
The Three Brothers

Long ago in the village of Chimayó in northern New Mexico, there lived a man and a woman who had three sons.

Patricio, the eldest, was headstrong, and he was not known for telling the truth. When his father sent him to watch the sheep, he often stole off to the village pool hall. The parents grew disappointed in this son who squandered away his time.

Felipe, the middle son, was very lazy. He slept late in the morning, and when he was sent to weed the garden, he usually spent the day sleeping under a tree. There seemed to be no cure for his laziness.

Ramón, the youngest, was dependable and considerate. He helped his father with the vineyard they owned, raising the best grapes in the region. He was well liked by the neighbors, for they saw he was a hardworking son.

Patricio hated farming, so as soon as he turned fifteen, he decided to leave home. His parents didn’t want him to go, but he had made up his mind.

“There is no future here,” he told his parents. “If I go to Santa Fe, I can earn a good living.”

“But there are temptations on the way,” his father warned him. “Many of the young men from our villages have been lost on the road.”

“I can take care of myself. I must go,” Patricio insisted. “Perhaps there I will find a rich master and become rich myself.”

His parents finally relented, and, as was the custom, they gave him their blessing. “God bless you and keep you from evil. Always be kind and help old people. Remember us in your prayers.”

Patricio’s mother packed provisions for the road, and the young man set off in the direction of Santa Fe. He walked all morning, and at noon he sat beneath a piñon tree to rest and eat his lunch.

While he was eating, he saw a woman coming up the road. Patricio quickly hid his food as she drew near.

“Probably a wandering gypsy,” he said. “I’m not going to share my food with her.”

The woman stopped in front of Patricio. The blue robe that covered her head fell over her shoulders and down to her feet. She was exceedingly lovely.

“Buenos días, señora,” Patricio greeted her. “What is a lady like you doing on this desolate road?”

“I was sent by my son to take care of travelers,” she said in a soft voice. “There are many curves and cliffs on this road that are dangerous to young people. There are places of entertainment that promise you everything you desire, only to lead you astray.”

“I can take care of myself,” replied Patricio. “You, on the other hand, look like you’ve been working too hard.”

“I have been traveling a long time and I am thirsty and hungry.”

“I am sorry,” Patricio said, “but I have no food or water to share with you.” Even as he spoke, he knew he had disobeyed his parents, for they always invited travelers into their home and gave them something to eat and drink. This was the custom of their people.

“Very well,” the woman replied. “Where are you going?”

“I am going to Santa Fe to seek my fortune,” replied Patricio.

“That road is long and crooked,” she said. “There are many temptations. Why not go to work for my son?” she asked.

“Who is your son?”

“He is the master of a large kingdom,” she replied. “His city lies in a peaceful valley, and all the buildings are immaculate and full of light. Follow this straight path and you will find his home. He lives in a shining mansion whose doors are open to all.”

“Thank you for the advice,” said Patricio.

“Adiós,” she said, and continued down the road.

“She is dressed in the finest silk,” Patricio muttered, “and her son is rich. I’ll go there.”

He followed the straight road until he came to the city the woman had described. The green valley surrounding it was the most beautiful Patricio had ever seen. People and animals appeared to live in perfect harmony.

In the center of the valley lay the shining city. Tall spires rose into the clear air. The streets seemed paved with gold, and diamonds glittered everywhere. More than once, Patricio rubbed his eyes, thinking he was dreaming.

When he arrived at the mansion the woman had described, he pinched his arm to reassure himself he was awake. “Truly, I must be dreaming,” he said. “I have never seen anything as magnificent as this castle.”

Timidly, he knocked on the door, and a young man answered. He was dressed in white, and an aura of light surrounded him.

“Are you the master of this kingdom?” asked Patricio.

“I am,” the young man replied.

“I met your mother on the road and gave her food and water,” said Patricio. “She said you would reward me.”

The young man knew Patricio was lying. Nevertheless, he said, “Thank you for helping her. I will reward you, but first I need you to run an errand for me. My mother has been working for a long time. She must come home to rest. Take my burro and deliver this letter to her. I warn you, on the way you will meet obstacles, and you will be tempted. Take my dog as a companion. Wherever he stops, you will know that is a safe place to rest. But if he barks and pulls you away, don’t stop there. That place is evil.”

“Very well,” Patricio said. Mounted on the burro, he started out, following the dog. He had traveled all day when he came to a dark castle that lay shimmering in the heat like a desert mirage. Music and laughter came from within. People with dark pits for eyes appeared at the door. They called to Patricio to join them.

“Do not waste your time working; here we have entertainment all day and all night,” they cried. “Here all your desires will be fulfilled.”

“I like that,” said Patricio. “This is much more fun than the village pool hall.”

He started into the castle, but the dog barked and pulled him away.

“Este perro loco doesn’t want me to join the party,” Patricio said. “Very well, I’ll return later.”

He continued on until he came to a river of blood. The dog jumped in, letting Patricio know that it was safe to cross, but Patricio trembled in his boots.

“Too dangerous,” he said. “Better to return to the party.”

He left the dog and the burro and hurried back to the dark castle. Demons opened the door, and Patricio disappeared within.

