Writing down what you eat makes you think about your food three times.
First, you think about it as you eat it.
Second, you think about it when you write it down.
Third, you think about it when you read later on.
I’ve found that thinking three times about everything you eat gives you a sense of ownership of your actions. It also gives you a mini-assessment every day on how well you’re doing with your diet. Rome wasn’t built in one night. Seeing a few weeks’ worth of food logs that show how much better you’re eating can be the inspiration you need to stay the course. In fact it’s been shown that people who keep track of what they eat are more successful with their nutritional goals.
Still I know you don’t have time to write down every calorie and every fat gram from every bite you eat. I wouldn’t expect that from my clients, and I don’t expect it from you. So here’s the good news: You don’t have to.
Keeping track of how well you’re doing on the 5-Factor Diet isn’t painful. It doesn’t require a calculator or more than a few seconds of your time.
All of the recipes in this book incorporate 5-Factor Diet requirements—you don’t even have to think about them.
When you’re ready to create your own meals and daily menus based on the 5-Factor principles—and using the 5-Factor Must-Have Foods—this easy-to-use chart will help you track your progress. (Make copies of it to use every day.)
Record the three foods—a low-fat protein, a low- to moderate-GI carb, and a no- to low-sugar beverage—you plan to eat at each of the five meals of the day. As for the fiber column, if you’re eating a low-GI carb, I guarantee it contains the 5 to 10 grams of fiber required at each meal. If necessary, add another fibrous carbohydrate—beans or spinach, for example—to your meal so you can write “yes” in the fiber column. You must have 5 to 10 grams of fiber at every meal to follow the 5-Factor Diet.
The last column, healthy fats, needn’t read “yes” at every meal. Just be sure you aren’t eating any unhealthy saturated or trans fats.
Ready to start your 5-Factor day? Here you go!