After midnight, we went up to Syd and Anthony’s room at the Weatherford for champagne. Well, it wasn’t precisely a room, more a suite on the top floor of the hotel, complete with sitting area and a tiny kitchen. No wonder they’d wanted to give the place a workout before coming to meet Connor and me. The bed definitely looked as if it had been made up hastily — no hospital corners there — but I decided not to mention it.
The champagne put the final alcoholic haze on the evening, and even Connor’s gait wasn’t completely steady as he led me back to the apartment afterward and more or less pushed me up the stairs.
“I’m fine,” I protested, flailing weakly at him.
“If by ‘fine’ you mean drunk, then yeah,” he replied with a grin. “But it’s okay. I’m pretty wasted myself. This is why it’s great we didn’t have to drive.”
“Definitely,” I said.
By then we were inside. He shut the door and started to pull me toward the stairs.
“No,” I said. “I want to do it down here. On the rug in front of the fireplace. I don’t even care if it’s scratchy.”
“The fireplace?”
“The rug, silly.”
He shook his head but offered no argument, only took me by the hand to the living room, then paused to get the fire going. While he did that, I unbuttoned my overcoat and unwrapped the scarf from around my throat, and flung them on the sofa. My boots I pulled off and pushed out of the way under the coffee table.
I began to undo the buckle of my belt, but he came over and stopped me.
“No,” he murmured. “I want to undress you.”
Something in the quiet intensity of his gaze kept me from making a flippant remark, made me stand silent as he undid the buckle and then the button and zipper of my jeans beneath. He drew them down slowly, being careful to leave my underwear in place. I’d hoped the evening would conclude this way, so I’d put on a new pair I’d just bought, emerald green satin with black lace trim, and a bra to match. As he pushed up my top, he caught sight of the bra, and sucked in a breath.
“When did you get that?”
“The other day, when we went to the mall. You had to use the bathroom, so I sneaked into Victoria’s Secret since it was only two shops down from the restrooms.”
“Resourceful,” he said, eyes gleaming.
“I try to be.”
No chance to talk after that, because he pulled off my top and dropped it on the floor, his mouth going to my neck and trailing hot, tickling kisses from throat to collarbone to the swell of my breast, just before he pushed the bra to one side, his mouth closing on my nipple.
I whimpered, and then we were sinking down to the rug, my hands eager on his belt buckle, wanting his jeans and underwear out of the way, wanting nothing more than bare flesh against bare flesh. The fire flickered and snapped in the background, but we didn’t need its warmth.
We had one another.
He was so ready for me, as ready as I was for him. I touched him, marveling at the rock-hard flesh under the silky skin. There had been times when we’d made love for hours, exploring one another’s bodies, stroking and licking and touching, but this wasn’t one of them. I wanted him in me, needed that joining more than anything else, as if by coming together in such a way we could sanctify the evening, seal the pact we had made to face the future together.
Although I said nothing, he seemed to understand what I wanted. His fingers found my core, stroked gently, and then he was pushing inside me, rocking with me as I wrapped my legs around him, driving him deeper, wanting him in the very center of my soul.
As always, we climaxed within a second of one another. Maybe it was because of the consort bond, or something else, something even more primal. All that mattered was the shivering heat, the explosion, the wordless convulsion as Connor and Angela disappeared for that single endless second, becoming something else.
Becoming one.
Afterward he carried me upstairs, tucked me gently in bed, then slipped in next to me, his warmth dispelling the chill from the icy sheets. I pushed up against him, cradling my head on his chest, and fell asleep that way, secure in his strength, secure in his love.
In that moment, it was enough.

As if the world truly had turned a page after New Year’s, the days seemed to pass more quickly than ever. Soon enough, the university was back in session, and we had no further contact from Damon. After a week went by, and then another, I began to believe that he truly must have abandoned his schemes, had resigned himself to the idea that the McAllister prima would never allow him to use her powers for his own ends. And since Connor had gotten confirmation through the family grapevine that Damon was making overtures to Jessica Lowe, the young woman from the potluck, I figured I was safe. I couldn’t help feeling sorry for her, but if she was a Wilcox, then she knew what she was getting into.