Months passed, and Patricio didn’t return. Felipe thought his brother must be doing well in Santa Fe, so he decided to join him.

“I will go and live with my brother,” he said to his parents. “I am sure he will take care of me, and I will never have to work again. I will leave weeding the garden to Ramón.”

His parents protested. They were sure something evil had happened to Patricio, and they did not want to lose another son.

But Felipe was adamant. “I want to share in the good life Patricio has found. Here there is only hard work and going to church. I want a life of ease.”

Felipe’s parents knew their disobedient son would leave anyway. His mother packed food and water for his journey, and they gave him their blessing.

“God bless you,” they said. “Stay away from evil places, and always be kind to old people. Remember us in your prayers.”

“Adiós,” Felipe said in a hurry. He walked all morning, and when he paused to rest, he saw the same gracious woman Patricio had encountered coming down the road. He quickly hid his provisions so he wouldn’t have to share them with her.

“I am hungry,” said the woman in blue as she drew near. “Will you share your food with me?”

“I have no food,” Felipe replied. He realized he had gone against his parents’ teachings.

“Where are you going?” the woman asked.

“I’m looking for my brother. He has found his fortune; I’ll never have to work again.”

“Your brother has lost his faith,” the woman said. “He has gone to live in a dark and frightful world. If you wish to save yourself from a similar fate, you must go to my son’s home. He will provide for you.”

She began to describe her son’s kingdom, and Felipe said, “Yes, yes” to get rid of her.

“Meddlesome woman,” he said as she walked away. “What does she mean, Patricio lost his faith? He never had any. But she is dressed in fine silks. Maybe her son is rich. She said he will provide for me. Exactly what I’m looking for!”

So he hurried down the straight road and came to the shining city. Like his brother before him, he was astonished at its magnificence. He had never imagined anything so beautiful.

“This man’s mansion is beyond compare,” Felipe whispered to himself.

He knocked at the door, and when the young man appeared, Felipe told him he had met his mother on the road. “I gave her food and water and she said you would provide for me.”

The young man frowned. He knew Felipe was lying.

“You must be honest if you are to work for me,” he said.

“I never lie,” replied Felipe.

The master of the mansion had a sure way to test him.

“I provide for all who come to my house,” he said. “But first you must deliver this message to my mother. She has been working too hard, and I want her to return home.”

He gave Felipe the same instructions he had given Patricio. Felipe saddled the burro and rode away, following the master’s dog.

When he came to the dark castle that shimmered like a mirage on fire, he thought he heard his brother’s sad voice calling to him: “Do not enter this city of pleasure. Return home and take care of our parents.”

Felipe shivered. Through the windows, he caught sight of feverish gambling and drinking.

“This is the easy life I’ve always wished for,” said Felipe. “I bet Patricio just doesn’t want to share the good times with me.”

He started toward the castle, but the dog nipped at his heels and pulled him away. Try as he might, Felipe couldn’t shake the dog loose.

“Okay, dog, I won’t go in now. I’ll come back later.”

He rode on until he came to the river of blood. The dog started forward, but Felipe hesitated. “I will not cross that river,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m going back to the castle where I saw the gambling and drinking. I will never lift a finger to work again.”

He turned the burro and rode back toward the dark castle.

Many months after Felipe didn’t return, Ramón asked his parents’ permission to go in search of his brothers.

“No, no, don’t go,” his mother cried. “Something evil has happened to Patricio and Felipe. We don’t want to lose you, too.”

“I will return to take care of you,” Ramón promised. “This is my home, and I love my work as a farmer. Perhaps my brothers didn’t realize that our village is paradise. We work hard, but we have everything we need.”

“Very well,” his parents agreed. “Go and see if you can find your brothers.”

They blessed him for the journey, and his mother packed food and water for him to take.

Ramón walked all morning, and when he stopped to rest, the same woman who had appeared to his brothers came near. Ramón was astounded at her beauty and at the light emanating from her blue robe.

“Good morning, my son,” the woman greeted Ramón.

“Buenos días, señora,” he greeted her cordially. “I see you have walked a long way. Please rest in the shade of this tree, and I will share my food with you.”

Without waiting to be asked, he cleared a place for her to sit, and he offered her food and water, for this was the custom his parents had taught him.

“Thank you for sharing your food and water with me,” she said when she had eaten. “Where are you going?”

“I am looking for my brothers,” Ramón answered.

“Go to my son. He will help you.” She gave him directions and Ramón thanked her. Then she went on her way.

Ramón lifted his pack of provisions. It had grown heavy, and when he checked it, he found it had been replenished with food and water.

“That woman is surely a saint,” he said. He continued on till he came to the magnificent city she had described.

“I am dreaming,” said Ramón, “for only paradise could be this beautiful.”

He walked to the mansion in the middle of the shining city and knocked. The handsome young man dressed in white came to the door.

“I am looking for my brothers,” Ramón said. “Your mother said you can help me. Can you tell me where I might find them?”

