From the time I was a small child, I’ve had an affinity for adventure. Probably because my father took our family on one-day car rides to his hometown several times each year, telling stories of his childhood along the way. I became accustomed to these ancestral treasure trove adventures and the wonderment it brought me. Dad, as the leader in the family, only exemplified kindness and generosity with his time and teachings, molding, if you will, his precious babies into the same. He encouraged me to see things in a different light, to take a different road than my peers, by enlightening me to the various aspects of the universe and all it holds within the sun and stars.
His vast kindness caused me to think of others and how I might help them for the greater good of one and all. This is why the estate sale business intrigued me so much. I could feed, clothe, and house my family while helping others at the same time with a task that had almost disabled them within their grief.
Each estate sale is an adventure in and of itself. Each home houses energies from those that resided within, whether the person lived there for a long or a short period of time. Some are pleasant, enjoyable, and just plain lovely! Some are filled with anger, irritation, and angst. As I enter each sale, I pay attention to all energy fields as to what I may receive, holding all thoughts inside so I can journal them when I return home.
I have to say, when I began to feel and think there was something more, something extraordinary from within, was at age 14—just after I was almost shocked to death.
One sweltering Tuesday in August 1966, it was my day to wash the lunch and dinner dishes. All the windows were open, and the huge attic fan and roll-about fan were on. The hot dish water combined with the almost unbearable August heat wave caused me to move the metal fan to blow more directly on me, and at the same time, reach with my right hand to open the kitchen drawer to drop in the hand-dried silverware. With both hands damp and both surfaces metal, I received a shock that took me to my knees.
I screamed, “Help me, help me!”
In my head, my scream was a miniscule scream; however, later on, neighbors three houses away stated they heard me yelling. My mother jumped out of the bath, dripping wet with a towel down her front, tripped over the cord that stretched from the other side of the kitchen to the fan, and disconnected the current, which could have killed her too. My brother ran inside to find me slumped on the floor.
Of course, I came through that scare. And just after this shocking experience, I began to hear inside my head what others were about to say before they spoke.
A few years before my first marriage, I worked at my aunt’s home doing the books for her husband’s very lucrative tree-trimming business. Aunt Katye, along with her sister, my mother, and family, came from very meager means and learned all about saving money and where to find great deals. Somewhere during my tenure there from age 15 to 17, she stated that she had bought some items at auctions, which helped stretch their growing budget. I’d never been introduced to auctions before or even knew what they were. Dear Aunt Katye soon thereafter drove to our home and took me to an auction in the country. I was amazed at the way it was handled. Lots of “yep, yep, yep” went on from the auctioneer. He stood at the podium rattling off names of items, asking for this amount or that amount, and eventually he’d say something sold. It was hard to understand what he said, and he ran so quickly that I didn’t buy a thing.
Another pivot point came shortly after my second husband died without life insurance. I knew, as a mother of four, it was up to me to provide for my babies. Thus I began attending many seminars on business building and real estate buying, spending lots of time and money on learning tools for various business start-ups.
At one seminar on buying and selling bonds for cars, land, and houses via auctions, my ears perked up. I went to a few more business seminars, finding the auction business seminars most intriguing, and purchased all the information, enthusiastically reading and studying it when the patters of little feet were off in dreamland.
I also attended local high-end auctions to jot down notes as to what this or that sold for and to learn what the items were called, buying several books listing sold prices for antiques as well.
After about six months of gaining knowledge on the subject, I jumped into a new auction business.
Another crossroads happened during the fall of 1994, when I began noticing what seemed to be a whirling of invisible winds above my St. Louis home. I felt something was causing me to see things in an entirely different way than my upbringing via the family religion. I knew there was so much more to understand.
With the knowledge that something more was and is always needed, I feverishly read three to four books on business and/or metaphysics each week for 10 years, every morning before my little ones awoke.
A new business began and a new level of thinking emerged. I stepped out of my comfort zone, and the grand universe began to provide.
This book will guide you through beginning your own estate sale business with step-by-step instructions, plus along the way share bonus stories of seeing and feeling spiritual nuances.