My feeling of relief only increased when I got my monthly visitor a few days after New Year’s. Not that getting my period was that much fun, but at least it meant the charm was working, meant that I didn’t have to worry about the curse descending on me. Well, the Wilcox curse anyway.
Connor asked if I would like to get back to making my jewelry, and offered one of the upstairs bedrooms in the apartment next door for me to use as my studio. That sounded like an excellent idea — after thinking it over for a while, I’d decided to withdraw from my online coursework for a while, and I couldn’t just sit around and watch TV all day. Connor ordered some furniture and equipment for me, had the room painted almost the same cheerful turquoise as my old bedroom back at my aunt’s apartment.
The supplies, though, I had Sydney bring up. I didn’t want to face the Jerome contingent quite yet, and since my jewelry-making tools and loose stones and other items all fit easily into a few small boxes, she was all too happy to get everything together for me and drive up with Anthony on a Saturday when we could all go out on the town. She seemed to be getting quite a taste for Flagstaff nightlife. Not that I could really blame her. Maybe in the grand scheme of things Flagstaff wasn’t a big city, but compared to Cottonwood it was practically a metropolis.
All through this placid domesticity, though, I had this niggling sensation in the back of my mind, a feeling that things couldn’t go on like this indefinitely. I wasn’t sure why, because it seemed as if Connor and I were being left alone to live our lives. I tried to tell myself that it was silly, that my unease was probably due to guilt over not returning to Jerome and nothing more, but I couldn’t quite seem to convince myself of that. And as far as I knew, I had absolutely zero precognition, so it couldn’t be some hazy vision of the future trying to work its way into my mind.
Even so, I managed to shove the feeling away as January began to move into February. Imbolc, the ritual start of spring, came and went with little fanfare; the Wilcoxes didn’t follow the old calendar and holidays the same way the McAllisters did, save the major quarterly observances of the solstice and the equinox. But it was on Imbolc when the homesickness came over me the worst, thinking of how we would be calling on Blessed Brigid, celebrating her with fire and feast. In Flagstaff, February 2nd was Groundhog Day, and that was about it.
But I pushed the melancholy aside, reminding myself that I was here with Connor, and that was the most important thing. As time passed, either my family would become reconciled to the relationship, or they wouldn’t. I couldn’t put my life on hold simply because they were too narrow-minded to understand that Connor was the only man I’d ever truly want or need.
A few days after Imbolc, he was just putting the finishing touches on the autumn aspen painting I’d first seen back in December, looking at it with narrowed eyes as he put a dab of color here, a touch of shadow there. I came downstairs from my own studio, fingers tired from wrapping thin copper wire around some new pieces of Kingman turquoise I’d acquired a few weeks earlier.
“So what are you going to do with that one?” I asked.
“Stack it up against a wall somewhere, I suppose,” he replied with a shrug. “Or maybe replace one of the paintings in the apartment. It would go pretty well over the fireplace, actually.”
Coming closer, I admired the sure, strong brush strokes, the way he’d managed to evoke the slanting quality of the autumn light. “Or you could, you know, put it in the gallery.”
His face went still. “You know I don’t sell my stuff.”
“Well, why not give it a try?”
“Because putting my art in the gallery just because it’s my gallery isn’t a good enough reason. It’s like…selling your kid’s finger-paintings or something.”
“Um, if I had a kid whose finger-painting was this good, I’d sure as hell be selling it.” I wanted to put my arms around him, if only to get that dead expression off his face, but since he was still holding a brush with wet paint on it, I decided that wasn’t such a good idea. “You’re selling my jewelry, aren’t you?”
“Well, that’s different. People really like it. That’s why I have you working your fingers to the bone, getting together enough stock for Valentine’s Day.”
That was true. Oh, I wanted to be working, and it was gratifying to see the way my pieces sold so quickly, but the pace at which I’d been churning out earrings and pendants and talismans was a lot more intense than back in Jerome, where the demand hadn’t been as high. “You are a slave driver,” I agreed with a smile. “And I also think you have a weirdly distorted idea of how people are going to receive your work. Why not put a couple in there, see what happens?”
His expression was still dubious. “I don’t know.”
“How the hell did you manage to get an MFA if you have so little confidence in your work?”
“I did, once. But….”