“I will tell you, but first I have an errand for you to do. You must deliver this letter to my mother. The people of your region suffer from many hardships, and she goes from village to village, helping them. But she has grown weary, and she must come home to rest. Take my burro and my dog. Trust my dog and follow him. There will be many temptations and obstacles, but if you have faith in me, you will be safe.”

“I have faith in you, master,” Ramón replied.

He did as he was told, and journeyed till he came to the dark castle surrounded by fire. He heard singing and dancing within, but when he drew near, he saw the people were dancing in pain, not joy.

The dog barked and pulled him away.

“That is not a good place,” Ramón said.

He went on until he came to the river of blood. He saw the dog easily start across.

“I can’t do that,” Ramón cried.

The dog barked, as if asking him to follow.

“My master would not place me in danger,” Ramón said, and he and the burro entered the river. The blood turned into sweet, cool water he could drink.

Refreshed, Ramón continued on until he came to two huge mountains that were fighting. The earth shook as the mountains threw boulders and trees at each other. Groaning sounds filled the air, and clouds of dust rose from the angry battle.

Ramón trembled with fear. “How strange,” he said. “Two mountains tearing each other apart. Surely I cannot pass.”

The dog barked and started forward. Remembering his faith in his master, Ramón urged the burro on and safely passed through the narrow canyon. Not a single rock or tree branch touched him.

Next he came to a dry meadow where many fat sheep grazed. Ramón was puzzled.

“How can the sheep grow fat on such poor grass?” he said.

In a green meadow across the way, a flock of thin sheep grazed.

“Surely I must ask my master the meaning of all this when I return,” Ramón said.

Still following the dog, he continued on until he came to a heavenly city. The melodies of pleasing songs filled the air. Angels seemed to hover over the flower gardens and fountains. The dog led Ramón to the door of the mansion where he’d started.

“This is strange,” Ramón said in awe. “I have traveled in a circle. This is my master’s home. Perhaps it is my faith that has allowed me to return here. But he will be disappointed that I didn’t deliver the letter to his mother.”

Sadly, he knocked on the door, expecting to be chastised by his master. He was surprised when the woman he had met on the road answered the door.

“Buenas tardes, señora,” Ramón said respectfully. “I have a message from your son. But I have come too late, for I see you have returned home.”

“You are not late,” answered the gracious woman in blue. “We have been waiting for you. You shared your food and water with me. You may enter.”

She led him into the mansion, and Ramón’s heart beat with joy. He had never seen anything so beautiful. The melody in the air filled him with peace. In the gardens, flowers grew so profusely they created dazzling rainbows. Trees lined the paths, and everywhere people moved and talked with great joy. Ramón had never known such contentment.

The woman led him to a table laden with many savory dishes. He enjoyed the most delicious meal he had ever eaten. Then she took him to a luxurious room where he could rest. A weary Ramón was soon asleep.

The next morning, he heard the woman calling him at the door. “Wake up, Ramón. My son is here to greet you.”

Ramón stretched. His sleep had been profound and comfortable, but now it was time to rise and meet his master. He jumped out of bed.

“Good morning, Ramón,” said the master, entering the room. “I see you have had a good rest.”

“It was a restful and peaceful sleep. I dreamed I was with my father and mother and we were happy.”

“Soon you will be reunited with your parents,” said the woman.

“You are a good son and a faithful worker,” the master added. “You have followed my instructions. Now you may wish for anything you desire.”

“I desire no reward,” Ramón answered. “But I would like to know about my brothers.”

“Your brothers went to the city where all their desires could be fulfilled,” the master replied. “That city is hell, and they will spend eternity there.”

Ramón grew very sad. Tears filled his eyes and ran down his cheeks.

“Do not cry,” said the master, comforting Ramón. “Each person chooses his own path.”

“That is what my father always said,” Ramón replied, accepting the fate of his brothers. “As for me, I have seen so many wondrous things. I knew I could cross the river of blood because I had faith in you.”

“That is true,” the master replied. “The river water has renewed you. You are a new person.”

“But what do the two angry mountains mean?”

“Those are two angry neighbors who hate each other. They spend their time heaping insults on each other instead of living in peace.”

“Why were the sheep fat even when the grass was dry?”

“That is my flock, and though they have a meager pasture, they thrive and are content because they have faith in me.”

“And the thin sheep?”

“Those are people who have lost their faith. No matter how green the pasture, they remain poor in spirit.”

“And this mansion?”

“This is heaven.”

Ramón was overjoyed. By following his master’s instructions, he had come to visit heaven.

“And you, master, you must be—”

“I am the Lord, and you are one of my flock. You have given food and water to the hungry, and you could pass through obstacles because of your faith in me. Now you must return to your parents and help them in their old age.”

Ramón thanked the Lord for everything. He returned home and told his parents about his adventures, and what had happened to his brothers.

Thereafter, Ramón lived a good life in the village of his birth. He worked hard, helping his parents care for their small farm. As he grew older, he became known as one of the most honest and generous men in the region, and he prospered.

Later, he married his childhood sweetheart, and when his children were growing up, he often told them of his adventures. He told them his brothers had chosen the wrong path in life, and that they had gone to live in hell. And he told them that if they had faith in their hearts, they could overcome every obstacle.