven. He liked the fact that she didn’t hesitate to touch him in public. Yes, maybe it was because these were her friends and she was comfortable around them, but he didn’t think that was the only reason. She was a very tactile woman.
They’d spent the entire afternoon learning each other’s bodies with their fingers and tongues. She was an excellent lover. She could make him come quickly or force him to ride the edge until he begged for more. And Shakespeare had begged. Under her touch, he’d come harder than he had in his life...and couldn’t wait to do it again.
Plate filled, he followed Lei Lu to the dining table where Katlin and Alex sat across from Daniel and Nita.
“Where are the kids?” Lei Lu asked as she set her plate down on the table.
“Conked out for the night.” Nita happy danced in her seat. “Your friend, Mia, stopped by about two hours ago with chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese. Every kid’s favorite meal. Thanks, Shakespeare, for letting her know we have little ones. It was so thoughtful of her to bring their food early.”
He’d make a point of adding even more to her tip but telling her that part was from Nita and Daniel. He didn’t know anything about kids, but obviously his friend did. “I’ll be sure to pass on your thanks.”
As Lei Lu and Nita talked about the kids, Shakespeare listened to the conversation between Daniel and Katlin. Even in the setting sun, he could see the stunning blue eyes the siblings shared.
“Did I tell you that Uncle Tom is dating Ava Standish?” Daniel announced.
Katlin gave him a sly smile. “I always thought there was something between those two. Aunt Ava has been around all my life.” Katlin grimaced. “I’m not supposed to call her that, especially since she got me into the SpecOps program. But she was a friend of Daddy’s all the way back to West Point, when I was a baby.”
“I remember Aunt Ava. She used to come up to the Smith Mountain Lake house.” Daniel took a bite of his colorful fruit. “This reminds me of Rosa’s cooking.” He used his fork and pointed toward the plate. “But this has some different spices. I like it.”
Shakespeare was tired of feeling like an eavesdropper, listening to Katlin and Daniel’s conversation. “Sea salt was the reason this island was established back in the seventeen hundreds, so the locals use a lot of it. Lemons and limes grow wild here and smooth out the salt. They also use a lot of ginger and coconut. You’ll taste that in the conch stew.”
The six of them sat around the table getting to know each other better and at the same time, talking like old friends. Shakespeare had been right about that, too. Oli had easily slid into conversations with Rafe and Harper who were sitting with Grace and Griffin.
Tori and Marcus were curled up together on a double chaise closer in the sand, halfway to the edge of the water, lost in their own world.
Several phones went off simultaneously. Each woman on Lei Lu’s team stood up and looked at each other. They all ran to meet in the middle, phones in hand.
A few minutes later, Lei Lu, Nita, and Katlin returned to the table.
“The decision has been made. They’re going to lift the airplane off the bottom,” Katlin announced. “The mobile diving and salvage unit for the East Coast will be here tomorrow afternoon. It’s been doing salvage work and overseeing the dredging of the harbor at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.”
Nita’s smile was huge. “We get to stay and watch.” She hugged her husband as she slid onto Daniel’s lap. “It looks like we’ll be here for at least a week.”
Shakespeare was more excited about the next seven days than he had been about anything since his last SEAL mission. He, too, had never seen the salvage unit at work. His governmental contract gave him a front row seat.
More importantly, he had another whole week with Lei Lu.