He let the words trail off, but I had a good idea what he meant. Yes, when he was surrounded by people who encouraged him, he felt good about his art. When he came back to Flagstaff, though, he was stomped on by Damon, who had some weird notion that being an artist wasn’t good enough for a Wilcox. Whatever. Damon seemed to be out of the picture for now, so I certainly didn’t care what he thought…and neither should Connor.
“Then this should be a real confidence booster. And if they don’t sell, if they sit neglected in a corner for more than a week, then I swear I’ll never bring it up again. Deal?”
For a minute he didn’t say anything, just stared at the painting, brows lowered. His fingers tightened around the brush he held. Then, slowly, “Deal. I’ll pick two or three and get them installed tomorrow. I needed to do some rearranging anyway, since one artist who was supposed to get me several pieces just emailed this morning and said she was running behind schedule. This can fill in the gap.”
“Good,” was all I said, but inwardly I was rejoicing. Maybe once he got some outside confirmation of how good he really was, he’d stop this nonsense about only painting for himself. Not that I wanted him to do anything that didn’t make him happy, but he was going to paint no matter what. It was a compulsion. He could go a few days without picking up a brush if he had to. However, he’d get moody if too much time passed without working on something. The gallery wasn’t so busy that he had to spend all day there, especially now the holidays were past, so most of the time he could paint four or five hours a day. We were going to end up drowning in canvases if he didn’t start selling some of them.
The next morning he took three of his paintings down to the gallery with him — one of a windswept tree on the Grand Canyon’s rim, one a rather brooding winter scene with a dark pine forest, patches of snow gleaming on the ground, and another that looked like it might be someplace in Sedona, maybe in Oak Creek Canyon, with autumn-hued trees hanging over a narrow stream and red rock canyons looming above.
“Don’t expect too much,” he told me. “Even pieces from in-demand artists can take a while to move. It’s not like buying a postcard or something.”
“I know that,” I replied. “I dropped about ten grand a few months ago on work for the Jerome house.”
His eyes widened a little. “So who’s the rich one around here?”
“We both are, I guess, which makes things nice and even. Just promise that you’re going to put a fair market price on these.”
“Oh, I was thinking maybe fifty bucks for the big one,” he began, and I swatted him on the arm.
“Don’t you dare!”
A flashing grin, and he bent down to kiss me before tucking the two smaller paintings under his left arm and picking up the remaining one, of Oak Creek Canyon, with his free hand.
“Can you get the door for me?” he asked.
I hurried over and opened it for him, then watched him go, smiling as I shut the door. Once I was alone, though, the smile faded. What if I was wrong? What if people didn’t respond to his paintings the same way I did? Being good was no guarantee of success.
Since it was a fairly quiet time of year, his assistant Joelle more or less ran the gallery, so he didn’t stay down there after he’d gotten the paintings installed. He came back up and started working on a new one, now that the aspen picture was drying. It was fascinating to watch his process at this stage, the way he arranged a bunch of photos of the scene he wanted to paint on a tack board to one side, then started sketching in the outlines of the projected painting on the canvas. More trees, these ones like flaming torches in a high alpine meadow.
I lingered to one side, watching him, wondering if he was going to tell me to leave, but he didn’t. Maybe he’d forgotten I was there. In a way I didn’t mind, because it gave me a chance to really study him, watch the fine profile outlined by the light pouring in through the big windows off to one side, the way his heavy dark hair kept falling forward as he worked and how he kept shoving it out of the way with an impatient hand. His hands were beautiful, too, lean and strong, the fingers long and sensitive. I recalled how those fingers felt, touching me, and a little sigh escaped my throat.
He turned then and looked at me. “This must be sort of dull for you.”
“No, I like watching you work, if it doesn’t bother you.”
“It doesn’t bother me at all. I’m just surprised you’re not working on your own stuff.”
“I will. My fingers are a little sore.” Which was true. Setting stones and bending wire for six or seven hours a day took far more of a toll than doing the same thing for two or three hours a couple of times a week.
“Mmm…I’ll have to do something about that.” He set down his pencil and came over to me, lifted my fingers to his mouth and kissed them gently, one at a time.
Delicious shivers worked their way up and down my spine. “I think maybe you need to take a break, too.”
“Great idea.” He took my hand and started to lead me toward the door so we could go over to the apartment, but then his phone, stuck in his jeans pocket, started to ring. Ignoring it, he pulled me out to the landing.
“Aren’t you going to get that?”
“Not important. It can go to voicemail.”
I wasn’t about to argue, not with the heat coiling in my belly, needing release. It wouldn’t be the first time we shared a little afternoon delight, and obviously he didn’t think it was going to break his concentration too much. Maybe it would even help.
His phone went quiet, then started up again. We looked at each other.
“Go ahead and answer it,” I told him. “If they’re calling back this quickly, they must have a reason.”
“Or it could be telemarketers,” he argued.
“I’ve never once heard you have to deal with a telemarketer. I figured maybe you’d put some kind of Wilcox whammy on your phone so only people you want to talk to get through.”
“Very funny,” he said, but he did pull the cell out of his pocket and look at the display, then frown a little as he lifted the phone to his ear. “Joelle? Is there a problem?”
Silence as he listened to what she had to say.
“What? No, that can’t — ” He stopped; apparently Joelle had cut him off. “Okay, well, yeah, I can be down there in a few minutes. Just hang on.” Shaking his head, he ended the call and shoved his phone back in his pocket.
“What is it?” I asked. “Something wrong?”
“No.” Incongruously, he began to smile. “Something right. Really right. Joelle said a man came in and asked about my paintings, said he was really impressed.”
“That’s awesome!” I exclaimed, and reached out and pulled him to me.
“There’s more. Apparently he owns one of the biggest galleries in Sedona, and he wants to do a show of my work. He’s down there, waiting to talk to me.”
“Then what are you waiting for? Go!” I let go of him, laughing at his obvious befuddlement. “I’ll still be here when you get back…promise,” I added with a wink.
That seemed to spur him to action. He hurried down the stairs, and I watched him go, smiling and thinking how well our lives seemed to go when we didn’t have to worry about Damon sticking his nose into them.

Everything seemed to go on fast-forward after that. The owner of the Sedona gallery, one Eli Michaels, came upstairs to see the rest of Connor’s paintings, both in the studio and in the apartment. Thank the Goddess that both places were reasonably clean, and that I was more or less presentable, since Connor and I tended to go out for lunch a good deal and I tried to make sure I was ready to go at a moment’s notice. To tell the truth, I was pretty sure Eli barely noticed I was there; he was far more interested in looking over all those canvases.
“Impressive,” was his evaluation. “I’d like to do a show at the end of the month, if you can be ready for that. We need to get your work out there as soon as possible.”
Connor sort of stammered out a “sure,” sounding very unlike his usual confident self.
“Excellent,” said Eli. “I’ll be in touch. If it’s not asking too much, I’d prefer that you take down the pieces in your own gallery. I’d like this to be a proper debut.”
“No problem.”
“Very good. I’ll let myself out.”
And that was that. Connor and I looked at each other, and I let out a little squeal and flung myself at him. We celebrated properly, upstairs in the big king-size bed, and then went out for a decadent dinner at the Cottage Restaurant, where I had what was probably one of the best meals I’d ever eaten in my life. Then of course I had to call Sydney and tell her the good news, promising her that as soon as I had a firm date for the art opening, I’d let her know.
When I hung up, though, I realized that I should have been calling my aunt to tell her about it — if things were different. If we hadn’t avoided speaking to each other for the last month and a half.
I also realized that Connor hadn’t called anyone at all. “Shouldn’t you at least let Damon know? He might surprise you and actually be proud.”
“I doubt it,” Connor replied, his expression grim. “I’ll let Lucas know. He’ll spread the word.”
That seemed to be that. I could tell he didn’t want me to press the issue, so I decided to let it alone for now. Once we did have the actual date and time from Eli Michaels — February 27th — I emailed Aunt Rachel and told her the news. She could ignore it if she chose. The decision lay with her. At least the opening would be in Sedona, in neutral territory. I didn’t think anything in the world could have induced her to set foot in Flagstaff, except maybe a phone call from me saying it had all been a terrible mistake and that I needed her to pick me up right now. That might do the trick.
But since that wasn’t going to happen, it seemed a meeting in Sedona was my best bet for seeing her any time soon. Not that I was going to hold my breath.
The rest of February whizzed by, punctuated by a lovely Valentine’s Day where Connor and I both took the day off and went up to the Snow Bowl and had lunch in the snow, then came back to town and spent the afternoon making love before going out for another amazing dinner. The fateful Thursday arrived, and we drove down to Sedona, twisting our way through Oak Creek Canyon. It had flurried a little the night before, but the narrow highway was clear, moonlight gleaming on the snow between the trees.
I honestly didn’t know what to expect from that evening. Sure, I’d been to art openings in Jerome, but they were friendly, folksy affairs for the most part. This was a very different sort of thing, the kind of event announced with glossy postcards sent all over Sedona and Flagstaff, the kind where I actually went out and bought a new outfit, a slinky black wrap dress and boots with actual heels. Connor fussed and worried and ended up wearing his usual dark sweater over jeans and boots, but it worked for him. Besides, no one expects the artist to show up wearing a suit.
The gallery was almost intimidatingly elegant, with its muted lighting and glossy wooden floors. It was huge, too, so big that Connor’s exhibit only took up one large room — and he was displaying a lot of paintings, fifty in all. Despite the size of the space, people already crowded the exhibit hall.
I blinked, realizing I recognized a good number of the attendees from the Wilcox holiday potluck. For some reason, I really hadn’t expected that. Neither had Connor, apparently; he looked at them in surprise, even as Lucas approached us with a grin, plastic flute of champagne clutched in one hand.
“This is amazing,” he said. “Can’t believe you’ve been hiding this from us all these years!”
Connor managed a watery smile. “Well, I did get my degree in studio art.”
“True, but I suppose I never really thought about it. I mean, my degree’s in mathematics, but it doesn’t mean I use it for all that much.” He transferred his attention me. “And I’m guessing you’re the one who coaxed him out of his shell?”
“Well….” I didn’t want to tell Lucas just how much poking and prodding had been involved. That was between Connor and me. The important thing was that he had finally gotten his art out there for the world to see.
But somehow Lucas seemed to guess, because his brows lifted, and he shot a sly glance at Connor. “That’s about what I thought. As they say, behind every great man is a woman. Good job, Angela.” Then he looked past us, surprise flitting over his features. “Looks like your brother actually did decide to show up. I wasn’t sure.”
“Great,” Connor muttered.
“I’ll head him off at the pass,” Lucas said, and clapped Connor on the shoulder before moving off toward the entrance to the exhibit hall.
I shifted my position slightly so I could see where he was heading. Sure enough, there was Damon, looking elegant in a black jacket over a dark gray dress shirt and jeans. At his side was the young woman I first saw at the holiday potluck. Now that I could get a better look at her, I saw that she had the graceful bone structure most of the Wilcoxes seemed to share, but her hair and eyes were much lighter.
“That’s Jessica, right?” I whispered to Connor.
His gaze tracked to where I was looking, and then slid back toward me. “Yes.”
“She’s pretty.”
“I suppose so. Damon isn’t the type to attach himself to unattractive women.”
Which didn’t surprise me much. “And she’s another cousin?”
“Yeah. Her great-great-whatever grandmother was Jeremiah Wilcox’s younger sister. Jessica’s always had a crush on Damon — I know some of the cousins she went to high school with used to tease her about it.”
That seemed strange to me, that she’d be pining after someone so much older than she was, but attraction was a weird thing. So maybe she really didn’t mind being the sacrificial lamb, so to speak.
Then Connor tensed, murmuring, “Wow.”
I’d been covertly watching Damon and Jessica move farther into the hall, then get intercepted by Lucas, who was smiling and pointing at the closest painting with an enthusiasm I could see even from twenty feet away. He was definitely the most un-Wilcox-like Wilcox imaginable, and I wondered at his friendship with Damon, since they seemed so diametrically opposed in their temperaments. But I looked to see what had attracted Connor’s attention, and realized my Aunt Rachel and Tobias had just entered the gallery.
They both appeared more than a little ill at ease, which, considering they were surrounded by Wilcoxes, was fairly understandable. Behind them came Margot Emory and Henry Lynch, who also looked as if they’d like to be just about anywhere else.
“Holy crap,” I said. “I didn’t think they were really going to show.”
“We’d better go say hi, then,” Connor replied.
I didn’t question why he wanted to go greet my family members when he hadn’t made a move to do the same with his own brother. But as Damon appeared more or less occupied at the moment, it seemed prudent to leave him alone and focus our attention on the McAllister contingent.
Connor took my hand, and we moved toward the entrance to the exhibit space. I managed to get a smile more or less fixed on my face, although my heart had begun to pound and my stomach felt as if it had a flock of sparrows rather than butterflies zooming around in it. Silly, really. I was going to say hi to my aunt and Tobias and two other people I’d known all my life. This wasn’t the same as facing all those Wilcoxes for the first time.
Even so, I had to take a breath as we approached Aunt Rachel. Tobias smiled at us, but her expression was hard to read — strained, yes, but underneath the tension was something else as she gazed around her. Surprise, maybe? It was entirely possible that she hadn’t expected much from Connor’s art, had inwardly thought he must have bought his way into having an exhibition.
“Hi, Rachel, Tobias,” I said, sounding almost normal. “I’m really glad you could make it — all of you.”
Henry nodded, although Margot only acknowledged me with the barest lift of her eyebrows. Probably she’d come along only to provide support for Rachel and Tobias, and not because she cared about seeing Connor’s art.
For the first time, my aunt seemed to really look at Connor — at him, not at the brother of the Wilcox primus. “This is really quite amazing,” she said. “I had no idea you were such an accomplished artist.”
Of course you didn’t, I thought, because you couldn’t be bothered to learn anything about him, except that he was a Wilcox.
“Thank you,” he replied. “I’m — that is, Angela and I are both really glad you could make it.”
“Yes, it’s quite a cozy scene,” came Damon’s voice, and I could actually feel the muscles at the back of my neck tense up.
I wasn’t the only one, either; Connor’s jaw tightened, and both Margot and Henry stepped forward to flank Aunt Rachel and Tobias.
“Oh, now,” Damon went on, “surely there’s no need for you to all be bristling at me like that, is there? We’re all on neutral ground, after all.” But even as he spoke the words, I saw Connor’s cousin Marie and a few others whose names I couldn’t recall converging on our little group. Lucas, however, was staying at the far end of the gallery, chatting up an attractive woman with striking pale hair, clearly a civilian.
Great. The last thing I needed was for all our family members to reenact the rumble scene from West Side Story right in the middle of one of Sedona’s ritziest art galleries. I felt Connor’s fingers tighten around mine, and I cast about frantically for something innocuous to say that would defuse the tension. Nothing came to mind, however.
“Now, now,” I heard a woman say. “Look at all of you, snarling at one another like two wolf packs fighting over the same bone.”
Her voice was vaguely familiar, and I half-turned to see Maya de la Paz approaching alone, although when I looked past her, I saw standing a few feet away some of the tall young men from her clan I recognized from bodyguard duty back in Phoenix. Alex, however, was not among them.
“P-prima?” I stammered, and she smiled at me.
“Hello, Angela. I must say you are looking very well. As for the rest of you” — her gaze moved from the quartet of McAllisters to the Wilcoxes — “this is an art exhibit. There is plenty to look at, and free champagne. Don’t call any more attention to yourselves than you already have.”
For a moment, no one moved. Then Damon let out a clearly forced laugh, and snaked his arm around Jessica’s slender waist. “Come on, darling. Let’s take a look at Connor’s daubs, shall we?”
They moved off, but not before he shot a truly venomous glance in Maya’s direction. She appeared singularly unimpressed.
“We’ll look around, too,” Tobias said, and took my aunt’s hand in his. They headed toward the nearest painting, and after a brief hesitation, Henry and Margot followed them.
“Thanks, Maya,” Connor said.
“It is nothing. I wasn’t sure what would happen, with McAllisters and Wilcoxes in such close proximity, so I thought it best to make the trip up.” Her dark eyes glinted as she smiled up at Connor; she was tiny, so her head didn’t even reach his shoulder. Not that it mattered. What Maya de la Paz lacked in height, she more than made up in cojones. “Besides, I wanted to see Connor’s work. I wondered if he was ever going to put that degree of his to use.”
His expression turned sheepish, but I overlooked that, wondering at the familiar way she addressed him, and how she knew he’d been an art major. It wasn’t the sort of thing I had expected her to know.
Those questions must have been clear on my face, because Maya let out a chuckle and said, “And now you want to know how I could know Connor at all, when his clan and mine are not exactly what one would call close.”
“Hardly,” he said with a grimace and a quick glance toward his brother, now safely on the other side of the exhibit space.
“It’s simple enough, though, isn’t it?” she went on. “Connor wished to get his degree at ASU, which has a very good art program, but since ASU is in my clan’s territory, he had to come to me to get permission when it was time for him to transfer from Northern Pines in his junior year. I’ll admit I wasn’t sure at first, but it was clear to me soon enough that he is nothing like his brother. So I gave him the dispensation, and he lived down in the Phoenix area quietly enough for four years, which is more than I can say for some of the younger generation in my clan.”
At that remark, Connor looked as if he wanted to sink into the floor. I rescued him by saying, “That was very generous of you, Maya — and I’m very glad you could make it here tonight.”
“I was curious,” she admitted. “But your work is wonderful, Connor, so I’m glad you’ve decided to get it out there so others can see it.”
“Thank you,” he said. His wasn’t the sort of complexion given to easy blushes, but I could see a brief stain of color along his cheekbones before it faded. “It was mostly Angela’s doing, but — ”
“She might have convinced you, but it was your hand that held the brush.” Her gaze was warm, as if holding both of us within it. “I will admit that when your aunt first contacted me, Angela, I was sure that Damon’s actions were going to bring us all to the sort of clan warfare that hasn’t been seen for more than a hundred years. But when I learned you were with Connor, I told Rachel that all would be well, that he was not typical of his clan.”
So that was why I’d heard nothing else after Maya had supposedly told Damon that “it wasn’t over.” Well, actually, it was — once she got the true lay of the land and realized I was not with the primus, but his brother, a man she obviously liked and possibly had some affection for. “I appreciate that — we both do.”
“Yes,” Connor added at once, although I could tell he was squirming a little inwardly at the “not typical of his clan” remark.
“Well,” she said, “I wish to look more closely at these paintings of yours, Connor, so I will leave you now. I think we will not have any more disruptions this evening.”
No, I sort of doubted that. Even Damon wasn’t the type to make a scene, not here anyway, so I thought the rest of the evening should go more or less smoothly.
Which it did, with various Wilcoxes coming up to congratulate him on the show, and even Aunt Rachel and Tobias approaching us once we were safely alone and praising his work. And, in an exchange that made me want to laugh, Lucas sidled up to me, nodded toward Margot, and asked who that “exquisite creature” was. Somehow managing to keep a straight face, I told him she was one of the McAllister clan elders and probably wouldn’t be all that receptive to any advances from a Wilcox.
“But is she single?” he persisted.
Somehow I managed to talk him down, and he went off to get another glass of champagne. Connor and I did get a chuckle out of the whole thing, because I couldn’t imagine anyone less likely to have romantic success with Margot Emory than Lucas Wilcox.
By the end of the night, more than half the pieces on display had discreet little “sold” labels attached to their description cards. I didn’t even want to calculate how much Connor had just made in one evening, but I knew it had to be a lot.
The only sour note in the evening came from, of course, Damon. He’d made a perfunctory pass of the paintings, didn’t even acknowledge Connor at all, and left early with Jessica in tow, murmuring something about ducking around the corner for a real drink. As he left, though, he shot me a look of such venom that I couldn’t help recoiling, although I knew I was perfectly safe here.
Despite that, I couldn’t help wondering why on earth he should be so angry with me. I’d kept a low profile the entire night, allowing Connor to bask in the praise of family members and strangers alike. I certainly couldn’t think of a single thing I’d said or done to provoke such ire.
Well, nothing except convince his brother to put his art on display when Damon always hated the idea…nothing except allow Connor to step out a little further from the primus’s shadow. When I thought of it that way, then I supposed I could see why Damon might be so angry. He didn’t want his brother independent; he wanted him under his thumb, the same place he’d wanted me. That we were both proving to be so difficult to manage had to be a thorn in his side.
What he would do about it — if anything — I had no idea.